
1271 lines
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# Copyright 2011 Justin Santa Barbara
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Provides common functionality for integrated unit tests
import collections
import random
import re
import string
import time
from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
from oslo_log import log as logging
import oslo_messaging as messaging
from nova.compute import instance_actions
from nova.compute import rpcapi as compute_rpcapi
from nova.compute import utils as compute_utils
import nova.conf
from nova import context
from nova.db.main import api as db
import nova.image.glance
from nova import objects
from nova.objects import base as objects_base
from nova import rpc
from nova import test
from nova.tests import fixtures as nova_fixtures
from nova.tests.functional.api import client as api_client
from nova.tests.functional import fixtures as func_fixtures
from nova import utils
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def generate_random_alphanumeric(length):
"""Creates a random alphanumeric string of specified length."""
return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits)
for _x in range(length))
def generate_random_numeric(length):
"""Creates a random numeric string of specified length."""
return ''.join(random.choice(string.digits)
for _x in range(length))
def generate_new_element(items, prefix, numeric=False):
"""Creates a random string with prefix, that is not in 'items' list."""
while True:
if numeric:
candidate = prefix + generate_random_numeric(8)
candidate = prefix + generate_random_alphanumeric(8)
if candidate not in items:
return candidate
LOG.debug("Random collision on %s", candidate)
class StubComputeRPCAPI(compute_rpcapi.ComputeAPI):
"""Stub ComputeAPI that allows us to pin the RPC version of a host. Used to
simulate rolling upgrade situations where either source, dest or conductor
are pinned.
def __init__(self, version):
self.version = version
def router(self):
with lockutils.lock('compute-rpcapi-router'):
target = messaging.Target(topic='compute', version='6.0')
version_cap = self.version
serializer = objects_base.NovaObjectSerializer()
rpc.get_client(target, version_cap, serializer)
default_client = self.get_client(target, version_cap, serializer)
return rpc.ClientRouter(default_client)
# placeholder used as a default parameter value to distinguish between the case
# when the parameter is specified by the caller with None from the case when it
# was not specified
NOT_SPECIFIED = object()
class InstanceHelperMixin:
def _wait_for_service_parameter(
self, service_hostname, service_binary, expected_params,
max_retries=10, api=None
api = api or getattr(self, 'admin_api', self.api)
retry_count = 0
while True:
service = api.get_services(
if all([service[attr] == expected_params[attr]
for attr in expected_params]):
retry_count += 1
if retry_count == max_retries:
f'Wait for service parameter change failed, '
f'expected_params={expected_params}, service={service}')
def _wait_for_server_parameter(
self, server, expected_params, max_retries=10, api=None):
api = api or getattr(self, 'admin_api', self.api)
retry_count = 0
while True:
server = api.get_server(server['id'])
if all([server[attr] == expected_params[attr]
for attr in expected_params]):
retry_count += 1
if retry_count == max_retries:'Wait for state change failed, '
'expected_params=%s, server=%s' % (
expected_params, server))
return server
def _wait_for_state_change(self, server, expected_status, max_retries=10):
return self._wait_for_server_parameter(
server, {'status': expected_status}, max_retries)
def _wait_until_deleted(self, server):
initially_in_error = server.get('status') == 'ERROR'
for i in range(40):
server = self.api.get_server(server['id'])
if not initially_in_error and server['status'] == 'ERROR':'Server went to error state instead of'
time.sleep(0.5)'Server failed to delete.')
except api_client.OpenStackApiNotFoundException:
def _wait_for_action_fail_completion(
self, server, expected_action, event_name):
"""Polls instance action events for the given instance, action and
action event name until it finds the action event with an error
return self._wait_for_instance_action_event(
server, expected_action, event_name, event_result='error')
def _wait_for_instance_action_event(
self, server, action_name, event_name, event_result):
"""Polls the instance action events for the given instance, action,
event, and event result until it finds the event.
