
703 lines
28 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import fixtures
import mock
import six
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from nova.conf import neutron as neutron_conf
from nova import context as nova_context
from nova import objects
from nova import test
from nova.tests import fixtures as nova_fixtures
from nova.tests.functional.api import client
from nova.tests.functional.test_servers import ServersTestBase
from nova.tests.unit import fake_notifier
from nova.tests.unit.virt.libvirt import fake_imagebackend
from nova.tests.unit.virt.libvirt import fake_libvirt_utils
from nova.tests.unit.virt.libvirt import fakelibvirt
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NUMAServersTestBase(ServersTestBase):
def setUp(self):
super(NUMAServersTestBase, self).setUp()
# Replace libvirt with fakelibvirt
def _setup_compute_service(self):
# we need to mock some libvirt stuff so we start this service in the
# test instead
def _setup_scheduler_service(self):
self.flags(driver='filter_scheduler', group='scheduler')
+ ['NUMATopologyFilter'],
return self.start_service('scheduler')
def _get_connection(self, host_info):
fake_connection = fakelibvirt.Connection('qemu:///system',
return fake_connection
def _get_topology_filter_spy(self):
host_manager = self.scheduler.manager.driver.host_manager
numa_filter_class = host_manager.filter_cls_map['NUMATopologyFilter']
host_pass_mock = mock.Mock(wraps=numa_filter_class().host_passes)
return host_pass_mock
class NUMAServersTest(NUMAServersTestBase):
def _run_build_test(self, flavor_id, filter_mock, end_status='ACTIVE'):
self.compute = self.start_service('compute', host='test_compute0')
# Create server
good_server = self._build_server(flavor_id)
post = {'server': good_server}
created_server = self.api.post_server(post)
LOG.debug("created_server: %s", created_server)
created_server_id = created_server['id']
# Validate that the server has been created
found_server = self.api.get_server(created_server_id)
self.assertEqual(created_server_id, found_server['id'])
# It should also be in the all-servers list
servers = self.api.get_servers()
server_ids = [s['id'] for s in servers]
self.assertIn(created_server_id, server_ids)
# Validate that NUMATopologyFilter has been called
found_server = self._wait_for_state_change(found_server, 'BUILD')
self.assertEqual(end_status, found_server['status'])
self.addCleanup(self._delete_server, created_server_id)
return created_server
def test_create_server_with_numa_topology(self):
host_info = fakelibvirt.NUMAHostInfo(cpu_nodes=2, cpu_sockets=1,
cpu_cores=2, cpu_threads=2,
fake_connection = self._get_connection(host_info=host_info)
# Create a flavor
extra_spec = {'hw:numa_nodes': '2'}
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(extra_spec=extra_spec)
host_pass_mock = self._get_topology_filter_spy()
with test.nested(
side_effect=host_pass_mock)) as (conn_mock,
self._run_build_test(flavor_id, filter_mock)
def test_create_server_with_pinning(self):
host_info = fakelibvirt.NUMAHostInfo(cpu_nodes=1, cpu_sockets=1,
cpu_cores=5, cpu_threads=2,
fake_connection = self._get_connection(host_info=host_info)
# Create a flavor
extra_spec = {
'hw:cpu_policy': 'dedicated',
'hw:cpu_thread_policy': 'prefer',
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(vcpu=5, extra_spec=extra_spec)
host_pass_mock = self._get_topology_filter_spy()
with test.nested(
side_effect=host_pass_mock)) as (conn_mock,
server = self._run_build_test(flavor_id, filter_mock)
ctx = nova_context.get_admin_context()
inst = objects.Instance.get_by_uuid(ctx, server['id'])
self.assertEqual(1, len(inst.numa_topology.cells))
self.assertEqual(5, inst.numa_topology.cells[0].cpu_topology.cores)
def test_create_server_with_numa_fails(self):
host_info = fakelibvirt.NUMAHostInfo(cpu_nodes=1, cpu_sockets=1,
cpu_cores=2, kB_mem=15740000)
fake_connection = self._get_connection(host_info=host_info)
# Create a flavor
extra_spec = {'hw:numa_nodes': '2'}
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(extra_spec=extra_spec)
host_pass_mock = self._get_topology_filter_spy()
with test.nested(
side_effect=host_pass_mock)) as (conn_mock,
self._run_build_test(flavor_id, filter_mock, end_status='ERROR')
class NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture(nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture):
"""A custom variant of the stock neutron fixture with more networks.
