ghanshyam f713c7c7b5 Merge server tests between v2 and v2.1
Currently v2 and v2.1 have separate functional tests and their
corresponding sample files. As v2 and v2.1 are supposed to be identical,
there is overhead to maintain two set of functional tests and sample files.
We can have one set of tests which can run for both v2 and v2.1.

This commit merges servers functional tests.

In V2.1 os-access-ip is separate plugin where in v2 it was mixed in server
plugin itself. So os-access-ip extension is enabled for server tests to run
merged functional tests for both v2 and v2.1.

Change-Id: I3dda5820cf8e1897c7a3895edb43bc708db9073d
2015-04-07 02:05:32 +00:00

18 lines
894 B

"rebuild" : {
"imageRef" : "",
"name" : "foobar",
"adminPass" : "seekr3t",
"accessIPv4" : "",
"accessIPv6" : "80fe::",
"metadata" : {
"meta var" : "meta val"
"personality" : [
"path" : "/etc/banner.txt",
"contents" : "ICAgICAgDQoiQSBjbG91ZCBkb2VzIG5vdCBrbm93IHdoeSBp dCBtb3ZlcyBpbiBqdXN0IHN1Y2ggYSBkaXJlY3Rpb24gYW5k IGF0IHN1Y2ggYSBzcGVlZC4uLkl0IGZlZWxzIGFuIGltcHVs c2lvbi4uLnRoaXMgaXMgdGhlIHBsYWNlIHRvIGdvIG5vdy4g QnV0IHRoZSBza3kga25vd3MgdGhlIHJlYXNvbnMgYW5kIHRo ZSBwYXR0ZXJucyBiZWhpbmQgYWxsIGNsb3VkcywgYW5kIHlv dSB3aWxsIGtub3csIHRvbywgd2hlbiB5b3UgbGlmdCB5b3Vy c2VsZiBoaWdoIGVub3VnaCB0byBzZWUgYmV5b25kIGhvcml6 b25zLiINCg0KLVJpY2hhcmQgQmFjaA=="