Eric Fried af4d8d3932 Adapter raise_exc=False by default
With the exception of a single spot in the code, every request we were
making through keystoneauth1 Adapter/Session was using raise_exc=False -
i.e. don't raise exceptions on >=400; we process the Response ourselves.

As of keystoneauth1 3.9.0 it is possible to pass a raise_exc kwarg into
the Adapter upon creation, setting that as the default for all requests
on that Adapter.  With this patch, we set raise_exc=False on all Adapter
creations and only override it in the one spot where we were actually
expecting and processing failures as exceptions.

Change-Id: I477afdfce746d405adf77134f57670563fd575e1
2018-06-22 09:40:33 -05:00

132 lines
4.8 KiB

# Copyright 2017 IBM Corp.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
from keystoneauth1.adapter import Adapter
from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as kse
import webob
from nova.api.openstack import identity
from nova import test
from nova.tests.unit import fake_requests
class IdentityValidationTest(test.NoDBTestCase):
"""Unit tests for our validation of keystone projects.
There are times when Nova stores keystone project_id and user_id
in our database as strings. Until the Pike release none of this
data was validated, so it was very easy for adminstrators to think
they were adjusting quota for a project (by name) when instead
they were just inserting keys in a database that would not get used.
This is only tested in unit tests through mocking out keystoneauth
responses because a functional test would need a real keystone or
keystone simulator.
The functional code works by using the existing keystone
credentials and trying to make a /v3/projects/{id} get call. It
will return a 403 if the user doesn't have enough permissions to
ask about other projects, a 404 if it does and that project does
not exist.
def setUp(self):
super(IdentityValidationTest, self).setUp()
get_adap_p = mock.patch('nova.utils.get_ksa_adapter')
self.mock_get_adap = get_adap_p.start()
self.mock_adap = mock.create_autospec(Adapter)
self.mock_get_adap.return_value = self.mock_adap
def validate_common(self):
'identity', ksa_auth=mock.ANY,
min_version=(3, 0), max_version=(3, 'latest'))
def test_good_id(self):
"""Test response 200.
This indicates we have permissions, and we have definitively
found the project exists.
self.mock_adap.get.return_value = fake_requests.FakeResponse(200)
self.assertTrue(identity.verify_project_id(mock.MagicMock(), "foo"))
def test_no_project(self):
"""Test response 404.
This indicates that we have permissions, and we have
definitively found the project does not exist.
self.mock_adap.get.return_value = fake_requests.FakeResponse(404)
mock.MagicMock(), "foo")
def test_unknown_id(self):
"""Test response 403.
This indicates we don't have permissions. We fail open here
and assume the project exists.
self.mock_adap.get.return_value = fake_requests.FakeResponse(403)
self.assertTrue(identity.verify_project_id(mock.MagicMock(), "foo"))
def test_unknown_error(self):
"""Test some other return from keystone.
If we got anything else, something is wrong on the keystone
side. We don't want to fail on our side.
self.mock_adap.get.return_value = fake_requests.FakeResponse(
500, content="Oh noes!")
self.assertTrue(identity.verify_project_id(mock.MagicMock(), "foo"))
def test_early_fail(self):
"""Test if we get a keystoneauth exception.
If we get a random keystoneauth exception, fall back and
assume the project exists.
self.mock_adap.get.side_effect = kse.ConnectionError()
self.assertTrue(identity.verify_project_id(mock.MagicMock(), "foo"))
def test_wrong_version(self):
"""Test endpoint not found.
EndpointNotFound will be made when the keystone v3 API is not
found in the service catalog, or if the v2.0 endpoint was
registered as the root endpoint. We treat this the same as 404.
self.mock_adap.get.side_effect = kse.EndpointNotFound()
mock.MagicMock(), "foo")