Sean Chen b2e0598d3f VMware Compute Driver Rename
blueprint vmware-compute-driver

Rename VMWare to VMware
Rename network_utils to network_util to conform to the util class naming convention
Remove the infinite loop in vim.__getattr__

Change-Id: I5bdad331a86c7aa4ca36e7a8345b53e455678c0f
2013-01-14 09:32:47 -08:00

321 lines
12 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2011 Citrix Systems, Inc.
# Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
The VMware API VM utility module to build SOAP object specs.
def build_datastore_path(datastore_name, path):
"""Build the datastore compliant path."""
return "[%s] %s" % (datastore_name, path)
def split_datastore_path(datastore_path):
Split the VMware style datastore path to get the Datastore
name and the entity path.
spl = datastore_path.split('[', 1)[1].split(']', 1)
path = ""
if len(spl) == 1:
datastore_url = spl[0]
datastore_url, path = spl
return datastore_url, path.strip()
def get_vm_create_spec(client_factory, instance, data_store_name,
vif_infos, os_type="otherGuest"):
"""Builds the VM Create spec."""
config_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineConfigSpec') =
config_spec.guestId = os_type
vm_file_info = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineFileInfo')
vm_file_info.vmPathName = "[" + data_store_name + "]"
config_spec.files = vm_file_info
tools_info = client_factory.create('ns0:ToolsConfigInfo')
tools_info.afterPowerOn = True
tools_info.afterResume = True
tools_info.beforeGuestStandby = True
tools_info.beforeGuestShutdown = True
tools_info.beforeGuestReboot = True = tools_info
config_spec.numCPUs = int(instance.vcpus)
config_spec.memoryMB = int(instance.memory_mb)
vif_spec_list = []
for vif_info in vif_infos:
vif_spec = create_network_spec(client_factory, vif_info)
device_config_spec = vif_spec_list
config_spec.deviceChange = device_config_spec
return config_spec
def create_controller_spec(client_factory, key):
Builds a Config Spec for the LSI Logic Controller's addition
which acts as the controller for the virtual hard disk to be attached
to the VM.
# Create a controller for the Virtual Hard Disk
virtual_device_config = client_factory.create(
virtual_device_config.operation = "add"
virtual_lsi = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualLsiLogicController')
virtual_lsi.key = key
virtual_lsi.busNumber = 0
virtual_lsi.sharedBus = "noSharing"
virtual_device_config.device = virtual_lsi
return virtual_device_config
def create_network_spec(client_factory, vif_info):
Builds a config spec for the addition of a new network
adapter to the VM.
network_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualDeviceConfigSpec')
network_spec.operation = "add"
# Get the recommended card type for the VM based on the guest OS of the VM
net_device = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualPCNet32')
# NOTE(asomya): Only works on ESXi if the portgroup binding is set to
# ephemeral. Invalid configuration if set to static and the NIC does
# not come up on boot if set to dynamic.
network_ref = vif_info['network_ref']
network_name = vif_info['network_name']
mac_address = vif_info['mac_address']
backing = None
if (network_ref and
network_ref['type'] == "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"):
backing_name = ''.join(['ns0:VirtualEthernetCardDistributed',
backing = client_factory.create(backing_name)
portgroup = client_factory.create(
portgroup.switchUuid = network_ref['dvsw']
portgroup.portgroupKey = network_ref['dvpg']
backing.port = portgroup
backing = client_factory.create(
backing.deviceName = network_name
connectable_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualDeviceConnectInfo')
connectable_spec.startConnected = True
connectable_spec.allowGuestControl = True
connectable_spec.connected = True
net_device.connectable = connectable_spec
net_device.backing = backing
# The Server assigns a Key to the device. Here we pass a -ve temporary key.
# -ve because actual keys are +ve numbers and we don't
# want a clash with the key that server might associate with the device
net_device.key = -47
net_device.addressType = "manual"
net_device.macAddress = mac_address
net_device.wakeOnLanEnabled = True
network_spec.device = net_device
return network_spec
def get_vmdk_attach_config_spec(client_factory, disksize, file_path,
"""Builds the vmdk attach config spec."""
config_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineConfigSpec')
# The controller Key pertains to the Key of the LSI Logic Controller, which
# controls this Hard Disk
device_config_spec = []
# For IDE devices, there are these two default controllers created in the
# VM having keys 200 and 201
if adapter_type == "ide":
controller_key = 200
controller_key = -101
controller_spec = create_controller_spec(client_factory,
virtual_device_config_spec = create_virtual_disk_spec(client_factory,
disksize, controller_key, file_path)
config_spec.deviceChange = device_config_spec
return config_spec
def get_vmdk_file_path_and_adapter_type(client_factory, hardware_devices):