api = getattr(self, 'admin_api', self.api)
actions = []
events = []
for attempt in range(10):
actions = api.get_instance_actions(server['id'])
# The API returns the newest event first
for action in actions:
if action['action'] != action_name:
events = api.get_instance_action_details(server['id'],
# Look for the action event being in error state.
for event in events:
result = event['result']
if (event['event'] == event_name and
result is not None and
result.lower() == event_result.lower()):
return event
# We didn't find the completion event yet, so wait a bit.
'Timed out waiting for %s instance action event. Current instance '
'actions: %s. Events in the last matching action: %s'
% (event_name, actions, events))
def _wait_for_volume_attach(self, server_id, volume_id):
timeout = 0.0
while timeout < 10.0:
self.api.get_server_volume(server_id, volume_id)
except api_client.OpenStackApiNotFoundException:
timeout += .1
attached_vols = self.api.get_server_volumes(server_id)'Timed out waiting for volume %s to be attached to '
'server %s. Currently attached volumes: %s' %
(volume_id, server_id, attached_vols))
def _wait_for_volume_detach(self, server_id, volume_id):
timeout = 0.0
while timeout < 10.0:
self.api.get_server_volume(server_id, volume_id)
timeout += .1
except api_client.OpenStackApiNotFoundException:
attached_vols = self.api.get_server_volumes(server_id)'Timed out waiting for volume %s to be detached from '
'server %s. Currently attached volumes: %s' %
(volume_id, server_id, attached_vols))
def _assert_resize_migrate_action_fail(self, server, action, error_in_tb):
"""Waits for the conductor_migrate_server action event to fail for
the given action and asserts the error is in the event traceback.
:param server: API response dict of the server being resized/migrated
:param action: Either "resize" or "migrate" instance action.
:param error_in_tb: Some expected part of the error event traceback.
:returns: The instance action event dict from the API response
event = self._wait_for_action_fail_completion(
server, action, 'conductor_migrate_server')
self.assertIn(error_in_tb, event['traceback'])
return event
def _wait_for_migration_status(self, server, expected_statuses):
"""Waits for a migration record with the given statuses to be found
for the given server, else the test fails. The migration record, if
found, is returned.
api = getattr(self, 'admin_api', self.api)
statuses = [status.lower() for status in expected_statuses]
actual_status = None
for attempt in range(10):
migrations = api.api_get('/os-migrations').body['migrations']
for migration in migrations:
if migration['instance_uuid'] == server['id']:
actual_status = migration['status']
if migration['status'].lower() in statuses:
return migration
'Timed out waiting for migration with status for instance %s '
'(expected "%s", got "%s")' % (
server['id'], expected_statuses, actual_status,
def _wait_for_log(self, log_line_regex):
for i in range(10):
if, self.stdlog.logger.output):
time.sleep(0.5)'The line "%(log_line)s" did not appear in the log')
def _wait_for_assert(self, assert_func, max_retries=10, sleep=0.5):
"""Waits and retries the assert_func either until it does not raise
AssertionError any more or until the max_retries run out.
last_error = None
for i in range(max_retries):
return assert_func()
except AssertionError as e:
last_error = e
raise last_error
def _create_aggregate(self, name, availability_zone=None):
"""Creates a host aggregate with the given name and optional AZ
:param name: The name of the host aggregate
:param availability_zone: Optional availability zone that the aggregate
:returns: The id value of the created aggregate
api = getattr(self, 'admin_api', self.api)
body = {
'aggregate': {
'name': name, 'availability_zone': availability_zone
return api.post_aggregate(body)['id']
def _build_flavor(self, id=None, name=None, memory_mb=2048, vcpu=2,
disk=10, ephemeral=10, swap=0, rxtx_factor=1.0,
"""Build a request for the flavor create API.
:param id: An ID for the flavor.
:param name: A name for the flavor.
:param memory_mb: The flavor memory.
:param vcpu: The flavor vcpus.
:param disk: The flavor disk.
:param ephemeral: The flavor ephemeral.
:param swap: The flavor swap.
:param rxtx_factor: (DEPRECATED) The flavor RX-TX factor.
:param is_public: Whether the flavor is public or not.
:returns: The generated request body.
if not name:
name = ''.join(
random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(20))
return {
"flavor": {
"id": id,
"name": name,
"ram": memory_mb,
"vcpus": vcpu,
"disk": disk,
"OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral": ephemeral,
"swap": swap,
"rxtx_factor": rxtx_factor,
"os-flavor-access:is_public": is_public,
def _create_flavor(self, id=None, name=None, memory_mb=2048, vcpu=2,
disk=10, ephemeral=10, swap=0, rxtx_factor=1.0,
is_public=True, extra_spec=None):
"""Build and submit a request to the flavor create API.
:param id: An ID for the flavor.
:param name: A name for the flavor.
:param memory_mb: The flavor memory.
:param vcpu: The flavor vcpus.
:param disk: The flavor disk.
:param ephemeral: The flavor ephemeral.
:param swap: The flavor swap.
:param rxtx_factor: (DEPRECATED) The flavor RX-TX factor.
:param is_public: Whether the flavor is public or not.
