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Tests For Scheduler build failure weights.
from nova.scheduler import weights
from nova.scheduler.weights import compute
from nova import test
from nova.tests.unit.scheduler import fakes
class BuildFailureWeigherTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(BuildFailureWeigherTestCase, self).setUp()
self.weight_handler = weights.HostWeightHandler()
self.weighers = [compute.BuildFailureWeigher()]
def _get_weighed_host(self, hosts):
return self.weight_handler.get_weighed_objects(self.weighers,
hosts, {})
def _get_all_hosts(self):
host_values = [
('host1', 'node1', {'failed_builds': 0}),
('host2', 'node2', {'failed_builds': 1}),
('host3', 'node3', {'failed_builds': 10}),
('host4', 'node4', {'failed_builds': 100})
return [fakes.FakeHostState(host, node, values)
for host, node, values in host_values]
def test_build_failure_weigher_disabled(self):
hosts = self._get_all_hosts()
weighed_hosts = self._get_weighed_host(hosts)
self.assertTrue(all([wh.weight == 0.0
for wh in weighed_hosts]))
def test_build_failure_weigher_scaled(self):
hosts = self._get_all_hosts()
weighed_hosts = self._get_weighed_host(hosts)
self.assertEqual([0, -10, -100, -1000],
[wh.weight for wh in weighed_hosts])