Eric Brown dd19bc143b Use of six.PY3 should be forward compatible
Care should be taken in using a condition like so:
if six.PY3:

This assumes PY2 and PY4 would behave the same.  Rather the
conditional should check for PY2 and use the else for PY3 and
future versions of Python.

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2016-01-17 03:32:34 +00:00

204 lines
6.9 KiB

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import inspect
import six
from webob.util import status_reasons
from nova import context
from nova import exception
from nova import test
class FakeNotifier(object):
"""Acts like messaging.Notifier."""
def __init__(self):
self.provided_context = None
self.provided_event = None
self.provided_payload = None
def error(self, context, event, payload):
self.provided_context = context
self.provided_event = event
self.provided_payload = payload
def good_function(self, context):
return 99
def bad_function_exception(self, context, extra, blah="a", boo="b", zoo=None):
raise test.TestingException()
class WrapExceptionTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase):
def test_wrap_exception_good_return(self):
wrapped = exception.wrap_exception('foo')
self.assertEqual(99, wrapped(good_function)(1, 2))
def test_wrap_exception_with_notifier(self):
notifier = FakeNotifier()
wrapped = exception.wrap_exception(notifier)
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
wrapped(bad_function_exception), 1, ctxt, 3, zoo=3)
self.assertEqual("bad_function_exception", notifier.provided_event)
self.assertEqual(notifier.provided_context, ctxt)
self.assertEqual(3, notifier.provided_payload['args']['extra'])
for key in ['exception', 'args']:
self.assertIn(key, notifier.provided_payload.keys())
class NovaExceptionTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase):
def test_default_error_msg(self):
class FakeNovaException(exception.NovaException):
msg_fmt = "default message"
exc = FakeNovaException()
self.assertEqual('default message', six.text_type(exc))
def test_error_msg(self):
def test_default_error_msg_with_kwargs(self):
class FakeNovaException(exception.NovaException):
msg_fmt = "default message: %(code)s"
exc = FakeNovaException(code=500)
self.assertEqual('default message: 500', six.text_type(exc))
self.assertEqual('default message: 500', exc.message)
def test_error_msg_exception_with_kwargs(self):
class FakeNovaException(exception.NovaException):
msg_fmt = "default message: %(misspelled_code)s"
exc = FakeNovaException(code=500, misspelled_code='blah')
self.assertEqual('default message: blah', six.text_type(exc))
self.assertEqual('default message: blah', exc.message)
def test_default_error_code(self):
class FakeNovaException(exception.NovaException):
code = 404
exc = FakeNovaException()
self.assertEqual(404, exc.kwargs['code'])
def test_error_code_from_kwarg(self):
class FakeNovaException(exception.NovaException):
code = 500
exc = FakeNovaException(code=404)
self.assertEqual(exc.kwargs['code'], 404)
def test_cleanse_dict(self):
kwargs = {'foo': 1, 'blah_pass': 2, 'zoo_password': 3, '_pass': 4}
self.assertEqual({'foo': 1}, exception._cleanse_dict(kwargs))
kwargs = {}
self.assertEqual({}, exception._cleanse_dict(kwargs))
def test_format_message_local(self):
class FakeNovaException(exception.NovaException):
msg_fmt = "some message"
exc = FakeNovaException()
self.assertEqual(six.text_type(exc), exc.format_message())
def test_format_message_remote(self):
class FakeNovaException_Remote(exception.NovaException):
msg_fmt = "some message"
if six.PY2:
def __unicode__(self):
return u"print the whole trace"
def __str__(self):
return "print the whole trace"
exc = FakeNovaException_Remote()
self.assertEqual(u"print the whole trace", six.text_type(exc))
self.assertEqual("some message", exc.format_message())
def test_format_message_remote_error(self):
class FakeNovaException_Remote(exception.NovaException):
msg_fmt = "some message %(somearg)s"
def __unicode__(self):
return u"print the whole trace"
exc = FakeNovaException_Remote(lame_arg='lame')
self.assertEqual("some message %(somearg)s", exc.format_message())
class ConvertedExceptionTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase):
def test_instantiate(self):
exc = exception.ConvertedException(400, 'Bad Request', 'reason')
self.assertEqual(exc.code, 400)
self.assertEqual(exc.title, 'Bad Request')
self.assertEqual(exc.explanation, 'reason')
def test_instantiate_without_title_known_code(self):
exc = exception.ConvertedException(500)
self.assertEqual(exc.title, status_reasons[500])
def test_instantiate_without_title_unknown_code(self):
exc = exception.ConvertedException(499)
self.assertEqual(exc.title, 'Unknown Client Error')
def test_instantiate_bad_code(self):
self.assertRaises(KeyError, exception.ConvertedException, 10)
class ExceptionTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase):
def _raise_exc(exc):
raise exc(500)
def test_exceptions_raise(self):
# NOTE(dprince): disable format errors since we are not passing kwargs
for name in dir(exception):
exc = getattr(exception, name)
if isinstance(exc, type):
self.assertRaises(exc, self._raise_exc, exc)
class ExceptionValidMessageTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase):
def test_messages(self):
failures = []
for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(exception):
if name in ['NovaException', 'InstanceFaultRollback']:
if not inspect.isclass(obj):
if not issubclass(obj, exception.NovaException):
e = obj
if e.msg_fmt == "An unknown exception occurred.":
failures.append('%s needs a more specific msg_fmt' % name)
if failures:'\n'.join(failures))