:returns: The ID of the created flavor.
body = self._build_flavor(
id, name, memory_mb, vcpu, disk, ephemeral, swap, rxtx_factor,
flavor = self.api_fixture.admin_api.post_flavor(body)
if extra_spec is not None:
spec = {"extra_specs": extra_spec}
self.api_fixture.admin_api.post_extra_spec(flavor['id'], spec)
return flavor['id']
def _build_server(self, name=None, image_uuid=None, flavor_id=None,
networks=None, az=None, host=None):
"""Build a request for the server create API.
:param name: A name for the server.
:param image_uuid: The ID of an existing image.
:param flavor_id: The ID of an existing flavor.
:param networks: A dict of networks to attach or a string of 'none' or
:param az: The name of the availability zone the instance should
:param host: The host to boot the instance on. Requires API
microversion 2.74 or greater.
:returns: The generated request body.
if not name:
name = ''.join(
random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(20))
if image_uuid is None: # we need to handle ''
# NOTE(takashin): In API version 2.36, image APIs were deprecated.
# In API version 2.36 or greater, self.api.get_images() returns
# a 404 error. In that case, 'image_uuid' should be specified.
with utils.temporary_mutation(self.api, microversion='2.35'):
image_uuid = self.api.get_images()[0]['id']
if not flavor_id:
# Set a valid flavorId
flavor_id = self.api.get_flavors()[0]['id']
server = {
'name': name,
'imageRef': image_uuid,
'flavorRef': 'http://fake.server/%s' % flavor_id,
if networks is not None:
server['networks'] = networks
if az is not None:
server['availability_zone'] = az
# This requires at least microversion 2.74 to work
if host is not None:
server['host'] = host
return server
def _create_server(self, name=None, image_uuid=None, flavor_id=None,
networks=None, az=None, host=None,
expected_state='ACTIVE', api=None):
"""Build and submit a request to the server create API.
:param name: A name for the server.
:param image_uuid: The ID of an existing image.
:param flavor_id: The ID of an existing flavor.
:param networks: A dict of networks to attach or a string of 'none' or
:param az: The name of the availability zone the instance should
:param host: The host to boot the instance on. Requires API
microversion 2.74 or greater.
:param expected_state: The expected end state.
:param api: An API client to create the server with; defaults to
:returns: The response from the API containing the created server.
# if forcing the server onto a host, we have to use the admin API
if not api:
api = self.api if not az and not host else getattr(
self, 'admin_api', self.api)
if host and not api.microversion:
api.microversion = '2.74'
# with 2.74 networks param needs to use 'none' instead of None
# if no network is needed
if networks is None:
networks = 'none'
body = self._build_server(
name, image_uuid, flavor_id, networks, az, host)
server = api.post_server({'server': body})
return self._wait_for_state_change(server, expected_state)
def _delete_server(self, server):
"""Delete a server."""
def _reboot_server(self, server, hard=False, expected_state='ACTIVE'):
"""Reboot a server."""
server['id'], {'reboot': {'type': 'HARD' if hard else 'SOFT'}},
return self._wait_for_state_change(server, expected_state)
def _attach_interface(self, server, port_uuid):
"""attach a neutron port to a server."""
body = {
"interfaceAttachment": {
"port_id": port_uuid
attachment = self.api.attach_interface(server['id'], body)
return attachment
def _detach_interface(self, server, port_uuid):
"""detach a neutron port form a server."""
self.api.detach_interface(server['id'], port_uuid)
def _rebuild_server(self, server, image_uuid, expected_state='ACTIVE'):
"""Rebuild a server."""
server['id'], {'rebuild': {'imageRef': image_uuid}},
return self._wait_for_state_change(server, expected_state)
def _migrate_server(self, server, host=None):
"""Cold migrate a server."""
body = {'host': host} if host else None
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'migrate': body})
return self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'VERIFY_RESIZE')
def _resize_server(self, server, flavor_id):
server['id'], {'resize': {'flavorRef': flavor_id}})
return self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'VERIFY_RESIZE')
def _confirm_resize(self, server, *, cross_cell=False):
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'confirmResize': None})
server = self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'ACTIVE')
event = 'compute_confirm_resize'
if cross_cell:
event = 'conductor_confirm_snapshot_based_resize'
server, instance_actions.CONFIRM_RESIZE, event, 'success')
return server
def _revert_resize(self, server):
