Chris Behrens 4251bba3bd Don't update API cell on get_nwinfo
Every call to get_instance_nw_info() updates an instance's info_cache.
The purpose of this is to make sure we're constantly healing the
info_cache table.  However, this causes a lot of unneeded updates
traveling up to the API cell.  Cells has its own periodic task that
heals all instance data.

Fixes bug 1180304

Change-Id: I07774712a6358999fd1fdd0f5a90c6f05e3d8d6e
2013-05-22 06:07:22 +00:00

1374 lines
58 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2012 Rackspace Hosting
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Cell messaging module.
This module defines the different message types that are passed between
cells and the methods that they can call when the target cell has been
The interface into this module is the MessageRunner class.
import sys
from eventlet import queue
from oslo.config import cfg
from nova.cells import state as cells_state
from nova.cells import utils as cells_utils
from nova import compute
from nova.compute import rpcapi as compute_rpcapi
from nova.compute import vm_states
from nova.consoleauth import rpcapi as consoleauth_rpcapi
from nova import context
from nova.db import base
from nova import exception
from nova.openstack.common import excutils
from nova.openstack.common import importutils
from nova.openstack.common import jsonutils
from nova.openstack.common import log as logging
from nova.openstack.common import rpc
from nova.openstack.common.rpc import common as rpc_common
from nova.openstack.common import timeutils
from nova.openstack.common import uuidutils
from nova import utils
cell_messaging_opts = [
help='Maximum number of hops for cells routing.'),
help='Cells scheduler to use')]
CONF.import_opt('name', 'nova.cells.opts', group='cells')
CONF.import_opt('call_timeout', 'nova.cells.opts', group='cells')
CONF.register_opts(cell_messaging_opts, group='cells')
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Separator used between cell names for the 'full cell name' and routing
# path.
def _reverse_path(path):
"""Reverse a path. Used for sending responses upstream."""
path_parts = path.split(_PATH_CELL_SEP)
return _PATH_CELL_SEP.join(path_parts)
def _response_cell_name_from_path(routing_path, neighbor_only=False):
"""Reverse the routing_path. If we only want to send to our parent,
set neighbor_only to True.
path = _reverse_path(routing_path)
if not neighbor_only or len(path) == 1:
return path
return _PATH_CELL_SEP.join(path.split(_PATH_CELL_SEP)[:2])
# Message classes.
class _BaseMessage(object):
"""Base message class. It defines data that is passed with every
single message through every cell.
Messages are JSON-ified before sending and turned back into a
class instance when being received.
Every message has a unique ID. This is used to route responses
back to callers. In the future, this might be used to detect
receiving the same message more than once.
routing_path is updated on every hop through a cell. The current
cell name is appended to it (cells are separated by
_PATH_CELL_SEP ('!')). This is used to tell if we've reached the
target cell and also to determine the source of a message for
responses by reversing it.
hop_count is incremented and compared against max_hop_count. The
only current usefulness of this is to break out of a routing loop
if someone has a broken config.
fanout means to send to all nova-cells services running in a cell.
This is useful for capacity and capability broadcasting as well
as making sure responses get back to the nova-cells service that
is waiting.
# Override message_type in a subclass
message_type = None
base_attrs_to_json = ['message_type',
def __init__(self, msg_runner, ctxt, method_name, method_kwargs,
direction, need_response=False, fanout=False, uuid=None,
routing_path=None, hop_count=0, max_hop_count=None,
self.ctxt = ctxt
self.resp_queue = None
self.msg_runner = msg_runner
self.state_manager = msg_runner.state_manager
# Copy these.
self.base_attrs_to_json = self.base_attrs_to_json[:]
# Normally this would just be, but going through
# the msg_runner allows us to stub it more easily.
self.our_path_part = self.msg_runner.our_name
self.uuid = uuid
if self.uuid is None:
self.uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
self.method_name = method_name
self.method_kwargs = method_kwargs
self.direction = direction
self.need_response = need_response
self.fanout = fanout
self.routing_path = routing_path
self.hop_count = hop_count
if max_hop_count is None:
max_hop_count = CONF.cells.max_hop_count
self.max_hop_count = max_hop_count
self.is_broadcast = False
# Each sub-class should set this when the message is inited
self.next_hops = []
self.resp_queue = None
def __repr__(self):
_dict = self._to_dict()
return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, _dict)
def _append_hop(self):
"""Add our hop to the routing_path."""
routing_path = (self.routing_path and
self.routing_path + _PATH_CELL_SEP or '')
self.routing_path = routing_path + self.our_path_part
self.hop_count += 1
def _at_max_hop_count(self, do_raise=True):
"""Check if we're at the max hop count. If we are and do_raise is
True, raise CellMaxHopCountReached. If we are at the max and
do_raise is False... return True, else False.
if self.hop_count >= self.max_hop_count:
if do_raise:
raise exception.CellMaxHopCountReached(
return True
return False
def _process_locally(self):
"""Its been determined that we should process this message in this
cell. Go through the MessageRunner to call the appropriate
method for this message. Catch the response and/or exception and
encode it within a Response instance. Return it so the caller
can potentially return it to another cell... or return it to
a caller waiting in this cell.
