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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
from nova import context
from nova import objects
from nova import test
from nova.tests import fixtures as nova_fixtures
from nova.tests.functional.api import client as api_client
from nova.tests.functional import fixtures as func_fixtures
from nova.tests.functional import integrated_helpers
from nova.tests.unit import policy_fixture
class BootFromVolumeTest(integrated_helpers._IntegratedTestBase):
def _get_hypervisor_stats(self):
response = self.admin_api.api_get('/os-hypervisors/statistics')
return response.body['hypervisor_statistics']
def _verify_zero_local_gb_used(self):
stats = self._get_hypervisor_stats()
self.assertEqual(0, stats['local_gb_used'])
def _verify_instance_flavor_not_zero(self, instance_uuid):
# We are trying to avoid saving instance records with root_gb=0
ctxt = context.RequestContext('fake', self.api.project_id)
instance = objects.Instance.get_by_uuid(ctxt, instance_uuid)
self.assertNotEqual(0, instance.root_gb)
self.assertNotEqual(0, instance.flavor.root_gb)
def _verify_request_spec_flavor_not_zero(self, instance_uuid):
# We are trying to avoid saving request spec records with root_gb=0
ctxt = context.RequestContext('fake', self.api.project_id)
rspec = objects.RequestSpec.get_by_instance_uuid(ctxt, instance_uuid)
self.assertNotEqual(0, rspec.flavor.root_gb)
def setUp(self):
# These need to be set up before services are started, else they
# won't be reflected in the running service.
super(BootFromVolumeTest, self).setUp()
self.admin_api = self.api_fixture.admin_api
def test_boot_from_volume_larger_than_local_gb(self):
# Verify no local disk is being used currently
# Create flavors with disk larger than available host local disk
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(memory_mb=64, vcpu=1, disk=8192,
flavor_id_alt = self._create_flavor(memory_mb=64, vcpu=1, disk=16384,
# Boot a server with a flavor disk larger than the available local
# disk. It should succeed for boot from volume.
server = self._build_server(image_uuid='', flavor_id=flavor_id)
volume_uuid = nova_fixtures.CinderFixture.IMAGE_BACKED_VOL
bdm = {'boot_index': 0,
'uuid': volume_uuid,
'source_type': 'volume',
'destination_type': 'volume'}
server['block_device_mapping_v2'] = [bdm]
created_server = self.api.post_server({"server": server})
server_id = created_server['id']
self._wait_for_state_change(created_server, 'ACTIVE')
# Check that hypervisor local disk reporting is still 0
# Check that instance has not been saved with 0 root_gb
# Check that request spec has not been saved with 0 root_gb
# Do actions that could change local disk reporting and verify they
# don't change local disk reporting.
# Resize
post_data = {'resize': {'flavorRef': flavor_id_alt}}
self.api.post_server_action(server_id, post_data)
self._wait_for_state_change(created_server, 'VERIFY_RESIZE')
# Check that hypervisor local disk reporting is still 0
# Check that instance has not been saved with 0 root_gb
# Check that request spec has not been saved with 0 root_gb
# Confirm the resize
post_data = {'confirmResize': None}
self.api.post_server_action(server_id, post_data)
self._wait_for_state_change(created_server, 'ACTIVE')
# Check that hypervisor local disk reporting is still 0
# Check that instance has not been saved with 0 root_gb
# Check that request spec has not been saved with 0 root_gb
# Shelve
post_data = {'shelve': None}
self.api.post_server_action(server_id, post_data)
self._wait_for_state_change(created_server, 'SHELVED_OFFLOADED')
# Check that hypervisor local disk reporting is still 0
# Check that instance has not been saved with 0 root_gb
# Check that request spec has not been saved with 0 root_gb
# Unshelve
post_data = {'unshelve': None}
self.api.post_server_action(server_id, post_data)
self._wait_for_state_change(created_server, 'ACTIVE')
# Check that hypervisor local disk reporting is still 0
# Check that instance has not been saved with 0 root_gb
# Check that request spec has not been saved with 0 root_gb
# Rebuild
# The image_uuid is from CinderFixture for the
# volume representing IMAGE_BACKED_VOL.
image_uuid = '155d900f-4e14-4e4c-a73d-069cbf4541e6'
post_data = {'rebuild': {'imageRef': image_uuid}}
self.api.post_server_action(server_id, post_data)
self._wait_for_state_change(created_server, 'ACTIVE')
# Check that hypervisor local disk reporting is still 0
# Check that instance has not been saved with 0 root_gb
# Check that request spec has not been saved with 0 root_gb
def test_max_local_block_devices_0_force_bfv(self):
"""Tests that when the API is configured with max_local_block_devices=0
a user cannot boot from image, they must boot from volume.
server = self._build_server()
ex = self.assertRaises(api_client.OpenStackApiException,
{'server': server})
self.assertEqual(400, ex.response.status_code)
self.assertIn('You specified more local devices than the limit allows',
class BootFromVolumeLargeRequestTest(test.TestCase,
def setUp(self):
super(BootFromVolumeLargeRequestTest, self).setUp()
self.glance = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.GlanceFixture(self))
self.api = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.OSAPIFixture(
# The test cases will handle starting compute/conductor/scheduler
# services if they need them.
def test_boot_from_volume_10_servers_255_volumes_2_images(self):
"""Create 10 servers with 255 BDMs each using the same image for 200
of the BDMs and another image for 55 other BDMs. This is a bit silly
but it just shows that it's possible and there is no rate limiting
involved in this type of very heavy request.
# We only care about API performance in this test case so stub out
# conductor to not do anything.
# NOTE(gibi): Do not use 'c905cedb-7281-47e4-8a62-f26bc5fc4c77' image
# as that is defined with a separate kernel image, leading to one extra
# call to nova.image.glance.API.get from compute.api
# _handle_kernel_and_ramdisk()
image1 = 'a2459075-d96c-40d5-893e-577ff92e721c'
image2 = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
server = self._build_server()
server['min_count'] = 10
bdms = []
# Create 200 BDMs using image1 and 55 using image2.
for boot_index in range(255):
image_uuid = image2 if boot_index >= 200 else image1
'source_type': 'image',
'destination_type': 'volume',
'delete_on_termination': True,
'volume_size': 1,
'boot_index': boot_index,
'uuid': image_uuid
server['block_device_mapping_v2'] = bdms
# Wrap the image service get method to check how many times it was
# called.
with mock.patch('nova.image.glance.API.get', as mock_image_get:
self.api.post_server({'server': server})
# Assert that there was caching of the GET /v2/images/{image_id}
# calls. The expected total in this case is 3: one for validating
# the root BDM image, one for image1 and one for image2 during bdm
# validation - only the latter two cases use a cache.
self.assertEqual(3, mock_image_get.call_count)