
516 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Grid Dynamics
# Copyright 2013 Inktank Storage, Inc.
# Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import urllib
from eventlet import tpool
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_service import loopingcall
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import excutils
import nova.conf
from nova import exception
from nova.i18n import _
import rados
import rbd
except ImportError:
rados = None
rbd = None
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RESIZE_SNAPSHOT_NAME = 'nova-resize'
class RbdProxy(object):
"""A wrapper around rbd.RBD class instance to avoid blocking of process.
Offloads all calls to rbd.RBD class methods to native OS threads, so that
we do not block the whole process while executing the librbd code.
def __init__(self):
self._rbd = tpool.Proxy(rbd.RBD())
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self._rbd, attr)
class RBDVolumeProxy(object):
"""Context manager for dealing with an existing rbd volume.
This handles connecting to rados and opening an ioctx automatically, and
otherwise acts like a librbd Image object.
The underlying librados client and ioctx can be accessed as the attributes
'client' and 'ioctx'.
def __init__(self, driver, name, pool=None, snapshot=None,
client, ioctx = driver._connect_to_rados(pool)
self.volume = tpool.Proxy(rbd.Image(ioctx, name,
except rbd.ImageNotFound:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.debug("rbd image %s does not exist", name)
driver._disconnect_from_rados(client, ioctx)
except rbd.Error:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.exception("error opening rbd image %s", name)
driver._disconnect_from_rados(client, ioctx)
self.driver = driver
self.client = client
self.ioctx = ioctx
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback):
self.driver._disconnect_from_rados(self.client, self.ioctx)
def __getattr__(self, attrib):
return getattr(self.volume, attrib)
class RADOSClient(object):
"""Context manager to simplify error handling for connecting to ceph."""
def __init__(self, driver, pool=None):
self.driver = driver
self.cluster, self.ioctx = driver._connect_to_rados(pool)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback):
self.driver._disconnect_from_rados(self.cluster, self.ioctx)
def features(self):
features = self.cluster.conf_get('rbd_default_features')
if ((features is None) or (int(features) == 0)):
return int(features)
class RBDDriver(object):
def __init__(self, pool=None, user=None, ceph_conf=None,
# NOTE(lyarwood): Ensure the rbd and rados modules have been imported
# correctly before continuing, this is done in a seperate private
# method to allow us to skip this check in unit tests etc.
self.pool = pool or CONF.libvirt.images_rbd_pool
self.rbd_user = user or CONF.libvirt.rbd_user
self.rbd_connect_timeout = (
connect_timeout or CONF.libvirt.rbd_connect_timeout)
self.ceph_conf = ceph_conf or CONF.libvirt.images_rbd_ceph_conf
def _check_for_import_failure(self):
# NOTE(lyarwood): If the original import of the required rbd or rados
# modules failed then repeat the imports at runtime within this driver
# to log the full exception in order to provide context to anyone
# debugging the failure in the logs.
global rados, rbd
if rbd is None or rados is None:
# NOTE(lyarwood): noqa is required on both imports here as they
# are unused (F401) even if successful.
import rados # noqa: F401
import rbd # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
LOG.exception("Unable to import the rados or rbd modules")
raise RuntimeError(_('rbd python libraries not found'))
def _connect_to_rados(self, pool=None):
client = rados.Rados(rados_id=self.rbd_user,
pool_to_open = pool or self.pool
# NOTE(luogangyi): open_ioctx >= 10.1.0 could handle unicode
# arguments perfectly as part of Python 3 support.
# Therefore, when we turn to Python 3, it's safe to remove
# str() conversion.
ioctx = client.open_ioctx(str(pool_to_open))
return client, ioctx
except rados.Error:
# shutdown cannot raise an exception
def _disconnect_from_rados(self, client, ioctx):
# closing an ioctx cannot raise an exception
def ceph_args(self):
"""List of command line parameters to be passed to ceph commands to
reflect RBDDriver configuration such as RBD user name and location
of ceph.conf.