resp_value = self.msg_runner._process_message_locally(self)
failure = False
except Exception as exc:
resp_value = sys.exc_info()
failure = True
LOG.exception(_("Error processing message locally: %(exc)s"),
{'exc': exc})
return Response(self.routing_path, resp_value, failure)
def _setup_response_queue(self):
"""Shortcut to creating a response queue in the MessageRunner."""
self.resp_queue = self.msg_runner._setup_response_queue(self)
def _cleanup_response_queue(self):
"""Shortcut to deleting a response queue in the MessageRunner."""
if self.resp_queue:
self.resp_queue = None
def _wait_for_json_responses(self, num_responses=1):
"""Wait for response(s) to be put into the eventlet queue. Since
each queue entry actually contains a list of JSON-ified responses,
combine them all into a single list to return.
Destroy the eventlet queue when done.
if not self.resp_queue:
# Source is not actually expecting a response
responses = []
wait_time = CONF.cells.call_timeout
for x in xrange(num_responses):
json_responses = self.resp_queue.get(timeout=wait_time)
except queue.Empty:
raise exception.CellTimeout()
return responses
def _send_json_responses(self, json_responses, neighbor_only=False,
"""Send list of responses to this message. Responses passed here
are JSON-ified. Targeted messages have a single response while
Broadcast messages may have multiple responses.
If this cell was the source of the message, these responses will
be returned from self.process().
Otherwise, we will route the response to the source of the
request. If 'neighbor_only' is True, the response will be sent
to the neighbor cell, not the original requester. Broadcast
messages get aggregated at each hop, so neighbor_only will be
True for those messages.
if not self.need_response:
if self.source_is_us():
responses = []
for json_response in json_responses:
return responses
direction = self.direction == 'up' and 'down' or 'up'
response_kwargs = {'orig_message': self.to_json(),
'responses': json_responses}
target_cell = _response_cell_name_from_path(self.routing_path,
response = self.msg_runner._create_response_message(self.ctxt,
direction, target_cell, self.uuid, response_kwargs,
def _send_response(self, response, neighbor_only=False):
"""Send a response to this message. If the source of the
request was ourselves, just return the response. It'll be
passed back to the caller of self.process(). See DocString for
_send_json_responses() as it handles most of the real work for
this method.
'response' is an instance of Response class.
if not self.need_response:
if self.source_is_us():
return response
def _send_response_from_exception(self, exc_info):
"""Take an exception as returned from sys.exc_info(), encode
it in a Response, and send it.
response = Response(self.routing_path, exc_info, True)
return self._send_response(response)
def _to_dict(self):
"""Convert a message to a dictionary. Only used internally."""
_dict = {}
for key in self.base_attrs_to_json:
_dict[key] = getattr(self, key)
return _dict
def to_json(self):
"""Convert a message into JSON for sending to a sibling cell."""
_dict = self._to_dict()
# Convert context to dict.
_dict['ctxt'] = _dict['ctxt'].to_dict()
return jsonutils.dumps(_dict)
def source_is_us(self):
"""Did this cell create this message?"""
return self.routing_path == self.our_path_part
def process(self):
"""Process a message. Deal with it locally and/or forward it to a
sibling cell.
Override in a subclass.
raise NotImplementedError()
class _TargetedMessage(_BaseMessage):
"""A targeted message is a message that is destined for a specific
single cell.
'target_cell' can be a full cell name like 'api!child-cell' or it can
be an instance of the CellState class if the target is a neighbor cell.
message_type = 'targeted'
def __init__(self, msg_runner, ctxt, method_name, method_kwargs,
direction, target_cell, **kwargs):
super(_TargetedMessage, self).__init__(msg_runner, ctxt,
method_name, method_kwargs, direction, **kwargs)
if isinstance(target_cell, cells_state.CellState):
# Neighbor cell or ourselves. Convert it to a 'full path'.
if target_cell.is_me:
target_cell = self.our_path_part
target_cell = '%s%s%s' % (self.our_path_part,
self.target_cell = target_cell
def _get_next_hop(self):
"""Return the cell name for the next hop. If the next hop is
the current cell, return None.