# NOTE(sbauza): This method requires the caller to setup a fake
# notifier by stubbing it.
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'revertResize': None})
server = self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'ACTIVE')
self._wait_for_migration_status(server, ['reverted'])
# Note that the migration status is changed to "reverted" in the
# dest host revert_resize method but the allocations are cleaned up
# in the source host finish_revert_resize method so we need to wait
# for the finish_revert_resize method to complete.
return server
def _live_migrate(
self, server, migration_expected_state='completed',
{'os-migrateLive': {'host': None, 'block_migration': 'auto'}})
server = self._wait_for_state_change(server, server_expected_state)
self._wait_for_migration_status(server, [migration_expected_state])
return server
_live_migrate_server = _live_migrate
def _suspend_server(self, server, expected_state='SUSPENDED'):
"""Suspend a server."""
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'suspend': {}})
return self._wait_for_state_change(server, expected_state)
def _resume_server(self, server, expected_state='ACTIVE'):
"""Resume a server."""
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'resume': {}})
return self._wait_for_state_change(server, expected_state)
def _shelve_server(self, server, expected_state='SHELVED_OFFLOADED'):
"""Shelve a server."""
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'shelve': {}})
return self._wait_for_state_change(server, expected_state)
def _shelve_offload_server(self, server):
"""Shelve offload a server."""
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'shelveOffload': {}})
'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host': None,
'OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone': ''})
def _unshelve_server(self, server, expected_state='ACTIVE'):
"""Unshelve a server."""
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'unshelve': None})
return self._wait_for_state_change(server, expected_state)
def _evacuate_server(
self, server, extra_post_args=None, expected_host=None,
expected_state='ACTIVE', expected_task_state=NOT_SPECIFIED,
"""Evacuate a server."""
api = getattr(self, 'admin_api', self.api)
post = {'evacuate': {}}
if extra_post_args:
expected_result = {'status': expected_state}
if expected_host:
expected_result['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host'] = expected_host
if expected_task_state is not NOT_SPECIFIED:
expected_result['OS-EXT-STS:task_state'] = expected_task_state
api.post_server_action(server['id'], post)
# NOTE(gibi): The order of waiting for the migration and returning
# a fresh server from _wait_for_server_parameter is important as
# the compute manager sets status of the instance before sets the
# host and finally sets the migration status. So waiting for the
# migration first makes the returned server object more consistent.
self._wait_for_migration_status(server, [expected_migration_status])
return self._wait_for_server_parameter(server, expected_result)
def _start_server(self, server):
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'os-start': None})
return self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'ACTIVE')
def _stop_server(self, server, wait_for_stop=True):
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'os-stop': None})
if wait_for_stop:
return self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'SHUTOFF')
return server
class PlacementHelperMixin:
"""A helper mixin for interacting with placement."""
def _get_all_resource_classes(self):
resp = self.placement.get(
'/resource_classes', version='1.2'
return [d['name'] for d in resp]
def _create_resource_class(self, resource_class):
'/resource_classes', {"name": resource_class}, version='1.6')
def _get_all_providers(self):
return self.placement.get(
'/resource_providers', version='1.14'
def _get_all_rp_uuids_in_a_tree(self, in_tree_rp_uuid):
rps = self.placement.get(
'/resource_providers?in_tree=%s' % in_tree_rp_uuid,
return [rp['uuid'] for rp in rps]
def _post_resource_provider(self, rp_name):
'/resource_providers', version='1.20', body={'name': rp_name}
def _get_resource_provider_by_uuid(self, rp_uuid):
return self.placement.get(
'/resource_providers/%s' % rp_uuid, version='1.15',
def _get_provider_uuid_by_name(self, name):
return self.placement.get(
'/resource_providers?name=%s' % name,
def _get_provider_usages(self, provider_uuid):
return self.placement.get(
'/resource_providers/%s/usages' % provider_uuid
# TODO(stephenfin): Rename to '_get_provider_allocations'
def _get_allocations_by_provider_uuid(self, rp_uuid):
return self.placement.get(
'/resource_providers/%s/allocations' % rp_uuid
def _get_provider_traits(self, rp_uuid):
"""Get traits for the specified provider.
:param rp_uuid: UUID of the resource provider to update
:returns: Dict object with the results.
return self.placement.get(
'/resource_providers/%s/traits' % rp_uuid, version='1.6'
def _set_provider_traits(self, rp_uuid, traits):
"""Set traits for the specified provider.
This will overwrite any existing traits.
:param rp_uuid: UUID of the resource provider to update.
:param traits: List of trait strings to set on the provider.
