Extend microversion 2.90 to allow FQDNs in the hostname parameter. Multi-create with --hostname continues to be refused, returning error 400 to the user. This simplifies the code by not needing to handle any sort of suffix or prefix mangling of the FQDN to handle multiple instances. No other changes are made - not Neutron integration, metadata API changes (the FQDN will appear as-is in places where the hostname currently appears), etc. Change-Id: I47e397dc6da8263762479cc8ae4f8777a6d9d811 Implements: bp/fqdn-in-hostname
9 lines
183 B
9 lines
183 B
"server": {
"accessIPv4": "",
"accessIPv6": "80fe::",
"OS-DCF:diskConfig": "AUTO",
"hostname" : "new-server-hostname.example.com"