if self.target_cell == self.routing_path:
return self.state_manager.my_cell_state
target_cell = self.target_cell
routing_path = self.routing_path
current_hops = routing_path.count(_PATH_CELL_SEP)
next_hop_num = current_hops + 1
dest_hops = target_cell.count(_PATH_CELL_SEP)
if dest_hops < current_hops:
reason_args = {'target_cell': target_cell,
'routing_path': routing_path}
reason = _("destination is %(target_cell)s but routing_path "
"is %(routing_path)s") % reason_args
raise exception.CellRoutingInconsistency(reason=reason)
dest_name_parts = target_cell.split(_PATH_CELL_SEP)
if (_PATH_CELL_SEP.join(dest_name_parts[:next_hop_num]) !=
reason_args = {'target_cell': target_cell,
'routing_path': routing_path}
reason = _("destination is %(target_cell)s but routing_path "
"is %(routing_path)s") % reason_args
raise exception.CellRoutingInconsistency(reason=reason)
next_hop_name = dest_name_parts[next_hop_num]
if self.direction == 'up':
next_hop = self.state_manager.get_parent_cell(next_hop_name)
next_hop = self.state_manager.get_child_cell(next_hop_name)
if not next_hop:
cell_type = 'parent' if self.direction == 'up' else 'child'
reason_args = {'cell_type': cell_type,
'target_cell': target_cell}
reason = _("Unknown %(cell_type)s when routing to "
"%(target_cell)s") % reason_args
raise exception.CellRoutingInconsistency(reason=reason)
return next_hop
def process(self):
"""Process a targeted message. This is called for all cells
that touch this message. If the local cell is the one that
created this message, we reply directly with a Response instance.
If the local cell is not the target, an eventlet queue is created
and we wait for the response to show up via another thread
receiving the Response back.
Responses to targeted messages are routed directly back to the
source. No eventlet queues are created in intermediate hops.
All exceptions for processing the message across the whole
routing path are caught and encoded within the Response and
returned to the caller.
next_hop = self._get_next_hop()
except Exception as exc:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
LOG.exception(_("Error locating next hop for message: %(exc)s"),
{'exc': exc})
return self._send_response_from_exception(exc_info)
if next_hop.is_me:
# Final destination.
response = self._process_locally()
return self._send_response(response)
# Need to forward via neighbor cell.
if self.need_response and self.source_is_us():
# A response is needed and the source of the message is
# this cell. Create the eventlet queue.
wait_for_response = True
wait_for_response = False
# This is inside the try block, so we can encode the
# exception and return it to the caller.
if self.hop_count >= self.max_hop_count:
raise exception.CellMaxHopCountReached(
except Exception as exc:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
err_str = _("Failed to send message to cell: %(next_hop)s: "
LOG.exception(err_str, {'exc': exc, 'next_hop': next_hop})
return self._send_response_from_exception(exc_info)
if wait_for_response:
# Targeted messages only have 1 response.
remote_response = self._wait_for_json_responses()[0]
return Response.from_json(remote_response)
class _BroadcastMessage(_BaseMessage):
"""A broadcast message. This means to call a method in every single
cell going in a certain direction.
message_type = 'broadcast'
def __init__(self, msg_runner, ctxt, method_name, method_kwargs,
direction, run_locally=True, **kwargs):
super(_BroadcastMessage, self).__init__(msg_runner, ctxt,
method_name, method_kwargs, direction, **kwargs)
# The local cell creating this message has the option
# to be able to process the message locally or not.
self.run_locally = run_locally
self.is_broadcast = True
def _get_next_hops(self):
"""Set the next hops and return the number of hops. The next
hops may include ourself.
if self.hop_count >= self.max_hop_count:
return []
if self.direction == 'down':
return self.state_manager.get_child_cells()
return self.state_manager.get_parent_cells()
def _send_to_cells(self, target_cells):
"""Send a message to multiple cells."""
for cell in target_cells:
def _send_json_responses(self, json_responses):
"""Responses to broadcast messages always need to go to the
neighbor cell from which we received this message. That
cell aggregates the responses and makes sure to forward them
to the correct source.
return super(_BroadcastMessage, self)._send_json_responses(
json_responses, neighbor_only=True, fanout=True)
def process(self):
"""Process a broadcast message. This is called for all cells
that touch this message.
The message is sent to all cells in the certain direction and
the creator of this message has the option of whether or not
to process it locally as well.
If responses from all cells are required, each hop creates an
eventlet queue and waits for responses from its immediate
neighbor cells. All responses are then aggregated into a
single list and are returned to the neighbor cell until the
source is reached.
When the source is reached, a list of Response instances are
returned to the caller.
All exceptions for processing the message across the whole
routing path are caught and encoded within the Response and
returned to the caller. It is possible to get a mix of
successful responses and failure responses. The caller is
responsible for dealing with this.
next_hops = self._get_next_hops()
except Exception as exc:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
LOG.exception(_("Error locating next hops for message: %(exc)s"),
{'exc': exc})
return self._send_response_from_exception(exc_info)
# Short circuit if we don't need to respond
if not self.need_response:
if self.run_locally:
# We'll need to aggregate all of the responses (from ourself
# and our sibling cells) into 1 response
except Exception as exc:
# Error just trying to send to cells. Send a single response
# with the failure.
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
LOG.exception(_("Error sending message to next hops: %(exc)s"),
{'exc': exc})
return self._send_response_from_exception(exc_info)
if self.run_locally:
# Run locally and store the Response.
local_response = self._process_locally()
local_response = None
remote_responses = self._wait_for_json_responses(
except Exception as exc:
# Error waiting for responses, most likely a timeout.
# Send a single response back with the failure.
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
err_str = _("Error waiting for responses from neighbor cells: "
LOG.exception(err_str, {'exc': exc})
return self._send_response_from_exception(exc_info)
if local_response:
return self._send_json_responses(remote_responses)
class _ResponseMessage(_TargetedMessage):
"""A response message is really just a special targeted message,
saying to call 'parse_responses' when we reach the source of a 'call'.