There are three networks available: two l2 networks (one flat and one VLAN)
and one l3 network (VXLAN).
network_1 = {
'id': '3cb9bc59-5699-4588-a4b1-b87f96708bc6',
'status': 'ACTIVE',
'subnets': [],
'name': 'physical-network-foo',
'admin_state_up': True,
'tenant_id': nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture.tenant_id,
'provider:physical_network': 'foo',
'provider:network_type': 'flat',
'provider:segmentation_id': None,
network_2 = network_1.copy()
'id': 'a252b8cd-2d99-4e82-9a97-ec1217c496f5',
'name': 'physical-network-bar',
'provider:physical_network': 'bar',
'provider:network_type': 'vlan',
'provider:segmentation_id': 123,
network_3 = network_1.copy()
'id': '877a79cc-295b-4b80-9606-092bf132931e',
'name': 'tunneled-network',
'provider:physical_network': None,
'provider:network_type': 'vxlan',
'provider:segmentation_id': 69,
subnet_1 = nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture.subnet_1.copy()
'name': 'physical-subnet-foo',
subnet_2 = nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture.subnet_1.copy()
'id': 'b4c13749-c002-47ed-bf42-8b1d44fa9ff2',
'name': 'physical-subnet-bar',
'network_id': network_2['id'],
subnet_3 = nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture.subnet_1.copy()
'id': '4dacb20b-917f-4275-aa75-825894553442',
'name': 'tunneled-subnet',
'network_id': network_3['id'],
network_1['subnets'] = [subnet_1]
network_2['subnets'] = [subnet_2]
network_3['subnets'] = [subnet_3]
network_1_port_2 = {
'id': 'f32582b5-8694-4be8-9a52-c5732f601c9d',
'network_id': network_1['id'],
'status': 'ACTIVE',
'mac_address': '71:ce:c7:8b:cd:dc',
'fixed_ips': [
'ip_address': '',
'subnet_id': subnet_1['id']
'binding:vif_type': 'ovs',
'binding:vnic_type': 'normal',
network_1_port_3 = {
'id': '9c7580a0-8b01-41f3-ba07-a114709a4b74',
'network_id': network_1['id'],
'status': 'ACTIVE',
'mac_address': '71:ce:c7:2b:cd:dc',
'fixed_ips': [
'ip_address': '',
'subnet_id': subnet_1['id']
'binding:vif_type': 'ovs',
'binding:vnic_type': 'normal',
network_2_port_1 = {
'id': '67d36444-6353-40f5-9e92-59346cf0dfda',
'network_id': network_2['id'],
'status': 'ACTIVE',
'mac_address': 'd2:0b:fd:d7:89:9b',
'fixed_ips': [
'ip_address': '',
'subnet_id': subnet_2['id']
'binding:vif_type': 'ovs',
'binding:vnic_type': 'normal',
network_3_port_1 = {
'id': '4bfa1dc4-4354-4840-b0b4-f06196fa1344',
'network_id': network_3['id'],
'status': 'ACTIVE',
'mac_address': 'd2:0b:fd:99:89:9b',
'fixed_ips': [
'ip_address': '',
'subnet_id': subnet_3['id']
'binding:vif_type': 'ovs',
'binding:vnic_type': 'normal',
def __init__(self, test):
super(NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture, self).__init__(test)
self._networks = [self.network_1, self.network_2, self.network_3]
self._net1_ports = [self.network_1_port_2, self.network_1_port_3]
def create_port(self, body=None):
if not body:
# even though 'body' is apparently nullable, body will always be
# set here
assert('Body should not be None')
network_id = body['port']['network_id']
assert network_id in ([n['id'] for n in self._networks]), (
'Network %s not in fixture' % network_id)
if network_id == self.network_1['id']:
port = self._net1_ports.pop(0)
elif network_id == self.network_2['id']:
port = self.network_2_port_1
elif network_id == self.network_3['id']:
port = self.network_3_port_1
port = port.copy()
return {'port': port}
class NUMAServersWithNetworksTest(NUMAServersTestBase):
def setUp(self):
# We need to enable neutron in this one
self.flags(physnets=['foo', 'bar'], group='neutron')
self.flags(numa_nodes=[1], group='neutron_physnet_foo')
self.flags(numa_nodes=[0], group='neutron_physnet_bar')
self.flags(numa_nodes=[0, 1], group='neutron_tunnel')
super(NUMAServersWithNetworksTest, self).setUp()