:returns: APIResponse object with the results.
provider = self.placement.get(
'/resource_providers/%s' % rp_uuid
return self.placement.put(
'/resource_providers/%s/traits' % rp_uuid,
'resource_provider_generation': provider['generation'],
'traits': traits
def _get_provider_inventory(self, rp_uuid):
return self.placement.get(
'/resource_providers/%s/inventories' % rp_uuid
# TODO(stephenfin): Rename '_set_provider_inventory'
def _set_inventory(self, rp_uuid, inv_body):
"""This will set the inventory for a given resource provider.
:param rp_uuid: UUID of the resource provider to update
:param inv_body: inventory to set on the provider
:returns: APIResponse object with the results
'/resource_providers/%s/inventories' % rp_uuid,
version='1.15', body=inv_body
# TODO(stephenfin): Rename '_update_provider_inventory'
def _update_inventory(self, rp_uuid, inv_body):
"""This will update the inventory for a given resource provider.
:param rp_uuid: UUID of the resource provider to update
:param inv_body: inventory to set on the provider
:returns: APIResponse object with the results
return self.placement.put(
'/resource_providers/%s/inventories' % rp_uuid, body=inv_body,
def _get_provider_aggregates(self, rp_uuid):
return self.placement.get(
'/resource_providers/%s/aggregates' % rp_uuid, version='1.1'
# TODO(stephenfin): Rename '_set_provider_aggregates'
def _set_aggregate(self, rp_uuid, agg_id):
provider = self.placement.get(
'/resource_providers/%s' % rp_uuid
return self.placement.put(
'/resource_providers/%s/aggregates' % rp_uuid,
'aggregates': [agg_id],
'resource_provider_generation': provider['generation'],
def _get_all_traits(self):
return self.placement.get('/traits', version='1.6').body['traits']
def _create_trait(self, trait):
return self.placement.put('/traits/%s' % trait, {}, version='1.6')
def _delete_trait(self, trait):
return self.placement.delete('/traits/%s' % trait, version='1.6')
def assertRequestMatchesUsage(self, requested_resources, root_rp_uuid):
# It matches the usages of the whole tree against the request
rp_uuids = self._get_all_rp_uuids_in_a_tree(root_rp_uuid)
# NOTE(gibi): flattening the placement usages means we cannot
# verify the structure here. However I don't see any way to define this
# function for nested and non-nested trees in a generic way.
total_usage = collections.defaultdict(int)
for rp in rp_uuids:
usage = self._get_provider_usages(rp)
for rc, amount in usage.items():
total_usage[rc] += amount
# Cannot simply do an assertEqual(expected, actual) as usages always
# contain every RC even if the usage is 0 and the flavor could also
# contain explicit 0 request for some resources.
# So if the flavor contains an explicit 0 resource request (e.g. in
# case of ironic resources:VCPU=0) then this code needs to assert that
# such resource has 0 usage in the tree. In the other hand if the usage
# contains 0 value for some resources that the flavor does not request
# then that is totally fine.
for rc, value in requested_resources.items():
rc, total_usage,
'The requested resource class not found in the total_usage of '
'the RP tree')
'The requested resource amount does not match with the total '
'resource usage of the RP tree')
for rc, value in total_usage.items():
if value != 0:
'The requested resource amount does not match with the '
'total resource usage of the RP tree')
def assertFlavorMatchesUsage(self, root_rp_uuid, *flavors):
resources = collections.defaultdict(int)
for flavor in flavors:
res = self._resources_from_flavor(flavor)
for rc, value in res.items():
resources[rc] += value
self.assertRequestMatchesUsage(resources, root_rp_uuid)
def _resources_from_flavor(self, flavor):
resources = collections.defaultdict(int)
resources['VCPU'] = flavor['vcpus']
resources['MEMORY_MB'] = flavor['ram']
resources['DISK_GB'] = flavor['disk']
for key, value in flavor['extra_specs'].items():
if key.startswith('resources'):
resources[key.split(':')[1]] += value
return resources
def assertFlavorMatchesAllocation(
self, flavor, consumer_uuid, root_rp_uuid,
# NOTE(gibi): This function does not handle sharing RPs today.
expected_rps = self._get_all_rp_uuids_in_a_tree(root_rp_uuid)
allocations = self._get_allocations_by_server_uuid(consumer_uuid)
# NOTE(gibi): flattening the placement allocation means we cannot
# verify the structure here. However I don't see any way to define this
# function for nested and non-nested trees in a generic way.
total_allocation = collections.defaultdict(int)
for rp, alloc in allocations.items():
rp, expected_rps,
'Unexpected, out of tree RP in the allocation')
for rc, value in alloc['resources'].items():
total_allocation[rc] += value
'The resources requested in the flavor does not match with total '
'allocation in the RP tree')
def get_migration_uuid_for_instance(self, instance_uuid):