The 'fanout' attribute on this message may be true if we're responding
to a broadcast or if we're about to respond to the source of an
original target message. Because multiple nova-cells services may
be running within a cell, we need to make sure the response gets
back to the correct one, so we have to fanout.
message_type = 'response'
def __init__(self, msg_runner, ctxt, method_name, method_kwargs,
direction, target_cell, response_uuid, **kwargs):
super(_ResponseMessage, self).__init__(msg_runner, ctxt,
method_name, method_kwargs, direction, target_cell, **kwargs)
self.response_uuid = response_uuid
def process(self):
"""Process a response. If the target is the local cell, process
the response here. Otherwise, forward it to where it needs to
next_hop = self._get_next_hop()
if next_hop.is_me:
if self.fanout is False:
# Really there's 1 more hop on each of these below, but
# it doesn't matter for this logic.
target_hops = self.target_cell.count(_PATH_CELL_SEP)
current_hops = self.routing_path.count(_PATH_CELL_SEP)
if current_hops + 1 == target_hops:
# Next hop is the target.. so we must fanout. See
# DocString above.
self.fanout = True
# Methods that may be called when processing messages after reaching
# a target cell.
class _BaseMessageMethods(base.Base):
"""Base class for defining methods by message types."""
def __init__(self, msg_runner):
super(_BaseMessageMethods, self).__init__()
self.msg_runner = msg_runner
self.state_manager = msg_runner.state_manager
self.compute_api = compute.API()
self.compute_rpcapi = compute_rpcapi.ComputeAPI()
self.consoleauth_rpcapi = consoleauth_rpcapi.ConsoleAuthAPI()
self.host_api = compute.HostAPI()
def task_log_get_all(self, message, task_name, period_beginning,
period_ending, host, state):
"""Get task logs from the DB. The message could have
directly targeted this cell, or it could have been a broadcast
If 'host' is not None, filter by host.
If 'state' is not None, filter by state.
task_logs = self.db.task_log_get_all(message.ctxt, task_name,
return jsonutils.to_primitive(task_logs)
class _ResponseMessageMethods(_BaseMessageMethods):
"""Methods that are called from a ResponseMessage. There's only
1 method (parse_responses) and it is called when the message reaches
the source of a 'call'. All we do is stuff the response into the
eventlet queue to signal the caller that's waiting.
def parse_responses(self, message, orig_message, responses):
class _TargetedMessageMethods(_BaseMessageMethods):
"""These are the methods that can be called when routing a message
to a specific cell.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(_TargetedMessageMethods, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def schedule_run_instance(self, message, host_sched_kwargs):
"""Parent cell told us to schedule new instance creation."""
self.msg_runner.scheduler.run_instance(message, host_sched_kwargs)
def run_compute_api_method(self, message, method_info):
"""Run a method in the compute api class."""
method = method_info['method']
fn = getattr(self.compute_api, method, None)
if not fn:
detail = _("Unknown method '%(method)s' in compute API")
raise exception.CellServiceAPIMethodNotFound(
detail=detail % {'method': method})
args = list(method_info['method_args'])
# 1st arg is instance_uuid that we need to turn into the
# instance object.
instance_uuid = args[0]
instance = self.db.instance_get_by_uuid(message.ctxt,
except exception.InstanceNotFound:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
# Must be a race condition. Let's try to resolve it by
# telling the top level cells that this instance doesn't
# exist.
instance = {'uuid': instance_uuid}
args[0] = instance
return fn(message.ctxt, *args, **method_info['method_kwargs'])
def update_capabilities(self, message, cell_name, capabilities):
"""A child cell told us about their capabilities."""
LOG.debug(_("Received capabilities from child cell "
"%(cell_name)s: %(capabilities)s"),
{'cell_name': cell_name, 'capabilities': capabilities})
# Go ahead and update our parents now that a child updated us
def update_capacities(self, message, cell_name, capacities):
"""A child cell told us about their capacity."""
LOG.debug(_("Received capacities from child cell "
"%(cell_name)s: %(capacities)s"),
{'cell_name': cell_name, 'capacities': capacities})
# Go ahead and update our parents now that a child updated us
def announce_capabilities(self, message):
"""A parent cell has told us to send our capabilities, so let's
do so.
def announce_capacities(self, message):
"""A parent cell has told us to send our capacity, so let's
do so.
def service_get_by_compute_host(self, message, host_name):
"""Return the service entry for a compute host."""
service = self.db.service_get_by_compute_host(message.ctxt,
return jsonutils.to_primitive(service)
def service_update(self, message, host_name, binary, params_to_update):
Used to enable/disable a service. For compute services, setting to
disabled stops new builds arriving on that host.
