By setting this pbr option in setup.cfg, the doc build will fail in case of any warnings or errors occur during the build process. Closes-Bug: #1351350 Change-Id: Id4858062d2aaa4c2fe5b597e40e4e8947f544a4d
OpenStack Nova Documentation README
Included documents:
- developer reference guide(devref)
- man pages
Building this documentation can be done in a regular Nova development
environment, such as the virtualenv created by run_tests.sh
or tools/install_venv.py
. A leaner but sufficient
environment can be created by starting with one that is suitable for
running Nova (such as the one created by DevStack) and then using pip to
install oslosphinx.
Building the docs
From the root nova directory:
python setup.py build_sphinx
Building just the man pages
from the root nova directory:
python setup.py build_sphinx -b man
Installing the man pages
After building the man pages, they can be found in
. You can install the man page onto your
system by following the following steps:
Example for nova-scheduler
mkdir /usr/local/man/man1
install -g 0 -o 0 -m 0644 doc/build/man/nova-scheduler.1 /usr/local/man/man1/nova-scheduler.1
gzip /usr/local/man/man1/nova-scheduler.1
man nova-scheduler