Sean Chen b2e0598d3f VMware Compute Driver Rename
blueprint vmware-compute-driver

Rename VMWare to VMware
Rename network_utils to network_util to conform to the util class naming convention
Remove the infinite loop in vim.__getattr__

Change-Id: I5bdad331a86c7aa4ca36e7a8345b53e455678c0f
2013-01-14 09:32:47 -08:00

180 lines
7.1 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2012 VMware, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2011 Citrix Systems, Inc.
# Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Classes for making VMware VI SOAP calls.
import httplib
import suds
except ImportError:
suds = None
from nova.openstack.common import cfg
from nova.virt.vmwareapi import error_util
RESP_NOT_XML_ERROR = 'Response is "text/html", not "text/xml"'
CONN_ABORT_ERROR = 'Software caused connection abort'
ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR = 'Address already in use'
vmwareapi_wsdl_loc_opt = cfg.StrOpt('vmwareapi_wsdl_loc',
help='VIM Service WSDL Location '
'e.g http://<server>/vimService.wsdl. '
'Due to a bug in vSphere ESX 4.1 default wsdl. '
'Refer readme-vmware to setup')
if suds:
class VIMMessagePlugin(suds.plugin.MessagePlugin):
def addAttributeForValue(self, node):
# suds does not handle AnyType properly.
# VI SDK requires type attribute to be set when AnyType is used
if == 'value':
node.set('xsi:type', 'xsd:string')
def marshalled(self, context):
"""suds will send the specified soap envelope.
Provides the plugin with the opportunity to prune empty
nodes and fixup nodes before sending it to the server.
# suds builds the entire request object based on the wsdl schema.
# VI SDK throws server errors if optional SOAP nodes are sent
# without values, e.g. <test/> as opposed to <test>test</test>
class Vim:
"""The VIM Object."""
def __init__(self,
Creates the necessary Communication interfaces and gets the
ServiceContent for initiating SOAP transactions.
protocol: http or https
host : ESX IPAddress[:port] or ESX Hostname[:port]
if not suds:
raise Exception(_("Unable to import suds."))
self._protocol = protocol
self._host_name = host
wsdl_url = CONF.vmwareapi_wsdl_loc
if wsdl_url is None:
raise Exception(_("Must specify vmwareapi_wsdl_loc"))
# TODO(sateesh): Use this when VMware fixes their faulty wsdl
#wsdl_url = '%s://%s/sdk/vimService.wsdl' % (self._protocol,
# self._host_name)
url = '%s://%s/sdk' % (self._protocol, self._host_name)
self.client = suds.client.Client(wsdl_url, location=url,
self._service_content = self.RetrieveServiceContent("ServiceInstance")
def get_service_content(self):
"""Gets the service content object."""
return self._service_content
def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
"""Makes the API calls and gets the result."""
def vim_request_handler(managed_object, **kwargs):
Builds the SOAP message and parses the response for fault
checking and other errors.
managed_object : Managed Object Reference or Managed
Object Name
**kwargs : Keyword arguments of the call
# Dynamic handler for VI SDK Calls
request_mo = self._request_managed_object_builder(
request = getattr(self.client.service, attr_name)
response = request(request_mo, **kwargs)
# To check for the faults that are part of the message body
# and not returned as Fault object response from the ESX
# SOAP server
if hasattr(error_util.FaultCheckers,
attr_name.lower() + "_fault_checker"):
fault_checker = getattr(error_util.FaultCheckers,
attr_name.lower() + "_fault_checker")
return response
# Catch the VimFaultException that is raised by the fault
# check of the SOAP response
except error_util.VimFaultException, excep:
except suds.WebFault, excep:
doc = excep.document
detail = doc.childAtPath("/Envelope/Body/Fault/detail")
fault_list = []
for child in detail.getChildren():
raise error_util.VimFaultException(fault_list, excep)
except AttributeError, excep:
raise error_util.VimAttributeError(_("No such SOAP method "
"'%s' provided by VI SDK") % (attr_name), excep)
except (httplib.CannotSendRequest,
httplib.CannotSendHeader), excep:
raise error_util.SessionOverLoadException(_("httplib "
"error in %s: ") % (attr_name), excep)
except Exception, excep:
# Socket errors which need special handling for they
# might be caused by ESX API call overload
if (str(excep).find(ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR) != -1 or
str(excep).find(CONN_ABORT_ERROR)) != -1:
raise error_util.SessionOverLoadException(_("Socket "
"error in %s: ") % (attr_name), excep)
# Type error that needs special handling for it might be
# caused by ESX host API call overload
elif str(excep).find(RESP_NOT_XML_ERROR) != -1:
raise error_util.SessionOverLoadException(_("Type "
"error in %s: ") % (attr_name), excep)
raise error_util.VimException(
_("Exception in %s ") % (attr_name), excep)
return vim_request_handler
def _request_managed_object_builder(self, managed_object):
"""Builds the request managed object."""
# Request Managed Object Builder
if isinstance(managed_object, str):
mo = suds.sudsobject.Property(managed_object)
mo._type = managed_object
mo = managed_object
return mo
def __repr__(self):
return "VIM Object"
def __str__(self):
return "VIM Object"