:param host_name: the name of the host machine that the service is
:param binary: The name of the executable that the service runs as
:param params_to_update: eg. {'disabled': True}
return jsonutils.to_primitive(
self.host_api.service_update(message.ctxt, host_name, binary,
def proxy_rpc_to_manager(self, message, host_name, rpc_message,
topic, timeout):
"""Proxy RPC to the given compute topic."""
# Check that the host exists.
self.db.service_get_by_compute_host(message.ctxt, host_name)
if message.need_response:
return, topic, rpc_message,
rpc.cast(message.ctxt, topic, rpc_message)
def compute_node_get(self, message, compute_id):
"""Get compute node by ID."""
compute_node = self.db.compute_node_get(message.ctxt,
return jsonutils.to_primitive(compute_node)
def actions_get(self, message, instance_uuid):
actions = self.db.actions_get(message.ctxt, instance_uuid)
return jsonutils.to_primitive(actions)
def action_get_by_request_id(self, message, instance_uuid, request_id):
action = self.db.action_get_by_request_id(message.ctxt, instance_uuid,
return jsonutils.to_primitive(action)
def action_events_get(self, message, action_id):
action_events = self.db.action_events_get(message.ctxt, action_id)
return jsonutils.to_primitive(action_events)
def validate_console_port(self, message, instance_uuid, console_port,
"""Validate console port with child cell compute node."""
# 1st arg is instance_uuid that we need to turn into the
# instance object.
instance = self.db.instance_get_by_uuid(message.ctxt,
except exception.InstanceNotFound:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
# Must be a race condition. Let's try to resolve it by
# telling the top level cells that this instance doesn't
# exist.
instance = {'uuid': instance_uuid}
return self.compute_rpcapi.validate_console_port(message.ctxt,
instance, console_port, console_type)
class _BroadcastMessageMethods(_BaseMessageMethods):
"""These are the methods that can be called as a part of a broadcast
def _at_the_top(self):
"""Are we the API level?"""
return not self.state_manager.get_parent_cells()
def instance_update_at_top(self, message, instance, **kwargs):
"""Update an instance in the DB if we're a top level cell."""
if not self._at_the_top():
instance_uuid = instance['uuid']
# Remove things that we can't update in the top level cells.
# 'metadata' is only updated in the API cell, so don't overwrite
# it based on what child cells say. Make sure to update
# 'cell_name' based on the routing path.
items_to_remove = ['id', 'security_groups', 'volumes', 'cell_name',
'name', 'metadata']
for key in items_to_remove:
instance.pop(key, None)
instance['cell_name'] = _reverse_path(message.routing_path)
# Fixup info_cache. We'll have to update this separately if
# it exists.
info_cache = instance.pop('info_cache', None)
if info_cache is not None:
info_cache.pop('id', None)
info_cache.pop('instance', None)
# Fixup system_metadata (should be a dict for update, not a list)
if ('system_metadata' in instance and
isinstance(instance['system_metadata'], list)):
sys_metadata = dict([(md['key'], md['value'])
for md in instance['system_metadata']])
instance['system_metadata'] = sys_metadata
LOG.debug(_("Got update for instance: %(instance)s"),
{'instance': instance}, instance_uuid=instance_uuid)
# To attempt to address out-of-order messages, do some sanity
# checking on the VM state.
expected_vm_state_map = {
# For updates containing 'vm_state' of 'building',
# only allow them to occur if the DB already says
# 'building' or if the vm_state is None. None
# really shouldn't be possible as instances always
# start out in 'building' anyway.. but just in case.
vm_states.BUILDING: [vm_states.BUILDING, None]}
expected_vm_states = expected_vm_state_map.get(
if expected_vm_states:
instance['expected_vm_state'] = expected_vm_states
# It's possible due to some weird condition that the instance
# was already set as deleted... so we'll attempt to update
# it with permissions that allows us to read deleted.
with utils.temporary_mutation(message.ctxt, read_deleted="yes"):
self.db.instance_update(message.ctxt, instance_uuid,
instance, update_cells=False)
except exception.NotFound:
# FIXME(comstud): Strange. Need to handle quotas here,
# if we actually want this code to remain..
self.db.instance_create(message.ctxt, instance)
if info_cache:
message.ctxt, instance_uuid, info_cache)
except exception.InstanceInfoCacheNotFound:
# Can happen if we try to update a deleted instance's
# network information.
def instance_destroy_at_top(self, message, instance, **kwargs):
"""Destroy an instance from the DB if we're a top level cell."""
if not self._at_the_top():
instance_uuid = instance['uuid']
LOG.debug(_("Got update to delete instance"),
self.db.instance_destroy(message.ctxt, instance_uuid,
except exception.InstanceNotFound:
def instance_delete_everywhere(self, message, instance, delete_type,
"""Call compute API delete() or soft_delete() in every cell.
This is used when the API cell doesn't know what cell an instance
belongs to but the instance was requested to be deleted or
soft-deleted. So, we'll run it everywhere.
