Split users.py into manager.py and ldpadriver.py Added tons of docstrings Cleaned up public methods Simplified manager singleton handling
275 lines
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Executable File
275 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
CLI interface for nova management.
Connects to the running ADMIN api in the api daemon.
import sys
import time
from nova import flags
from nova import utils
from nova.auth import manager
from nova.compute import model
from nova.compute import network
from nova.cloudpipe import pipelib
from nova.endpoint import cloud
class NetworkCommands(object):
def restart(self):
class VpnCommands(object):
def __init__(self):
self.manager = manager.AuthManager()
self.instdir = model.InstanceDirectory()
self.pipe = pipelib.CloudPipe(cloud.CloudController())
def list(self):
print "%-12s\t" % 'project',
print "%-12s\t" % 'ip:port',
print "%s" % 'state'
for project in self.manager.get_projects():
print "%-12s\t" % project.name,
print "%s:%s\t" % (project.vpn_ip, project.vpn_port),
vpn = self.__vpn_for(project.id)
if vpn:
out, err = utils.execute("ping -c1 -w1 %s > /dev/null; echo $?" % vpn['private_dns_name'])
if out.strip() == '0':
net = 'up'
net = 'down'
print vpn['private_dns_name'],
print vpn['node_name'],
print vpn['instance_id'],
print vpn['state_description'],
print net
print None
def __vpn_for(self, project_id):
for instance in self.instdir.all:
if (instance.state.has_key('image_id')
and instance['image_id'] == FLAGS.vpn_image_id
and not instance['state_description'] in ['shutting_down', 'shutdown']
and instance['project_id'] == project_id):
return instance
def spawn(self):
for p in reversed(self.manager.get_projects()):
if not self.__vpn_for(p.id):
print 'spawning %s' % p.id
def run(self, project_id):
class RoleCommands(object):
def __init__(self):
self.manager = manager.AuthManager()
def add(self, user, role, project=None):
"""adds role to user
if project is specified, adds project specific role
arguments: user, role [project]"""
self.manager.add_role(user, role, project)
def has(self, user, role, project=None):
"""checks to see if user has role
if project is specified, returns True if user has
the global role and the project role
arguments: user, role [project]"""
print self.manager.has_role(user, role, project)
def remove(self, user, role, project=None):
"""removes role from user
if project is specified, removes project specific role
arguments: user, role [project]"""
self.manager.remove_role(user, role, project)
class UserCommands(object):
def __init__(self):
self.manager = manager.AuthManager()
def __print_export(self, user):
print 'export EC2_ACCESS_KEY=%s' % user.access
print 'export EC2_SECRET_KEY=%s' % user.secret
def admin(self, name, access=None, secret=None):
"""creates a new admin and prints exports
arguments: name [access] [secret]"""
user = self.manager.create_user(name, access, secret, True)
def create(self, name, access=None, secret=None):
"""creates a new user and prints exports
arguments: name [access] [secret]"""
user = self.manager.create_user(name, access, secret, False)
def delete(self, name):
"""deletes an existing user
arguments: name"""
def exports(self, name):
"""prints access and secrets for user in export format
arguments: name"""
user = self.manager.get_user(name)
if user:
print "User %s doesn't exist" % name
def list(self):
"""lists all users
arguments: <none>"""
for user in self.manager.get_users():
print user.name
class ProjectCommands(object):
def __init__(self):
self.manager = manager.AuthManager()
def add(self, project, user):
"""adds user to project
arguments: project user"""
self.manager.add_to_project(user, project)
def create(self, name, project_manager, description=None):
"""creates a new project
arguments: name project_manager [description]"""
user = self.manager.create_project(name, project_manager, description)
def delete(self, name):
"""deletes an existing project
arguments: name"""
def list(self):
"""lists all projects
arguments: <none>"""
for project in self.manager.get_projects():
print project.name
def remove(self, project, user):
"""removes user from project
arguments: project user"""
self.manager.remove_from_project(user, project)
def zip(self, project_id, user_id, filename='nova.zip'):
"""exports credentials for user to a zip file
arguments: project_id user_id [filename='nova.zip]"""
project = self.manager.get_project(project_id)
if project:
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
print "Project %s doesn't exist" % project
def usage(script_name):
print script_name + " category action [<args>]"
categories = [
('network', NetworkCommands),
('user', UserCommands),
('project', ProjectCommands),
('role', RoleCommands),
('vpn', VpnCommands),
def lazy_match(name, key_value_tuples):
"""finds all objects that have a key that case insensitively contains [name]
key_value_tuples is a list of tuples of the form (key, value)
returns a list of tuples of the form (key, value)"""
return [(k, v) for (k, v) in key_value_tuples if k.lower().find(name.lower()) == 0]
def methods_of(obj):
"""get all callable methods of an object that don't start with underscore
returns a list of tuples of the form (method_name, method)"""
return [(i, getattr(obj, i)) for i in dir(obj) if callable(getattr(obj, i)) and not i.startswith('_')]
if __name__ == '__main__':
argv = FLAGS(sys.argv)
script_name = argv.pop(0)
if len(argv) < 1:
print "Available categories:"
for k, v in categories:
print "\t%s" % k
category = argv.pop(0)
matches = lazy_match(category, categories)
if len(matches) == 0:
print "%s does not match any categories:" % category
for k, v in categories:
print "\t%s" % k
if len(matches) > 1:
print "%s matched multiple categories:" % category
for k, v in matches:
print "\t%s" % k
# instantiate the command group object
category, fn = matches[0]
command_object = fn()
actions = methods_of(command_object)
if len(argv) < 1:
print "Available actions for %s category:" % category
for k, v in actions:
print "\t%s" % k
action = argv.pop(0)
matches = lazy_match(action, actions)
if len(matches) == 0:
print "%s does not match any actions" % action
for k, v in actions:
print "\t%s" % k
if len(matches) > 1:
print "%s matched multiple actions:" % action
for k, v in matches:
print "\t%s" % k
action, fn = matches[0]
# call the action with the remaining arguments
except TypeError:
print "Wrong number of arguments supplied"
print "%s %s: %s" % (category, action, fn.__doc__)