# The ultimate base class _IntegratedTestBase uses NeutronFixture but
# we need a bit more intelligent neutron for these tests. Applying the
# new fixture here means that we re-stub what the previous neutron
# fixture already stubbed.
self.neutron = self.useFixture(NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture(self))
_p = mock.patch('')
self.mock_conn = _p.start()
def _test_create_server_with_networks(self, flavor_id, networks):
host_info = fakelibvirt.NUMAHostInfo(cpu_nodes=2, cpu_sockets=1,
cpu_cores=2, cpu_threads=2,
fake_connection = self._get_connection(host_info=host_info)
self.mock_conn.return_value = fake_connection
self.compute = self.start_service('compute', host='test_compute0')
# Create server
good_server = self._build_server(flavor_id)
good_server['networks'] = networks
post = {'server': good_server}
created_server = self.api.post_server(post)
LOG.debug("created_server: %s", created_server)
found_server = self.api.get_server(created_server['id'])
return self._wait_for_state_change(found_server, 'BUILD')
def test_create_server_with_single_physnet(self):
extra_spec = {'hw:numa_nodes': '1'}
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(extra_spec=extra_spec)
networks = [
{'uuid': NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture.network_1['id']},
host_pass_mock = self._get_topology_filter_spy()
with mock.patch('nova.scheduler.filters'
side_effect=host_pass_mock) as filter_mock:
status = self._test_create_server_with_networks(
flavor_id, networks)['status']
self.assertEqual('ACTIVE', status)
def test_create_server_with_multiple_physnets(self):
"""Test multiple networks split across host NUMA nodes.
This should pass because the networks requested are split across
multiple host NUMA nodes but the guest explicitly allows multiple NUMA
extra_spec = {'hw:numa_nodes': '2'}
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(extra_spec=extra_spec)
networks = [
{'uuid': NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture.network_1['id']},
{'uuid': NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture.network_2['id']},
host_pass_mock = self._get_topology_filter_spy()
with mock.patch('nova.scheduler.filters'
side_effect=host_pass_mock) as filter_mock:
status = self._test_create_server_with_networks(
flavor_id, networks)['status']
self.assertEqual('ACTIVE', status)
def test_create_server_with_multiple_physnets_fail(self):
"""Test multiple networks split across host NUMA nodes.
This should fail because we've requested a single-node instance but the
networks requested are split across multiple host NUMA nodes.
extra_spec = {'hw:numa_nodes': '1'}
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(extra_spec=extra_spec)
networks = [
{'uuid': NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture.network_1['id']},
{'uuid': NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture.network_2['id']},
host_pass_mock = self._get_topology_filter_spy()
with mock.patch('nova.scheduler.filters'
side_effect=host_pass_mock) as filter_mock:
status = self._test_create_server_with_networks(
flavor_id, networks)['status']
self.assertEqual('ERROR', status)
def test_create_server_with_physnet_and_tunneled_net(self):
"""Test combination of physnet and tunneled network.