args = []
if self.rbd_user:
args.extend(['--id', self.rbd_user])
if self.ceph_conf:
args.extend(['--conf', self.ceph_conf])
return args
def get_mon_addrs(self, strip_brackets=True):
args = ['ceph', 'mon', 'dump', '--format=json'] + self.ceph_args()
out, _ = processutils.execute(*args)
lines = out.split('\n')
if lines[0].startswith('dumped monmap epoch'):
lines = lines[1:]
monmap = jsonutils.loads('\n'.join(lines))
addrs = [mon['addr'] for mon in monmap['mons']]
hosts = []
ports = []
for addr in addrs:
host_port = addr[:addr.rindex('/')]
host, port = host_port.rsplit(':', 1)
if strip_brackets:
host = host.strip('[]')
return hosts, ports
def parse_url(self, url):
prefix = 'rbd://'
if not url.startswith(prefix):
reason = _('Not stored in rbd')
raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(image_id=url, reason=reason)
pieces = [urllib.parse.unquote(piece)
for piece in url[len(prefix):].split('/')]
if '' in pieces:
reason = _('Blank components')
raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(image_id=url, reason=reason)
if len(pieces) != 4:
reason = _('Not an rbd snapshot')
raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(image_id=url, reason=reason)
return pieces
def get_fsid(self):
with RADOSClient(self) as client:
return encodeutils.safe_decode(client.cluster.get_fsid())
def is_cloneable(self, image_location, image_meta):
url = image_location['url']
fsid, pool, image, snapshot = self.parse_url(url)
except exception.ImageUnacceptable as e:
LOG.debug('not cloneable: %s', e)
return False
fsid = encodeutils.safe_decode(fsid)
if self.get_fsid() != fsid:
reason = '%s is in a different ceph cluster' % url
return False
if image_meta.get('disk_format') != 'raw':
LOG.debug("rbd image clone requires image format to be "
"'raw' but image %s is '%s'",
url, image_meta.get('disk_format'))
return False
# check that we can read the image
return self.exists(image, pool=pool, snapshot=snapshot)
except rbd.Error as e:
LOG.debug('Unable to open image %(loc)s: %(err)s',
dict(loc=url, err=e))
return False
def clone(self, image_location, dest_name, dest_pool=None):
_fsid, pool, image, snapshot = self.parse_url(
LOG.debug('cloning %(pool)s/%(img)s@%(snap)s to '
dict(pool=pool, img=image, snap=snapshot,
dest_pool=dest_pool, dest_name=dest_name))
with RADOSClient(self, str(pool)) as src_client:
with RADOSClient(self, dest_pool) as dest_client:
except rbd.PermissionError:
raise exception.Forbidden(_('no write permission on '
'storage pool %s') % dest_pool)
def size(self, name):
with RBDVolumeProxy(self, name, read_only=True) as vol:
return vol.size()
def resize(self, name, size):
"""Resize RBD volume.
:name: Name of RBD object
:size: New size in bytes
LOG.debug('resizing rbd image %s to %d', name, size)
with RBDVolumeProxy(self, name) as vol:
def parent_info(self, volume, pool=None):
"""Returns the pool, image and snapshot name for the parent of an
RBD volume.
:volume: Name of RBD object
:pool: Name of pool
with RBDVolumeProxy(self, str(volume), pool=pool,
read_only=True) as vol:
return vol.parent_info()
except rbd.ImageNotFound:
raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(_("no usable parent snapshot "
"for volume %s") % volume)
def flatten(self, volume, pool=None):
""""Flattens" a snapshotted image with the parents' data,
effectively detaching it from the parent.
:volume: Name of RBD object
:pool: Name of pool
LOG.debug('flattening %(pool)s/%(vol)s', dict(pool=pool, vol=volume))
with RBDVolumeProxy(self, str(volume), pool=pool) as vol:
def exists(self, name, pool=None, snapshot=None):
with RBDVolumeProxy(self, name,
return True
except rbd.ImageNotFound:
return False
def remove_image(self, name):
"""Remove RBD volume
:name: Name of RBD volume
with RADOSClient(self, self.pool) as client:
RbdProxy().remove(client.ioctx, name)
except rbd.ImageNotFound:
LOG.warning('image %(volume)s in pool %(pool)s can not be '
'found, failed to remove',
{'volume': name, 'pool': self.pool})
except rbd.ImageHasSnapshots:
LOG.error('image %(volume)s in pool %(pool)s has '
'snapshots, failed to remove',
{'volume': name, 'pool': self.pool})
def import_image(self, base, name):
"""Import RBD volume from image file.
Uses the command line import instead of librbd since rbd import
command detects zeroes to preserve sparseness in the image.
:base: Path to image file
:name: Name of RBD volume
args = ['--pool', self.pool, base, name]
# Image format 2 supports cloning,
# in stable ceph rbd release default is not 2,
# we need to use it explicitly.
args += ['--image-format=2']
args += self.ceph_args()
processutils.execute('rbd', 'import', *args)
def export_image(self, base, name, snap, pool=None):
"""Export RBD volume to image file.
Uses the command line export to export rbd volume snapshot to
local image file.
