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# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Connect your vlan to the world."""
from oslo_utils import fileutils
from webob import exc
from nova.api.openstack.compute.schemas import cloudpipe
from nova.api.openstack import extensions
from nova.api.openstack import wsgi
from nova.api import validation
from nova.cloudpipe import pipelib
from nova import compute
from nova.compute import utils as compute_utils
from nova.compute import vm_states
import nova.conf
from nova import exception
from nova.i18n import _
from nova import network
from nova import objects
from nova.policies import cloudpipe as cp_policies
from nova import utils
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
ALIAS = 'os-cloudpipe'
class CloudpipeController(wsgi.Controller):
"""Handle creating and listing cloudpipe instances."""
def __init__(self):
self.compute_api = compute.API()
self.network_api = network.API()
self.cloudpipe = pipelib.CloudPipe()
def setup(self):
"""Ensure the keychains and folders exist."""
# NOTE(vish): One of the drawbacks of doing this in the api is
# the keys will only be on the api node that launched
# the cloudpipe.
def _get_all_cloudpipes(self, context):
"""Get all cloudpipes."""
instances = self.compute_api.get_all(context,
search_opts={'deleted': False})
return [instance for instance in instances
if pipelib.is_vpn_image(instance.image_ref)
and instance.vm_state != vm_states.DELETED]
def _get_cloudpipe_for_project(self, context):
"""Get the cloudpipe instance for a project from context."""
cloudpipes = self._get_all_cloudpipes(context) or [None]
return cloudpipes[0]
def _vpn_dict(self, context, project_id, instance):
elevated = context.elevated()
rv = {'project_id': project_id}
if not instance:
rv['state'] = 'pending'
return rv
rv['instance_id'] = instance.uuid
rv['created_at'] = utils.isotime(instance.created_at)
nw_info = compute_utils.get_nw_info_for_instance(instance)
if not nw_info:
return rv
vif = nw_info[0]
ips = [ip for ip in vif.fixed_ips() if ip['version'] == 4]
if ips:
rv['internal_ip'] = ips[0]['address']
# NOTE(vish): Currently network_api.get does an owner check on
# project_id. This is probably no longer necessary
# but rather than risk changes in the db layer,
# we are working around it here by changing the
# project_id in the context. This can be removed
# if we remove the project_id check in the db.
elevated.project_id = project_id
network = self.network_api.get(elevated, vif['network']['id'])
if network:
vpn_ip = network['vpn_public_address']
vpn_port = network['vpn_public_port']
rv['public_ip'] = vpn_ip
rv['public_port'] = vpn_port
if vpn_ip and vpn_port:
if utils.vpn_ping(vpn_ip, vpn_port):
rv['state'] = 'running'
rv['state'] = 'down'
rv['state'] = 'invalid'
return rv
@extensions.expected_errors((400, 403))
def create(self, req, body):
"""Create a new cloudpipe instance, if none exists.
Parameters: {cloudpipe: {'project_id': ''}}
context = req.environ['nova.context']
params = body.get('cloudpipe', {})
project_id = params.get('project_id', context.project_id)
# NOTE(vish): downgrade to project context. Note that we keep
# the same token so we can still talk to glance
context.project_id = project_id
context.user_id = 'project-vpn'
context.is_admin = False
context.roles = []
instance = self._get_cloudpipe_for_project(context)
if not instance:
result = self.cloudpipe.launch_vpn_instance(context)
instance = result[0][0]
except exception.NoMoreNetworks:
msg = _("Unable to claim IP for VPN instances, ensure it "
"isn't running, and try again in a few minutes")
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return {'instance_id': instance.uuid}
@extensions.expected_errors((400, 403, 404))
def index(self, req):
"""List running cloudpipe instances."""
context = req.environ['nova.context']
vpns = [self._vpn_dict(context, x['project_id'], x)
for x in self._get_all_cloudpipes(context)]
return {'cloudpipes': vpns}
def update(self, req, id, body):
"""Configure cloudpipe parameters for the project."""
context = req.environ['nova.context']
if id != "configure-project":
msg = _("Unknown action %s") % id
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
project_id = context.project_id
networks = objects.NetworkList.get_by_project(context, project_id)
params = body['configure_project']
vpn_ip = params['vpn_ip']
vpn_port = params['vpn_port']
for nw in networks:
nw.vpn_public_address = vpn_ip
nw.vpn_public_port = vpn_port
class Cloudpipe(extensions.V21APIExtensionBase):
"""Adds actions to create cloudpipe instances.
When running with the Vlan network mode, you need a mechanism to route
from the public Internet to your vlans. This mechanism is known as a
At the time of creating this class, only OpenVPN is supported. Support for
a SSH Bastion host is forthcoming.
name = "Cloudpipe"
alias = ALIAS
version = 1
def get_resources(self):
resource = [extensions.ResourceExtension(ALIAS,
return resource
def get_controller_extensions(self):
"""It's an abstract function V21APIExtensionBase and the extension
will not be loaded without it.
return []