# NOTE(danms): This is too much introspection for a test like this, but
# we can't see the migration uuid from the API, so we just encapsulate
# the peek behind the curtains here to keep it out of the tests.
# TODO(danms): Get the migration uuid from the API once it is exposed
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
migrations = db.migration_get_all_by_filters(
ctxt, {'instance_uuid': instance_uuid})
1, len(migrations),
'Test expected a single migration but found %i' % len(migrations))
return migrations[0].uuid
class PlacementInstanceHelperMixin(InstanceHelperMixin, PlacementHelperMixin):
"""A placement-aware variant of InstanceHelperMixin."""
# TODO(stephenfin): Rename to '_get_server_allocations'
def _get_allocations_by_server_uuid(self, server_uuid):
return self.placement.get(
'/allocations/%s' % server_uuid
def _delete_server_allocations(self, server_uuid):
def _wait_for_server_allocations(self, consumer_id, max_retries=20):
retry_count = 0
while True:
alloc = self._get_allocations_by_server_uuid(consumer_id)
if alloc:
retry_count += 1
if retry_count == max_retries:'Wait for server allocations failed, '
'server=%s' % (consumer_id))
return alloc
def _get_provider_uuid_by_host(self, host):
# NOTE(gibi): the compute node id is the same as the compute node
# provider uuid on that compute
return self.admin_api.api_get(
'os-hypervisors?hypervisor_hostname_pattern=%s' % host
# TODO(stephenfin): Rename to '_create_server_and_check_allocations'
def _boot_and_check_allocations(
self, flavor, source_hostname, networks='none',
"""Boot an instance and check that the resource allocation is correct
After booting an instance on the given host with a given flavor it
asserts that both the providers usages and resource allocations match
with the resources requested in the flavor. It also asserts that
running the periodic update_available_resource call does not change the
resource state.
:param flavor: the flavor the instance will be booted with
:param source_hostname: the name of the host the instance will be
booted on
:param networks: list of network dicts passed to the server create API
or "none" or "auto"
:return: the API representation of the booted instance
server_req = self._build_server(
server_req['availability_zone'] = 'nova:%s' % source_hostname'booting on %s', source_hostname)
created_server = self.api.post_server({'server': server_req})
server = self._wait_for_state_change(created_server, 'ACTIVE')
# Verify that our source host is what the server ended up on
self.assertEqual(source_hostname, server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host'])
source_rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host(source_hostname)
# Before we run periodics, make sure that we have allocations/usages
# only on the source host
self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(source_rp_uuid, flavor)
# Check that the other providers has no usage
for rp_uuid in [self._get_provider_uuid_by_host(hostname)
for hostname in self.computes.keys()
if hostname != source_hostname]:
{'VCPU': 0, 'MEMORY_MB': 0, 'DISK_GB': 0}, rp_uuid)
# Check that the server only allocates resource from the host it is
# booted on
flavor, server['id'], source_rp_uuid)
# After running the periodics but before we start any other operation,
# we should have exactly the same allocation/usage information as
# before running the periodics
# Check usages on the selected host after boot
self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(source_rp_uuid, flavor)
# Check that the server only allocates resource from the host it is
# booted on
flavor, server['id'], source_rp_uuid)
# Check that the other providers has no usage
for rp_uuid in [self._get_provider_uuid_by_host(hostname)
for hostname in self.computes.keys()
if hostname != source_hostname]:
{'VCPU': 0, 'MEMORY_MB': 0, 'DISK_GB': 0}, rp_uuid)
return server
# TODO(stephenfin): Rename to '_delete_server_and_check_allocations'
def _delete_and_check_allocations(self, server):
"""Delete the instance and asserts that the allocations are cleaned
If the server was moved (resized or live migrated), also checks that
migration-based allocations are also cleaned up.