LOG.debug(_("Got broadcast to %(delete_type)s delete instance"),
{'delete_type': delete_type}, instance=instance)
if delete_type == 'soft':
self.compute_api.soft_delete(message.ctxt, instance)
self.compute_api.delete(message.ctxt, instance)
def instance_fault_create_at_top(self, message, instance_fault, **kwargs):
"""Destroy an instance from the DB if we're a top level cell."""
if not self._at_the_top():
items_to_remove = ['id']
for key in items_to_remove:
instance_fault.pop(key, None)
log_str = _("Got message to create instance fault: "
LOG.debug(log_str, {'instance_fault': instance_fault})
self.db.instance_fault_create(message.ctxt, instance_fault)
def bw_usage_update_at_top(self, message, bw_update_info, **kwargs):
"""Update Bandwidth usage in the DB if we're a top level cell."""
if not self._at_the_top():
self.db.bw_usage_update(message.ctxt, **bw_update_info)
def _sync_instance(self, ctxt, instance):
if instance['deleted']:
self.msg_runner.instance_destroy_at_top(ctxt, instance)
self.msg_runner.instance_update_at_top(ctxt, instance)
def sync_instances(self, message, project_id, updated_since, deleted,
projid_str = project_id is None and "<all>" or project_id
since_str = updated_since is None and "<all>" or updated_since"Forcing a sync of instances, project_id="
"%(projid_str)s, updated_since=%(since_str)s"),
{'projid_str': projid_str, 'since_str': since_str})
if updated_since is not None:
updated_since = timeutils.parse_isotime(updated_since)
instances = cells_utils.get_instances_to_sync(message.ctxt,
updated_since=updated_since, project_id=project_id,
for instance in instances:
self._sync_instance(message.ctxt, instance)
def service_get_all(self, message, filters):
if filters is None:
filters = {}
disabled = filters.pop('disabled', None)
services = self.db.service_get_all(message.ctxt, disabled=disabled)
ret_services = []
for service in services:
service = jsonutils.to_primitive(service)
for key, val in filters.iteritems():
if service[key] != val:
return ret_services
def compute_node_get_all(self, message, hypervisor_match):
"""Return compute nodes in this cell."""
if hypervisor_match is not None:
nodes = self.db.compute_node_search_by_hypervisor(message.ctxt,
nodes = self.db.compute_node_get_all(message.ctxt)
return jsonutils.to_primitive(nodes)
def compute_node_stats(self, message):
"""Return compute node stats from this cell."""
return self.db.compute_node_statistics(message.ctxt)
def consoleauth_delete_tokens(self, message, instance_uuid):
"""Delete consoleauth tokens for an instance in API cells."""
if not self._at_the_top():
_CELL_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_MESSAGE_CLS = {'targeted': _TargetedMessage,
'broadcast': _BroadcastMessage,
'response': _ResponseMessage}
_CELL_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_METHODS_CLS = {'targeted': _TargetedMessageMethods,
'broadcast': _BroadcastMessageMethods,
'response': _ResponseMessageMethods}
# Below are the public interfaces into this module.
class MessageRunner(object):
"""This class is the main interface into creating messages and
processing them.
Public methods in this class are typically called by the CellsManager
to create a new message and process it with the exception of
'message_from_json' which should be used by CellsDrivers to convert
a JSONified message it has received back into the appropriate Message
Private methods are used internally when we need to keep some
'global' state. For instance, eventlet queues used for responses are
held in this class. Also, when a Message is process()ed above and
it's determined we should take action locally,
_process_message_locally() will be called.
When needing to add a new method to call in a Cell2Cell message,
define the new method below and also add it to the appropriate
MessageMethods class where the real work will be done.
def __init__(self, state_manager):
self.state_manager = state_manager
cells_scheduler_cls = importutils.import_class(
self.scheduler = cells_scheduler_cls(self)
self.response_queues = {}
self.methods_by_type = {}
self.our_name =
for msg_type, cls in _CELL_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_METHODS_CLS.iteritems():
self.methods_by_type[msg_type] = cls(self)
def _process_message_locally(self, message):
"""Message processing will call this when its determined that
the message should be processed within this cell. Find the
method to call based on the message type, and call it. The
caller is responsible for catching exceptions and returning
results to cells, if needed.
methods = self.methods_by_type[message.message_type]
fn = getattr(methods, message.method_name)
return fn(message, **message.method_kwargs)
def _put_response(self, response_uuid, response):
"""Put a response into a response queue. This is called when
a _ResponseMessage is processed in the cell that initiated a
'call' to another cell.
resp_queue = self.response_queues.get(response_uuid)
if not resp_queue:
# Response queue is gone. We must have restarted or we
# received a response after our timeout period.
def _setup_response_queue(self, message):
"""Set up an eventlet queue to use to wait for replies.
