Dan Smith 4e3b2abdc6 Make api_samples tests use simple cell environment
The api_samples tests depend on a very static environment where
we use the SpawnIsSynchronous fixture. This is somewhat at odds with
the locking used in the CellDatabase fixture, which will necessarily
recurse at times. Since the api_samples tests are already a bit naive
in the service layout, and since they don't care about cells things,
we do some monkeywork here to make them use the SingleCellSimple
fixture instead of a full-blown multi-cell environment.

Change-Id: If1138331f3a46f5aed87e898ce19879a787d435f
2017-01-24 09:59:50 -08:00

118 lines
4.1 KiB

# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import testscenarios
import nova.conf
from nova import test
from nova.tests import fixtures
from nova.tests.functional import api_paste_fixture
from nova.tests.functional import api_samples_test_base
from nova.tests.unit import fake_network
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
# API samples heavily uses testscenarios. This allows us to use the
# same tests, with slight variations in configuration to ensure our
# various ways of calling the API are compatible. Testscenarios works
# through the class level ``scenarios`` variable. It is an array of
# tuples where the first value in each tuple is an arbitrary name for
# the scenario (should be unique), and the second item is a dictionary
# of attributes to change in the class for the test.
# By default we're running scenarios for 2 situations
# - Hitting the default /v2 endpoint with the v2.1 Compatibility stack
# - Hitting the default /v2.1 endpoint
# Things we need to set:
# - api_major_version - what version of the API we should be hitting
# - microversion - what API microversion should be used
# - _additional_fixtures - any additional fixtures need
# NOTE(sdague): if you want to build a test that only tests specific
# microversions, then replace the ``scenarios`` class variable in that
# test class with something like:
# [("v2_11", {'api_major_version': 'v2.1', 'microversion': '2.11'})]
class ApiSampleTestBaseV21(testscenarios.WithScenarios,
api_major_version = 'v2'
# any additional fixtures needed for this scenario
_additional_fixtures = []
sample_dir = None
_project_id = True
scenarios = [
# test v2 with the v2.1 compatibility stack
('v2', {
'api_major_version': 'v2'}),
# test v2.1 base microversion
('v2_1', {
'api_major_version': 'v2.1'}),
# test v2.18 code without project id
('v2_1_noproject_id', {
'api_major_version': 'v2.1',
'_project_id': False,
'_additional_fixtures': [
def setUp(self):
# load any additional fixtures specified by the scenario
for fix in self._additional_fixtures:
if not self.SUPPORTS_CELLS:
# NOTE(danms): Disable base automatic DB (and cells) config
self.USES_DB = False
self.USES_DB_SELF = True
# super class call is delayed here so that we have the right
# paste and conf before loading all the services, as we can't
# change these later.
super(ApiSampleTestBaseV21, self).setUp()
if not self.SUPPORTS_CELLS:
super(ApiSampleTestBaseV21, self)._setup_services()
# this is used to generate sample docs
self.generate_samples = os.getenv('GENERATE_SAMPLES') is not None
def _setup_services(self):