:base: Path to image file
:name: Name of RBD volume
:snap: Name of RBD snapshot
:pool: Name of RBD pool
if pool is None:
pool = self.pool
args = ['--pool', pool, '--image', name, '--path', base,
'--snap', snap]
args += self.ceph_args()
processutils.execute('rbd', 'export', *args)
def _destroy_volume(self, client, volume, pool=None):
"""Destroy an RBD volume, retrying as needed.
def _cleanup_vol(ioctx, volume, retryctx):
RbdProxy().remove(ioctx, volume)
raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone(retvalue=False)
except rbd.ImageHasSnapshots:
self.remove_snap(volume, RESIZE_SNAPSHOT_NAME,
except (rbd.ImageBusy, rbd.ImageHasSnapshots):
LOG.warning('rbd remove %(volume)s in pool %(pool)s failed',
{'volume': volume, 'pool': self.pool})
retryctx['retries'] -= 1
if retryctx['retries'] <= 0:
raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
# NOTE(sandonov): We let it go for:
# rbd_destroy_volume_retries*rbd_destroy_volume_retry_interval seconds
retryctx = {'retries': CONF.libvirt.rbd_destroy_volume_retries}
timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(
_cleanup_vol, client.ioctx, volume, retryctx)
timed_out = timer.start(
if timed_out:
# NOTE(danms): Run this again to propagate the error, but
# if it succeeds, don't raise the loopingcall exception
_cleanup_vol(client.ioctx, volume, retryctx)
except loopingcall.LoopingCallDone:
def cleanup_volumes(self, filter_fn):
with RADOSClient(self, self.pool) as client:
volumes = RbdProxy().list(client.ioctx)
for volume in filter(filter_fn, volumes):
self._destroy_volume(client, volume)
def get_pool_info(self):
# NOTE(melwitt): We're executing 'ceph df' here instead of calling
# the RADOSClient.get_cluster_stats python API because we need
# access to the MAX_AVAIL stat, which reports the available bytes
# taking replication into consideration. The global available stat
# from the RADOSClient.get_cluster_stats python API does not take
# replication size into consideration and will simply return the
# available storage per OSD, added together across all OSDs. The
# MAX_AVAIL stat will divide by the replication size when doing the
# calculation.
args = ['ceph', 'df', '--format=json'] + self.ceph_args()
out, _ = processutils.execute(*args)
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
LOG.exception('Could not determine disk usage')
raise exception.StorageError(
reason='Could not determine disk usage')
stats = jsonutils.loads(out)
# Find the pool for which we are configured.
pool_stats = None
for pool in stats['pools']:
if pool['name'] == self.pool:
pool_stats = pool['stats']
if pool_stats is None:
raise exception.NotFound('Pool %s could not be found.' % self.pool)
return {'total': stats['stats']['total_bytes'],
'free': pool_stats['max_avail'],
'used': pool_stats['bytes_used']}
def create_snap(self, volume, name, pool=None, protect=False):
"""Create a snapshot of an RBD volume.
:volume: Name of RBD object
:name: Name of snapshot
:pool: Name of pool
:protect: Set the snapshot to "protected"
LOG.debug('creating snapshot(%(snap)s) on rbd image(%(img)s)',
{'snap': name, 'img': volume})
with RBDVolumeProxy(self, str(volume), pool=pool) as vol:
if protect and not vol.is_protected_snap(name):
def remove_snap(self, volume, name, ignore_errors=False, pool=None,
"""Removes a snapshot from an RBD volume.
:volume: Name of RBD object
:name: Name of snapshot
:ignore_errors: whether or not to log warnings on failures
:pool: Name of pool
:force: Remove snapshot even if it is protected
with RBDVolumeProxy(self, str(volume), pool=pool) as vol:
if name in [snap.get('name', '') for snap in vol.list_snaps()]:
if vol.is_protected_snap(name):
if force:
elif not ignore_errors:
LOG.warning('snapshot(%(name)s) on rbd '
'image(%(img)s) is protected, skipping',
{'name': name, 'img': volume})
LOG.debug('removing snapshot(%(name)s) on rbd image(%(img)s)',
{'name': name, 'img': volume})
elif not ignore_errors:
LOG.warning('no snapshot(%(name)s) found on rbd '
{'name': name, 'img': volume})
def rollback_to_snap(self, volume, name):
"""Revert an RBD volume to its contents at a snapshot.
:volume: Name of RBD object
:name: Name of snapshot
with RBDVolumeProxy(self, volume) as vol:
if name in [snap.get('name', '') for snap in vol.list_snaps()]:
LOG.debug('rolling back rbd image(%(img)s) to '
'snapshot(%(snap)s)', {'snap': name, 'img': volume})
raise exception.SnapshotNotFound(snapshot_id=name)
def destroy_volume(self, volume, pool=None):
"""A one-shot version of cleanup_volumes()
with RADOSClient(self, pool) as client:
self._destroy_volume(client, volume)