Matthew Treinish acdc2da0e3 Remove cloudpipe APIs
This commit removes the cloudpipe API from nova. This has been
deprecated since change I415760ff634dd85974f0c3f79e788e633852efb5 and no
longer works without nova-cert and the pending removal of the deprecated

Implements bp remove-nova-cert
Change-Id: Ifd1fb13a5953cc66f9cc2561d30a9efcd3f4c92e
2017-05-04 16:13:45 +08:00

358 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2010 Citrix Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import uuid
from eventlet import greenthread
from lxml import etree
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import importutils
import nova.conf
from nova.i18n import _LI
from nova.i18n import _LW
import nova.virt.firewall as base_firewall
from nova.virt import netutils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
libvirt = None
class NWFilterFirewall(base_firewall.FirewallDriver):
"""This class implements a network filtering mechanism by using
libvirt's nwfilter.
all instances get a filter ("nova-base") applied. This filter
provides some basic security such as protection against MAC
spoofing, IP spoofing, and ARP spoofing.
def __init__(self, host, **kwargs):
"""Create an NWFilter firewall driver
:param host: instance
:param kwargs: currently unused
global libvirt
if libvirt is None:
libvirt = importutils.import_module('libvirt')
except ImportError:
LOG.warning(_LW("Libvirt module could not be loaded. "
"NWFilterFirewall will not work correctly."))
self._host = host
self.static_filters_configured = False
def apply_instance_filter(self, instance, network_info):
"""No-op. Everything is done in prepare_instance_filter."""
def _get_connection(self):
return self._host.get_connection()
_conn = property(_get_connection)
def nova_no_nd_reflection_filter(self):
"""This filter protects false positives on IPv6 Duplicate Address
uuid = self._get_filter_uuid('nova-no-nd-reflection')
return '''<filter name='nova-no-nd-reflection' chain='ipv6'>
<!-- no nd reflection -->
<!-- drop if destination mac is v6 mcast mac addr and
we sent it. -->
<rule action='drop' direction='in'>
<mac dstmacaddr='33:33:00:00:00:00'
dstmacmask='ff:ff:00:00:00:00' srcmacaddr='$MAC'/>
</filter>''' % uuid
def nova_dhcp_filter(self):
"""The standard allow-dhcp-server filter is an <ip> one, so it uses
ebtables to allow traffic through. Without a corresponding rule in
iptables, it'll get blocked anyway.
uuid = self._get_filter_uuid('nova-allow-dhcp-server')
return '''<filter name='nova-allow-dhcp-server' chain='ipv4'>
<rule action='accept' direction='out'
<udp srcipaddr=''
<rule action='accept' direction='in'
<udp srcipaddr='$DHCPSERVER'
</filter>''' % uuid
def setup_basic_filtering(self, instance, network_info):
"""Set up basic filtering (MAC, IP, and ARP spoofing protection)."""'Called setup_basic_filtering in nwfilter'),
instance=instance)'Ensuring static filters'), instance=instance)
nodhcp_base_filter = self.get_base_filter_list(instance, False)
dhcp_base_filter = self.get_base_filter_list(instance, True)
for vif in network_info:
_base_filter = nodhcp_base_filter
for subnet in vif['network']['subnets']:
if subnet.get_meta('dhcp_server'):
_base_filter = dhcp_base_filter
def _get_instance_filter_parameters(self, vif):
parameters = []
def format_parameter(parameter, value):
return ("<parameter name='%s' value='%s'/>" % (parameter, value))
network = vif['network']
if not vif['network'] or not vif['network']['subnets']:
return parameters
v4_subnets = [s for s in network['subnets'] if s['version'] == 4]
v6_subnets = [s for s in network['subnets'] if s['version'] == 6]
for subnet in v4_subnets:
for ip in subnet['ips']:
parameters.append(format_parameter('IP', ip['address']))
dhcp_server = subnet.get_meta('dhcp_server')
if dhcp_server:
parameters.append(format_parameter('DHCPSERVER', dhcp_server))
ipv4_cidr = subnet['cidr']
net, mask = netutils.get_net_and_mask(ipv4_cidr)
parameters.append(format_parameter('PROJNET', net))
parameters.append(format_parameter('PROJMASK', mask))
for subnet in v6_subnets:
gateway = subnet.get('gateway')
if gateway:
ra_server = gateway['address'] + "/128"
parameters.append(format_parameter('RASERVER', ra_server))
ipv6_cidr = subnet['cidr']
net, prefix = netutils.get_net_and_prefixlen(ipv6_cidr)
parameters.append(format_parameter('PROJNET6', net))
parameters.append(format_parameter('PROJMASK6', prefix))
return parameters
def _get_instance_filter_xml(self, instance, filters, vif):
nic_id = vif['address'].replace(':', '')
instance_filter_name = self._instance_filter_name(instance, nic_id)
parameters = self._get_instance_filter_parameters(vif)
uuid = self._get_filter_uuid(instance_filter_name)
xml = '''<filter name='%s' chain='root'>''' % instance_filter_name
xml += '<uuid>%s</uuid>' % uuid
for f in filters:
xml += '''<filterref filter='%s'>''' % f
xml += ''.join(parameters)
xml += '</filterref>'
xml += '</filter>'
return xml
def get_base_filter_list(self, instance, allow_dhcp):
"""Obtain a list of base filters to apply to an instance.
