As discussed at summit, the version part of the URL is not really relevant, or a thing a user should be filling out themselves, this should instead be set by the service catalog and extracted from the token. This removes it's reference in all documented REST urls, and adds a new section describing how one gets the base URL for all calls. Change-Id: I4306b8c3de0225e54f3909dd8a1fb293c4e5944c
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.. -*- rst -*-
Hosts (os-hosts)
Manages physical hosts. Some virt drivers do not support all host
functions. For more information, see `nova virt support
matrix <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/nova/support-matrix.html>`__
Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform
all os-hosts related operations. Cloud providers can change these permissions
through the ``policy.json`` file.
List Hosts
.. rest_method:: GET /os-hosts
Lists hosts.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- hosts: hosts
- zone: host_zone
- host_name: host_name_body
- service: host_service
**Example List Hosts**
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-hosts/hosts-list-resp.json
:language: javascript
Show Host Details
.. rest_method:: GET /os-hosts/{host_name}
Shows details for a host.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- host_name: host_name
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- host: host_resource_array
- resource: host_resource
- host.project: host_project
- host.cpu: host_cpu
- host.memory_mb: host_memory_mb
- host.disk_gb: host_disk_gb
- host.host: host_name_body
**Example Show Host Details**
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-hosts/host-get-resp.json
:language: javascript
Update Host status
.. rest_method:: PUT /os-hosts/{host_name}
Enables, disables a host or put a host in maintenance or normal mode.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403),
itemNotFound(404), NotImplemented(501)
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- host_name: host_name
- status: host_status_body_in
- maintenance_mode: host_maintenance_mode_in
**Example Enable Host: JSON request**
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-hosts/host-put-maintenance-req.json
:language: javascript
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- host: host_name_body
- status: host_status_body
- maintenance_mode: host_maintenance_mode
**Example Enable Host**
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-hosts/host-put-maintenance-resp.json
:language: javascript
Reboot Host
.. rest_method:: GET /os-hosts/{host_name}/reboot
Reboots a host.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403),
itemNotFound(404), NotImplemented(501)
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- host_name: host_name
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- host: host_name_body
- power_action: host_power_action
**Example Reboot Host: JSON response**
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-hosts/host-get-reboot.json
:language: javascript
Shut Down Host
.. rest_method:: GET /os-hosts/{host_name}/shutdown
Shuts down a host.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403),
itemNotFound(404), NotImplemented(501)
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- host_name: host_name
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- host: host_name_body
- power_action: host_power_action
**Example Shut Down Host**
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-hosts/host-get-shutdown.json
:language: javascript
Start Host
.. rest_method:: GET /os-hosts/{host_name}/startup
Starts a host.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403),
itemNotFound(404), NotImplemented(501)
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- host_name: host_name
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- host: host_name_body
- power_action: host_power_action
**Example Start Host**
.. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-hosts/host-get-startup.json
:language: javascript