"""Gets the vmdk file path and the storage adapter type."""
if hardware_devices.__class__.__name__ == "ArrayOfVirtualDevice":
hardware_devices = hardware_devices.VirtualDevice
vmdk_file_path = None
vmdk_controler_key = None
adapter_type_dict = {}
for device in hardware_devices:
if (device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualDisk" and
device.backing.__class__.__name__ ==
vmdk_file_path = device.backing.fileName
vmdk_controler_key = device.controllerKey
elif device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualLsiLogicController":
adapter_type_dict[device.key] = "lsiLogic"
elif device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualBusLogicController":
adapter_type_dict[device.key] = "busLogic"
elif device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualIDEController":
adapter_type_dict[device.key] = "ide"
elif device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualLsiLogicSASController":
adapter_type_dict[device.key] = "lsiLogic"
adapter_type = adapter_type_dict.get(vmdk_controler_key, "")
return vmdk_file_path, adapter_type
def get_copy_virtual_disk_spec(client_factory, adapter_type="lsilogic"):
"""Builds the Virtual Disk copy spec."""
dest_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualDiskSpec')
dest_spec.adapterType = adapter_type
dest_spec.diskType = "thick"
return dest_spec
def get_vmdk_create_spec(client_factory, size_in_kb, adapter_type="lsiLogic"):
"""Builds the virtual disk create spec."""
create_vmdk_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:FileBackedVirtualDiskSpec')
create_vmdk_spec.adapterType = adapter_type
create_vmdk_spec.diskType = "thick"
create_vmdk_spec.capacityKb = size_in_kb
return create_vmdk_spec
def create_virtual_disk_spec(client_factory, disksize, controller_key,
Builds spec for the creation of a new/ attaching of an already existing
Virtual Disk to the VM.
virtual_device_config = client_factory.create(
virtual_device_config.operation = "add"
if file_path is None:
virtual_device_config.fileOperation = "create"
virtual_disk = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualDisk')
disk_file_backing = client_factory.create(
disk_file_backing.diskMode = "persistent"
disk_file_backing.thinProvisioned = False
if file_path is not None:
disk_file_backing.fileName = file_path
disk_file_backing.fileName = ""
connectable_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualDeviceConnectInfo')
connectable_spec.startConnected = True
connectable_spec.allowGuestControl = False
connectable_spec.connected = True
virtual_disk.backing = disk_file_backing
virtual_disk.connectable = connectable_spec
# The Server assigns a Key to the device. Here we pass a -ve random key.
# -ve because actual keys are +ve numbers and we don't
# want a clash with the key that server might associate with the device
virtual_disk.key = -100
virtual_disk.controllerKey = controller_key
virtual_disk.unitNumber = 0
virtual_disk.capacityInKB = disksize
virtual_device_config.device = virtual_disk
return virtual_device_config
def get_dummy_vm_create_spec(client_factory, name, data_store_name):
"""Builds the dummy VM create spec."""
config_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineConfigSpec') = name
config_spec.guestId = "otherGuest"
vm_file_info = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineFileInfo')
vm_file_info.vmPathName = "[" + data_store_name + "]"
config_spec.files = vm_file_info
tools_info = client_factory.create('ns0:ToolsConfigInfo')
tools_info.afterPowerOn = True
tools_info.afterResume = True
tools_info.beforeGuestStandby = True
tools_info.beforeGuestShutdown = True
tools_info.beforeGuestReboot = True = tools_info
config_spec.numCPUs = 1
config_spec.memoryMB = 4
controller_key = -101
controller_spec = create_controller_spec(client_factory, controller_key)
disk_spec = create_virtual_disk_spec(client_factory, 1024, controller_key)
device_config_spec = [controller_spec, disk_spec]
config_spec.deviceChange = device_config_spec
return config_spec
def get_machine_id_change_spec(client_factory, machine_id_str):
"""Builds the machine id change config spec."""
virtual_machine_config_spec = client_factory.create(
opt = client_factory.create('ns0:OptionValue')
opt.key = ""
opt.value = machine_id_str
virtual_machine_config_spec.extraConfig = [opt]
return virtual_machine_config_spec
def get_add_vswitch_port_group_spec(client_factory, vswitch_name,
port_group_name, vlan_id):
"""Builds the virtual switch port group add spec."""
vswitch_port_group_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:HostPortGroupSpec') = port_group_name
vswitch_port_group_spec.vswitchName = vswitch_name
# VLAN ID of 0 means that VLAN tagging is not to be done for the network.
vswitch_port_group_spec.vlanId = int(vlan_id)
policy = client_factory.create('ns0:HostNetworkPolicy')
nicteaming = client_factory.create('ns0:HostNicTeamingPolicy')
nicteaming.notifySwitches = True
policy.nicTeaming = nicteaming
vswitch_port_group_spec.policy = policy
return vswitch_port_group_spec