The return value should be a list of strings, each
specifying a filter name. Subclasses can override this
function to add additional filters as needed. Additional
filters added to the list must also be correctly defined
within the subclass.
if allow_dhcp:
base_filter = 'nova-base'
base_filter = 'nova-nodhcp'
return [base_filter]
def _ensure_static_filters(self):
"""Static filters are filters that have no need to be IP aware.
There is no configuration or tuneability of these filters, so they
can be set up once and forgotten about.
if self.static_filters_configured:
filter_set = ['no-mac-spoofing',
self._define_filter(self._filter_container('nova-nodhcp', filter_set))
self._define_filter(self._filter_container('nova-base', filter_set))
self.static_filters_configured = True
def _filter_container(self, name, filters):
uuid = self._get_filter_uuid(name)
xml = '''<filter name='%s' chain='root'>
</filter>''' % (name, uuid,
''.join(["<filterref filter='%s'/>" % (f,) for f in filters]))
return xml
def _get_filter_uuid(self, name):
flt = self._conn.nwfilterLookupByName(name)
xml = flt.XMLDesc(0)
doc = etree.fromstring(xml)
u = doc.find("./uuid").text
except Exception as e:
LOG.debug(u"Cannot find UUID for filter '%(name)s': '%(e)s'",
{'name': name, 'e': e})
u = uuid.uuid4().hex
LOG.debug("UUID for filter '%s' is '%s'", name, u)
return u
def _define_filter(self, xml):
if callable(xml):
xml = xml()
except libvirt.libvirtError as ex:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:
errcode = ex.get_error_code()
if errcode == libvirt.VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED:
# Since libvirt 1.2.7 this operation can fail if the filter
# with the same name already exists for the given uuid.
# Unfortunately there is not a specific error code for this
# so we have to parse the error message to see if that was
# the failure.
errmsg = ex.get_error_message()
if 'already exists with uuid' in errmsg:
ctxt.reraise = False
def unfilter_instance(self, instance, network_info):
"""Clear out the nwfilter rules."""
for vif in network_info:
nic_id = vif['address'].replace(':', '')
instance_filter_name = self._instance_filter_name(instance, nic_id)
# nwfilters may be defined in a separate thread in the case
# of libvirt non-blocking mode, so we wait for completion
max_retry = CONF.live_migration_retry_count
for cnt in range(max_retry):
_nw = self._conn.nwfilterLookupByName(instance_filter_name)
except libvirt.libvirtError as e:
if cnt == max_retry - 1:
errcode = e.get_error_code()
if errcode == libvirt.VIR_ERR_OPERATION_INVALID:
# This happens when the instance filter is still in use
# (ie. when the instance has not terminated properly)'Failed to undefine network filter '
'%(name)s. Try %(cnt)d of '
{'name': instance_filter_name,
'cnt': cnt + 1,
'max_retry': max_retry},
LOG.debug('The nwfilter(%s) is not found.',
instance_filter_name, instance=instance)
def _instance_filter_name(instance, nic_id=None):
if not nic_id:
return 'nova-instance-%s' % (
return 'nova-instance-%s-%s' % (, nic_id)
def instance_filter_exists(self, instance, network_info):
"""Check nova-instance-instance-xxx exists."""
for vif in network_info:
nic_id = vif['address'].replace(':', '')
instance_filter_name = self._instance_filter_name(instance, nic_id)
except libvirt.libvirtError:
name =
LOG.debug('The nwfilter(%(instance_filter_name)s) for'
'%(name)s is not found.',
{'instance_filter_name': instance_filter_name,
'name': name},
return False
return True
class IptablesFirewallDriver(base_firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver):
def __init__(self, execute=None, **kwargs):
"""Create an IP tables firewall driver instance
:param execute: unused, pass None
:param kwargs: extra arguments
The @kwargs parameter must contain a key 'host' that
maps to an instance of the
super(IptablesFirewallDriver, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.nwfilter = NWFilterFirewall(kwargs['host'])
def setup_basic_filtering(self, instance, network_info):
"""Set up basic NWFilter."""
self.nwfilter.setup_basic_filtering(instance, network_info)
def apply_instance_filter(self, instance, network_info):
"""No-op. Everything is done in prepare_instance_filter."""
def unfilter_instance(self, instance, network_info):
# NOTE(salvatore-orlando):
# Overriding base class method for applying nwfilter operation
if self.instance_info.pop(, None):
self.nwfilter.unfilter_instance(instance, network_info)
else:'Attempted to unfilter instance which is not '
'filtered'), instance=instance)
def instance_filter_exists(self, instance, network_info):
"""Check nova-instance-instance-xxx exists."""
return self.nwfilter.instance_filter_exists(instance, network_info)