Replies come back from the target cell as a _ResponseMessage
being sent back to the source.
resp_queue = queue.Queue()
self.response_queues[message.uuid] = resp_queue
return resp_queue
def _cleanup_response_queue(self, message):
"""Stop tracking the response queue either because we're
done receiving responses, or we've timed out.
del self.response_queues[message.uuid]
except KeyError:
# Ignore if queue is gone already somehow.
def _create_response_message(self, ctxt, direction, target_cell,
response_uuid, response_kwargs, **kwargs):
"""Create a ResponseMessage. This is used internally within
the messaging module.
return _ResponseMessage(self, ctxt, 'parse_responses',
response_kwargs, direction, target_cell,
response_uuid, **kwargs)
def message_from_json(self, json_message):
"""Turns a message in JSON format into an appropriate Message
instance. This is called when cells receive a message from
another cell.
message_dict = jsonutils.loads(json_message)
message_type = message_dict.pop('message_type')
# Need to convert context back.
ctxt = message_dict['ctxt']
message_dict['ctxt'] = context.RequestContext.from_dict(ctxt)
message_cls = _CELL_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_MESSAGE_CLS[message_type]
return message_cls(self, **message_dict)
def ask_children_for_capabilities(self, ctxt):
"""Tell child cells to send us capabilities. This is typically
called on startup of the nova-cells service.
child_cells = self.state_manager.get_child_cells()
for child_cell in child_cells:
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt,
dict(), 'down', child_cell)
def ask_children_for_capacities(self, ctxt):
"""Tell child cells to send us capacities. This is typically
called on startup of the nova-cells service.
child_cells = self.state_manager.get_child_cells()
for child_cell in child_cells:
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt, 'announce_capacities',
dict(), 'down', child_cell)
def tell_parents_our_capabilities(self, ctxt):
"""Send our capabilities to parent cells."""
parent_cells = self.state_manager.get_parent_cells()
if not parent_cells:
my_cell_info = self.state_manager.get_my_state()
capabs = self.state_manager.get_our_capabilities()
LOG.debug(_("Updating parents with our capabilities: %(capabs)s"),
{'capabs': capabs})
# We have to turn the sets into lists so they can potentially
# be json encoded when the raw message is sent.
for key, values in capabs.items():
capabs[key] = list(values)
method_kwargs = {'cell_name':,
'capabilities': capabs}
for cell in parent_cells:
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt, 'update_capabilities',
method_kwargs, 'up', cell, fanout=True)
def tell_parents_our_capacities(self, ctxt):
"""Send our capacities to parent cells."""
parent_cells = self.state_manager.get_parent_cells()
if not parent_cells:
my_cell_info = self.state_manager.get_my_state()
capacities = self.state_manager.get_our_capacities()
LOG.debug(_("Updating parents with our capacities: %(capacities)s"),
{'capacities': capacities})
method_kwargs = {'cell_name':,
'capacities': capacities}
for cell in parent_cells:
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt, 'update_capacities',
method_kwargs, 'up', cell, fanout=True)
def schedule_run_instance(self, ctxt, target_cell, host_sched_kwargs):
"""Called by the scheduler to tell a child cell to schedule
a new instance for build.
method_kwargs = dict(host_sched_kwargs=host_sched_kwargs)
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt, 'schedule_run_instance',
method_kwargs, 'down', target_cell)
def run_compute_api_method(self, ctxt, cell_name, method_info, call):
"""Call a compute API method in a specific cell."""
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt, 'run_compute_api_method',
dict(method_info=method_info), 'down',
cell_name, need_response=call)
return message.process()
def instance_update_at_top(self, ctxt, instance):
"""Update an instance at the top level cell."""
message = _BroadcastMessage(self, ctxt, 'instance_update_at_top',
dict(instance=instance), 'up',
def instance_destroy_at_top(self, ctxt, instance):
"""Destroy an instance at the top level cell."""
message = _BroadcastMessage(self, ctxt, 'instance_destroy_at_top',
dict(instance=instance), 'up',
def instance_delete_everywhere(self, ctxt, instance, delete_type):
"""This is used by API cell when it didn't know what cell
an instance was in, but the instance was requested to be
deleted or soft_deleted. So, we'll broadcast this everywhere.
method_kwargs = dict(instance=instance, delete_type=delete_type)
message = _BroadcastMessage(self, ctxt,
method_kwargs, 'down',
def instance_fault_create_at_top(self, ctxt, instance_fault):
"""Create an instance fault at the top level cell."""
message = _BroadcastMessage(self, ctxt,
'up', run_locally=False)
def bw_usage_update_at_top(self, ctxt, bw_update_info):
"""Update bandwidth usage at top level cell."""
message = _BroadcastMessage(self, ctxt, 'bw_usage_update_at_top',
'up', run_locally=False)
def sync_instances(self, ctxt, project_id, updated_since, deleted):
"""Force a sync of all instances, potentially by project_id,
and potentially since a certain date/time.
method_kwargs = dict(project_id=project_id,
message = _BroadcastMessage(self, ctxt, 'sync_instances',
method_kwargs, 'down',
def service_get_all(self, ctxt, filters=None):
method_kwargs = dict(filters=filters)
message = _BroadcastMessage(self, ctxt, 'service_get_all',
method_kwargs, 'down',
run_locally=True, need_response=True)
return message.process()
def service_get_by_compute_host(self, ctxt, cell_name, host_name):
method_kwargs = dict(host_name=host_name)
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt,
method_kwargs, 'down', cell_name,
return message.process()
def service_update(self, ctxt, cell_name, host_name, binary,
Used to enable/disable a service. For compute services, setting to
disabled stops new builds arriving on that host.
