Artom Lifshitz e80e2511cf Fix tag attribute disappearing in 2.33 and 2.37
In the context of device tagging, bugs have caused the tag attribute
to disappear starting with version 2.33 for block_devices and starting
with version 2.37 for network interfaces. In other words, block
devices could only be tagged in 2.32 and network interfaces between
2.32 and 2.36 inclusively.

This patch documents this behaviour in api-ref and introduces
microversion 2.42, which re-adds the tag in all the right places.

Change-Id: Ia0869dc6f7f5bd347ccbd0930d1d668d37695a22
Closes-bug: 1658571
Implements: blueprint fix-tag-attribute-disappearing
2017-01-30 19:38:46 -05:00

255 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright 2014 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
from nova import exception
from nova.i18n import _
# Define the minimum and maximum version of the API across all of the
# REST API. The format of the version is:
# X.Y where:
# - X will only be changed if a significant backwards incompatible API
# change is made which affects the API as whole. That is, something
# that is only very very rarely incremented.
# - Y when you make any change to the API. Note that this includes
# semantic changes which may not affect the input or output formats or
# even originate in the API code layer. We are not distinguishing
# between backwards compatible and backwards incompatible changes in
# the versioning system. It must be made clear in the documentation as
# to what is a backwards compatible change and what is a backwards
# incompatible one.
# You must update the API version history string below with a one or
# two line description as well as update rest_api_version_history.rst
* 2.1 - Initial version. Equivalent to v2.0 code
* 2.2 - Adds (keypair) type parameter for os-keypairs plugin
Fixes success status code for create/delete a keypair method
* 2.3 - Exposes additional os-extended-server-attributes
Exposes delete_on_termination for os-extended-volumes
* 2.4 - Exposes reserved field in os-fixed-ips.
* 2.5 - Allow server search option ip6 for non-admin
* 2.6 - Consolidate the APIs for getting remote consoles
* 2.7 - Check flavor type before add tenant access.
* 2.8 - Add new protocol for VM console (mks)
* 2.9 - Exposes lock information in server details.
* 2.10 - Allow admins to query, create and delete keypairs owned by any
* 2.11 - Exposes forced_down attribute for os-services
* 2.12 - Exposes VIF net_id in os-virtual-interfaces
* 2.13 - Add project id and user id information for os-server-groups API
* 2.14 - Remove onSharedStorage from evacuate request body and remove
adminPass from the response body
* 2.15 - Add soft-affinity and soft-anti-affinity policies
* 2.16 - Exposes host_status for servers/detail and servers/{server_id}
* 2.17 - Add trigger_crash_dump to server actions
* 2.18 - Makes project_id optional in v2.1
* 2.19 - Allow user to set and get the server description
* 2.20 - Add attach and detach volume operations for instances in shelved
and shelved_offloaded state
* 2.21 - Make os-instance-actions read deleted instances
* 2.22 - Add API to force live migration to complete
* 2.23 - Add index/show API for server migrations.
Also add migration_type for /os-migrations and add ref link for it
when the migration is an in progress live migration.
* 2.24 - Add API to cancel a running live migration
* 2.25 - Make block_migration support 'auto' and remove
disk_over_commit for os-migrateLive.
* 2.26 - Adds support of server tags
* 2.27 - Adds support for new-style microversion headers while
keeping support for the original style.
* 2.28 - Changes compute_node.cpu_info from string to object
* 2.29 - Add a force flag in evacuate request body and change the
behaviour for the host flag by calling the scheduler.
* 2.30 - Add a force flag in live-migrate request body and change the
behaviour for the host flag by calling the scheduler.
* 2.31 - Fix os-console-auth-tokens to work for all console types.
* 2.32 - Add tag to networks and block_device_mapping_v2 in server boot
request body.
* 2.33 - Add pagination support for hypervisors.
* 2.34 - Checks before live-migration are made in asynchronous way.
os-Migratelive Action does not throw badRequest in case of
pre-checks failure. Verification result is available over
* 2.35 - Adds keypairs pagination support.
* 2.36 - Deprecates all the API which proxy to another service and fping
* 2.37 - Adds support for auto-allocating networking, otherwise known as
"Get me a Network". Also enforces server.networks.uuid to be in