This should pass because we've requested a single-node instance and the
requested networks share at least one NUMA node.
extra_spec = {'hw:numa_nodes': '1'}
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(extra_spec=extra_spec)
networks = [
{'uuid': NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture.network_1['id']},
{'uuid': NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture.network_3['id']},
host_pass_mock = self._get_topology_filter_spy()
with mock.patch('nova.scheduler.filters'
side_effect=host_pass_mock) as filter_mock:
status = self._test_create_server_with_networks(
flavor_id, networks)['status']
self.assertEqual('ACTIVE', status)
def test_rebuild_server_with_network_affinity(self):
extra_spec = {'hw:numa_nodes': '1'}
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(extra_spec=extra_spec)
networks = [
{'uuid': NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture.network_1['id']},
server = self._test_create_server_with_networks(flavor_id, networks)
self.assertEqual('ACTIVE', server['status'])
# attach an interface from the **same** network
post = {
'interfaceAttachment': {
'net_id': NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture.network_1['id'],
self.api.attach_interface(server['id'], post)
post = {'rebuild': {
'imageRef': '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6',
# This should succeed since we haven't changed the NUMA affinity
# requirements
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], post)
found_server = self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'BUILD')
self.assertEqual('ACTIVE', found_server['status'])
# attach an interface from a **different** network
post = {
'interfaceAttachment': {
'net_id': NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture.network_2['id'],
self.api.attach_interface(server['id'], post)
post = {'rebuild': {
'imageRef': 'a2459075-d96c-40d5-893e-577ff92e721c',
# Now this should fail because we've violated the NUMA requirements
# with the latest attachment
ex = self.assertRaises(client.OpenStackApiException,
self.api.post_server_action, server['id'], post)
# NOTE(danms): This wouldn't happen in a real deployment since rebuild
# is a cast, but since we are using CastAsCall this will bubble to the
# API.
self.assertEqual(500, ex.response.status_code)
self.assertIn('NoValidHost', six.text_type(ex))
def test_cold_migrate_with_physnet(self):
host_info = fakelibvirt.NUMAHostInfo(cpu_nodes=2, cpu_sockets=1,
cpu_cores=2, cpu_threads=2,
# Start services
self.computes = {}
for host in ['test_compute0', 'test_compute1']:
fake_connection = self._get_connection(host_info=host_info)
fake_connection.getHostname = lambda: host
# This is fun. Firstly we need to do a global'ish mock so we can
# actually start the service.
with mock.patch('',
compute = self.start_service('compute', host=host)
# Once that's done, we need to do some tweaks to each individual
# compute "service" to make sure they return unique objects
compute.driver._host.get_connection = lambda: fake_connection
self.computes[host] = compute
# Create server
extra_spec = {'hw:numa_nodes': '1'}
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(extra_spec=extra_spec)
networks = [
{'uuid': NUMAAffinityNeutronFixture.network_1['id']},
good_server = self._build_server(flavor_id)
good_server['networks'] = networks
post = {'server': good_server}
created_server = self.api.post_server(post)
server = self._wait_for_state_change(created_server, 'BUILD')
self.assertEqual('ACTIVE', server['status'])
original_host = server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']
# TODO(stephenfin): The mock of 'migrate_disk_and_power_off' should
# probably be less...dumb
host_pass_mock = self._get_topology_filter_spy()
with mock.patch('nova.scheduler.filters'
side_effect=host_pass_mock) as filter_mock, \
'.migrate_disk_and_power_off', return_value='{}'):
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'migrate': None})
server = self._wait_for_state_change(created_server, 'VERIFY_RESIZE')
# We don't bother confirming the resize as we expect this to have
# landed and all we want to know is whether the filter was correct
self.assertNotEqual(original_host, server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host'])
self.assertEqual(1, len(filter_mock.call_args_list))
args, kwargs = filter_mock.call_args_list[0]
self.assertEqual(2, len(args))
self.assertEqual({}, kwargs)
network_metadata = args[1].network_metadata
self.assertEqual(set(['foo']), network_metadata.physnets)
class NUMAServersRebuildTests(NUMAServersTestBase):
def setUp(self):
super(NUMAServersRebuildTests, self).setUp()
images = self.api.get_images()
# save references to first two image for server create and rebuild
self.image_ref_0 = images[0]['id']
self.image_ref_1 = images[1]['id']
# NOTE(sean-k-mooney): I3b4c1153bebdeab2eb8bc2108aa177732f5c6a97
# moved mocking of the libvirt connection to the setup of
# NUMAServersTestBase but that is not backported so we just add back
# the mocking to enable backporting of
# I0322d872bdff68936033a6f5a54e8296a6fb3434
_p = mock.patch('')
self.mock_conn = _p.start()
def _create_active_server(self, server_args=None):
basic_server = {
'flavorRef': 1,
'name': 'numa_server',
'networks': [{
'uuid': nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture.network_1['id']
'imageRef': self.image_ref_0
if server_args:
server = self.api.post_server({'server': basic_server})
return self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'BUILD')
def _rebuild_server(self, active_server, image_ref):
args = {"rebuild": {"imageRef": image_ref}}
'servers/%s/action' % active_server['id'], args)
return self._wait_for_state_change(active_server, 'REBUILD')
def test_rebuild_server_with_numa(self):
"""Create a NUMA instance and ensure it can be rebuilt.