:param server: The API representation of the instance to be deleted
:returns: The uuid of the migration record associated with the resize
or cold migrate operation
# First check to see if there is a related migration record so we can
# assert its allocations (if any) are not leaked.
with utils.temporary_mutation(self.admin_api, microversion='2.59'):
migrations = self.admin_api.api_get(
'/os-migrations?instance_uuid=%s' % server['id']
if migrations:
# If there is more than one migration, they are sorted by
# created_at in descending order so we'll get the last one
# which is probably what we'd always want anyway.
migration_uuid = migrations[0]['uuid']
migration_uuid = None
# NOTE(gibi): The resource allocation is deleted after the instance is
# destroyed in the db so wait_until_deleted might return before the
# the resource are deleted in placement. So we need to wait for the
# instance.delete.end notification as that is emitted after the
# resources are freed.
for rp_uuid in [
for hostname in self.computes.keys()
{'VCPU': 0, 'MEMORY_MB': 0, 'DISK_GB': 0}, rp_uuid)
# and no allocations for the deleted server
allocations = self._get_allocations_by_server_uuid(server['id'])
self.assertEqual(0, len(allocations))
if migration_uuid:
# and no allocations for the delete migration
allocations = self._get_allocations_by_server_uuid(migration_uuid)
self.assertEqual(0, len(allocations))
return migration_uuid
def _move_and_check_allocations(
self, server, request, old_flavor, new_flavor, source_rp_uuid,
if 'resize' not in request and 'migrate' not in request:
raise Exception(
'_move_and_check_allocations only supports resize or migrate '
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], request)
self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'VERIFY_RESIZE')
def _check_allocation():
self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(source_rp_uuid, old_flavor)
self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(dest_rp_uuid, new_flavor)
# The instance should own the new_flavor allocation against the
# destination host created by the scheduler
self.assertFlavorMatchesAllocation(new_flavor, server['id'],
# The migration should own the old_flavor allocation against the
# source host created by conductor
migration_uuid = self.get_migration_uuid_for_instance(server['id'])
self.assertFlavorMatchesAllocation(old_flavor, migration_uuid,
# OK, so the move operation has run, but we have not yet confirmed or
# reverted the move operation. Before we run periodics, make sure
# that we have allocations/usages on BOTH the source and the
# destination hosts.
# Make sure the RequestSpec.flavor matches the new_flavor.
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
reqspec = objects.RequestSpec.get_by_instance_uuid(ctxt, server['id'])
self.assertEqual(new_flavor['id'], reqspec.flavor.flavorid)
# TODO(stephenfin): Rename to '_migrate_server_and_check_allocations'
def _migrate_and_check_allocations(
self, server, flavor, source_rp_uuid, dest_rp_uuid,
request = {'migrate': None}
server, request=request, old_flavor=flavor, new_flavor=flavor,
source_rp_uuid=source_rp_uuid, dest_rp_uuid=dest_rp_uuid)
# TODO(stephenfin): Rename to '_resize_server_and_check_allocations'
def _resize_and_check_allocations(
self, server, old_flavor, new_flavor, source_rp_uuid, dest_rp_uuid,
request = {
'resize': {
'flavorRef': new_flavor['id']
server, request=request, old_flavor=old_flavor,
new_flavor=new_flavor, source_rp_uuid=source_rp_uuid,
# TODO(stephenfin): Rename to
# '_resize_server_to_same_host_and_check_allocations'
def _resize_to_same_host_and_check_allocations(
self, server, old_flavor, new_flavor, rp_uuid,
# Resize the server to the same host and check usages in VERIFY_RESIZE
# state
self._resize_server(server, new_flavor['id'])
self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(rp_uuid, old_flavor, new_flavor)
# The instance should hold a new_flavor allocation
self.assertFlavorMatchesAllocation(new_flavor, server['id'],
# The migration should hold an old_flavor allocation
migration_uuid = self.get_migration_uuid_for_instance(server['id'])
self.assertFlavorMatchesAllocation(old_flavor, migration_uuid,
# We've resized to the same host and have doubled allocations for both
# the old and new flavor on the same host. Run the periodic on the
# compute to see if it tramples on what the scheduler did.
# In terms of usage, it's still double on the host because the instance
# and the migration each hold an allocation for the new and old
# flavors respectively.
self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(rp_uuid, old_flavor, new_flavor)
# The instance should hold a new_flavor allocation
self.assertFlavorMatchesAllocation(new_flavor, server['id'],
# The migration should hold an old_flavor allocation
self.assertFlavorMatchesAllocation(old_flavor, migration_uuid,
def _check_allocation_during_evacuate(
self, flavor, server_uuid, source_root_rp_uuid, dest_root_rp_uuid,
allocations = self._get_allocations_by_server_uuid(server_uuid)
self.assertEqual(2, len(allocations))
self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(source_root_rp_uuid, flavor)
self.assertFlavorMatchesUsage(dest_root_rp_uuid, flavor)
def assert_hypervisor_usage(
self, compute_node_uuid, flavor, volume_backed,
"""Asserts the given hypervisor's resource usage matches the
given flavor (assumes a single instance on the hypervisor).