UUID format.
* 2.38 - Add a condition to return HTTPBadRequest if invalid status is
provided for listing servers.
* 2.39 - Deprecates image-metadata proxy API
* 2.40 - Adds simple tenant usage pagination support.
* 2.41 - Return uuid attribute for aggregates.
* 2.42 - In the context of device tagging at instance boot time,
re-introduce the tag attribute that, due to bugs, was lost
starting with version 2.33 for block devices and starting with
version 2.37 for network interfaces.
# The minimum and maximum versions of the API supported
# The default api version request is defined to be the
# minimum version of the API supported.
# Note(cyeoh): This only applies for the v2.1 API once microversions
# support is fully merged. It does not affect the V2 API.
# Almost all proxy APIs which related to network, images and baremetal
# were deprecated from 2.36.
# Starting from microversion 2.39 also image-metadata proxy API is deprecated.
# NOTE(cyeoh): min and max versions declared as functions so we can
# mock them for unittests. Do not use the constants directly anywhere
# else.
def min_api_version():
return APIVersionRequest(_MIN_API_VERSION)
def max_api_version():
return APIVersionRequest(_MAX_API_VERSION)
def is_supported(req, min_version=_MIN_API_VERSION,
"""Check if API request version satisfies version restrictions.
:param req: request object
:param min_version: minimal version of API needed for correct
request processing
:param max_version: maximum version of API needed for correct
request processing
:returns True if request satisfies minimal and maximum API version
requirements. False in other case.
return (APIVersionRequest(max_version) >= req.api_version_request >=
class APIVersionRequest(object):
"""This class represents an API Version Request with convenience
methods for manipulation and comparison of version
numbers that we need to do to implement microversions.
def __init__(self, version_string=None):
"""Create an API version request object.
:param version_string: String representation of APIVersionRequest.
Correct format is 'X.Y', where 'X' and 'Y' are int values.
None value should be used to create Null APIVersionRequest,
which is equal to 0.0
self.ver_major = 0
self.ver_minor = 0
if version_string is not None:
match = re.match(r"^([1-9]\d*)\.([1-9]\d*|0)$",
if match:
self.ver_major = int(
self.ver_minor = int(
raise exception.InvalidAPIVersionString(version=version_string)
def __str__(self):
"""Debug/Logging representation of object."""
return ("API Version Request Major: %s, Minor: %s"
% (self.ver_major, self.ver_minor))
def is_null(self):
return self.ver_major == 0 and self.ver_minor == 0
def _format_type_error(self, other):
return TypeError(_("'%(other)s' should be an instance of '%(cls)s'") %
{"other": other, "cls": self.__class__})
def __lt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, APIVersionRequest):
raise self._format_type_error(other)
return ((self.ver_major, self.ver_minor) <
(other.ver_major, other.ver_minor))
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, APIVersionRequest):
raise self._format_type_error(other)
return ((self.ver_major, self.ver_minor) ==
(other.ver_major, other.ver_minor))
def __gt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, APIVersionRequest):
raise self._format_type_error(other)
return ((self.ver_major, self.ver_minor) >
(other.ver_major, other.ver_minor))
def __le__(self, other):
return self < other or self == other
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __ge__(self, other):
return self > other or self == other
def matches(self, min_version, max_version):
"""Returns whether the version object represents a version
greater than or equal to the minimum version and less than
or equal to the maximum version.
@param min_version: Minimum acceptable version.
@param max_version: Maximum acceptable version.
@returns: boolean
If min_version is null then there is no minimum limit.
If max_version is null then there is no maximum limit.
If self is null then raise ValueError
if self.is_null():
raise ValueError
if max_version.is_null() and min_version.is_null():
return True
elif max_version.is_null():
return min_version <= self
elif min_version.is_null():
return self <= max_version
return min_version <= self <= max_version
def get_string(self):
"""Converts object to string representation which if used to create
an APIVersionRequest object results in the same version request.
if self.is_null():
raise ValueError
return "%s.%s" % (self.ver_major, self.ver_minor)