:param host_name: the name of the host machine that the service is
:param binary: The name of the executable that the service runs as
:param params_to_update: eg. {'disabled': True}
:returns: the update service object
method_kwargs = dict(host_name=host_name, binary=binary,
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt,
method_kwargs, 'down', cell_name,
return message.process()
def proxy_rpc_to_manager(self, ctxt, cell_name, host_name, topic,
rpc_message, call, timeout):
method_kwargs = {'host_name': host_name,
'topic': topic,
'rpc_message': rpc_message,
'timeout': timeout}
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt,
method_kwargs, 'down', cell_name,
return message.process()
def task_log_get_all(self, ctxt, cell_name, task_name,
period_beginning, period_ending,
host=None, state=None):
"""Get task logs from the DB from all cells or a particular
If 'cell_name' is None or '', get responses from all cells.
If 'host' is not None, filter by host.
If 'state' is not None, filter by state.
Return a list of Response objects.
method_kwargs = dict(task_name=task_name,
host=host, state=state)
if cell_name:
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt, 'task_log_get_all',
method_kwargs, 'down',
cell_name, need_response=True)
# Caller should get a list of Responses.
return [message.process()]
message = _BroadcastMessage(self, ctxt, 'task_log_get_all',
method_kwargs, 'down',
run_locally=True, need_response=True)
return message.process()
def compute_node_get_all(self, ctxt, hypervisor_match=None):
"""Return list of compute nodes in all child cells."""
method_kwargs = dict(hypervisor_match=hypervisor_match)
message = _BroadcastMessage(self, ctxt, 'compute_node_get_all',
method_kwargs, 'down',
run_locally=True, need_response=True)
return message.process()
def compute_node_stats(self, ctxt):
"""Return compute node stats from all child cells."""
method_kwargs = dict()
message = _BroadcastMessage(self, ctxt, 'compute_node_stats',
method_kwargs, 'down',
run_locally=True, need_response=True)
return message.process()
def compute_node_get(self, ctxt, cell_name, compute_id):
"""Return compute node entry from a specific cell by ID."""
method_kwargs = dict(compute_id=compute_id)
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt, 'compute_node_get',
method_kwargs, 'down',
cell_name, need_response=True)
return message.process()
def actions_get(self, ctxt, cell_name, instance_uuid):
method_kwargs = dict(instance_uuid=instance_uuid)
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt, 'actions_get',
method_kwargs, 'down',
cell_name, need_response=True)
return message.process()
def action_get_by_request_id(self, ctxt, cell_name, instance_uuid,
method_kwargs = dict(instance_uuid=instance_uuid,
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt, 'action_get_by_request_id',
method_kwargs, 'down',
cell_name, need_response=True)
return message.process()
def action_events_get(self, ctxt, cell_name, action_id):
method_kwargs = dict(action_id=action_id)
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt, 'action_events_get',
method_kwargs, 'down',
cell_name, need_response=True)
return message.process()
def consoleauth_delete_tokens(self, ctxt, instance_uuid):
"""Delete consoleauth tokens for an instance in API cells."""
message = _BroadcastMessage(self, ctxt, 'consoleauth_delete_tokens',
'up', run_locally=False)
def validate_console_port(self, ctxt, cell_name, instance_uuid,
console_port, console_type):
"""Validate console port with child cell compute node."""
method_kwargs = {'instance_uuid': instance_uuid,
'console_port': console_port,
'console_type': console_type}
message = _TargetedMessage(self, ctxt, 'validate_console_port',
method_kwargs, 'down',
cell_name, need_response=True)
return message.process()
def get_message_types():
class Response(object):
"""Holds a response from a cell. If there was a failure, 'failure'
will be True and 'response' will contain an encoded Exception.
def __init__(self, cell_name, value, failure):
self.failure = failure
self.cell_name = cell_name
self.value = value
def to_json(self):
resp_value = self.value
if self.failure:
resp_value = rpc_common.serialize_remote_exception(resp_value,
_dict = {'cell_name': self.cell_name,
'value': resp_value,
'failure': self.failure}
return jsonutils.dumps(_dict)
def from_json(cls, json_message):
_dict = jsonutils.loads(json_message)
if _dict['failure']:
resp_value = rpc_common.deserialize_remote_exception(
CONF, _dict['value'])
_dict['value'] = resp_value
return cls(**_dict)
def value_or_raise(self):
if self.failure:
if isinstance(self.value, (tuple, list)):
raise self.value[0], self.value[1], self.value[2]
raise self.value
return self.value