:param compute_node_uuid: UUID of the ComputeNode to check.
:param flavor: "flavor" entry dict from from GET /flavors/{flavor_id}
:param volume_backed: True if the flavor is used with a volume-backed
server, False otherwise.
# GET /os-hypervisors/{uuid} requires at least 2.53
with utils.temporary_mutation(self.admin_api, microversion='2.53'):
hypervisor = self.admin_api.api_get(
'/os-hypervisors/%s' % compute_node_uuid
if volume_backed:
expected_disk_usage = 0
expected_disk_usage = flavor['disk']
# Account for reserved_host_disk_mb.
expected_disk_usage += compute_utils.convert_mb_to_ceil_gb(
self.assertEqual(expected_disk_usage, hypervisor['local_gb_used'])
# Account for reserved_host_memory_mb.
expected_ram_usage = CONF.reserved_host_memory_mb + flavor['ram']
self.assertEqual(expected_ram_usage, hypervisor['memory_mb_used'])
# Account for reserved_host_cpus.
expected_vcpu_usage = CONF.reserved_host_cpus + flavor['vcpus']
self.assertEqual(expected_vcpu_usage, hypervisor['vcpus_used'])
class _IntegratedTestBase(test.TestCase, PlacementInstanceHelperMixin):
#: Whether the test requires global external locking being configured for
#: them. New tests should set this to False.
#: Whether to use admin credentials for all nova API requests.
# TODO(stephenfin): Rename to API_MAJOR_VERSION
#: The default API major version to use for all nova API requests.
api_major_version = 'v2.1'
# TODO(stephenfin): Rename to API_MICRO_VERSION
#: The default microversion to use for all nova API requests; requires API
#: major version 2.1
microversion = None
#: Whether to include the project ID in the URL for API requests through
#: OSAPIFixture.
#: Whether to stub keystonemiddleware and NovaKeystoneContext; override to
#: making those middlewares behave as they would in real life, i.e. try to
#: do real authentication.
def setUp(self):
super(_IntegratedTestBase, self).setUp()
self.placement = self.useFixture(func_fixtures.PlacementFixture()).api
self.neutron = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture(self))
self.cinder = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.CinderFixture(self))
self.glance = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.GlanceFixture(self))
self.policy = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.RealPolicyFixture())
self.notifier = self.useFixture(
def _setup_compute_service(self):
return self._start_compute('compute')
def _setup_scheduler_service(self):
return self.start_service('scheduler')
def _setup_conductor_service(self):
return self.start_service('conductor')
def _setup_services(self):
# NOTE(danms): Set the global MQ connection to that of our first cell
# for any cells-ignorant code. Normally this is defaulted in the tests
# which will result in us not doing the right thing.
if 'cell1' in self.cell_mappings:
self.conductor = self._setup_conductor_service()
self.scheduler = self._setup_scheduler_service()
self.compute = self._setup_compute_service()
self.api_fixture = self.useFixture(
self.admin_api = self.api_fixture.admin_api
# if the class needs to run as admin, make the api endpoint
# the admin, otherwise it's safer to run as non admin user.
if self.ADMIN_API:
self.api = self.api_fixture.admin_api
self.api = self.api_fixture.api
if self.microversion:
self.api.microversion = self.microversion
if not self.ADMIN_API:
self.admin_api.microversion = self.microversion
# TODO(stephenfin): This is almost identical to '_IntegratedTestBase' now and
# could be removed
class ProviderUsageBaseTestCase(test.TestCase, PlacementInstanceHelperMixin):
"""Base test class for functional tests that check provider usage
and consumer allocations in Placement during various operations.
Subclasses must define a **compute_driver** attribute for the virt driver
to use.
This class sets up standard fixtures and controller services but does not
start any compute services, that is left to the subclass.
microversion = 'latest'
def setUp(self):
super(ProviderUsageBaseTestCase, self).setUp()
self.policy = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.RealPolicyFixture())
self.neutron = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture(self))
self.glance = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.GlanceFixture(self))
self.placement = self.useFixture(func_fixtures.PlacementFixture()).api
self.notifier = self.useFixture(
self.api_fixture = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.OSAPIFixture(
self.admin_api = self.api_fixture.admin_api
self.admin_api.microversion = self.microversion
self.api = self.admin_api
self.scheduler_service = self.start_service('scheduler')