# Create a flavor consuming 2 pinned cpus with an implicit
# numa topology of 1 virtual numa node.
extra_spec = {'hw:cpu_policy': 'dedicated'}
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(extra_spec=extra_spec)
# Create a host with 4 physical cpus to allow rebuild leveraging
# the free space to ensure the numa topology filter does not
# eliminate the host.
host_info = fakelibvirt.NUMAHostInfo(cpu_nodes=1, cpu_sockets=1,
cpu_cores=4, kB_mem=15740000)
fake_connection = self._get_connection(host_info=host_info)
self.mock_conn.return_value = fake_connection
self.compute = self.start_service('compute', host='compute1')
server = self._create_active_server(
server_args={"flavorRef": flavor_id})
# this should succeed as the NUMA topology has not changed
# and we have enough resources on the host. We rebuild with
# a different image to force the rebuild to query the scheduler
# to validate the host.
self._rebuild_server(server, self.image_ref_1)
def test_rebuild_server_with_numa_inplace_fails(self):
"""Create a NUMA instance and ensure in place rebuild fails.
# Create a flavor consuming 2 pinned cpus with an implicit
# numa topology of 1 virtual numa node.
extra_spec = {'hw:cpu_policy': 'dedicated'}
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(extra_spec=extra_spec)
# cpu_cores is set to 2 to ensure that
# we have enough space to boot the vm but not enough space to rebuild
# by doubling the resource use during scheduling.
host_info = fakelibvirt.NUMAHostInfo(
cpu_nodes=1, cpu_sockets=1, cpu_cores=2, kB_mem=15740000)
fake_connection = self._get_connection(host_info=host_info)
self.mock_conn.return_value = fake_connection
self.compute = self.start_service('compute', host='compute1')
server = self._create_active_server(
server_args={"flavorRef": flavor_id})
# TODO(sean-k-mooney): this should pass but i currently expect it to
# fail because the NUMA topology filter does not support in place
# rebuild and we have used all the resources on the compute node.
client.OpenStackApiException, self._rebuild_server,
server, self.image_ref_1)
def test_rebuild_server_with_different_numa_topology_fails(self):
"""Create a NUMA instance and ensure inplace rebuild fails.
# Create a flavor consuming 2 pinned cpus with an implicit
# numa topology of 1 virtual numa node.
extra_spec = {'hw:cpu_policy': 'dedicated'}
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(extra_spec=extra_spec)
host_info = fakelibvirt.NUMAHostInfo(
cpu_nodes=2, cpu_sockets=1, cpu_cores=4, kB_mem=15740000)
fake_connection = self._get_connection(host_info=host_info)
self.mock_conn.return_value = fake_connection
self.compute = self.start_service('compute', host='compute1')
server = self._create_active_server(
server_args={"flavorRef": flavor_id})
# the original vm had an implicit numa topology of 1 virtual numa nodes
# so we alter the requested numa topology in image_ref_1 to request
# 2 virtual numa nodes.
ctx = nova_context.get_admin_context()
image_meta = {'properties': {'hw_numa_nodes': 2}}
self.fake_image_service.update(ctx, self.image_ref_1, image_meta)
# NOTE(sean-k-mooney): this should fail because rebuild uses noop
# claims therefor it is not allowed for the numa topology or resource
# usage to change during a rebuild.
ex = self.assertRaises(
client.OpenStackApiException, self._rebuild_server,
server, self.image_ref_1)
self.assertEqual(400, ex.response.status_code)
self.assertIn("An instance's NUMA typology cannot be changed",