
944 lines
33 KiB

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from lxml import etree
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
import webob
from nova.api.openstack import common
from nova.api.openstack.compute import flavors as flavors_v2
from nova.api.openstack.compute.plugins.v3 import flavors as flavors_v3
from nova.api.openstack import xmlutil
import nova.compute.flavors
from nova import context
from nova import db
from nova import exception
from nova import test
from nova.tests.api.openstack import fakes
from nova.tests import matchers
NS = "{}"
ATOMNS = "{}"
'flavor 1': {
"flavorid": '1',
"name": 'flavor 1',
"memory_mb": '256',
"root_gb": '10',
"ephemeral_gb": '20',
"swap": '10',
"disabled": False,
"vcpus": '',
'flavor 2': {
"flavorid": '2',
"name": 'flavor 2',
"memory_mb": '512',
"root_gb": '20',
"ephemeral_gb": '10',
"swap": '5',
"disabled": False,
"vcpus": '',
def fake_flavor_get_by_flavor_id(flavorid, ctxt=None):
return FAKE_FLAVORS['flavor %s' % flavorid]
def fake_get_all_flavors_sorted_list(context=None, inactive=False,
filters=None, sort_key='flavorid',
sort_dir='asc', limit=None, marker=None):
if marker in ['99999']:
raise exception.MarkerNotFound(marker)
def reject_min(db_attr, filter_attr):
return (filter_attr in filters and
int(flavor[db_attr]) < int(filters[filter_attr]))
filters = filters or {}
res = []
for (flavor_name, flavor) in FAKE_FLAVORS.items():
if reject_min('memory_mb', 'min_memory_mb'):
elif reject_min('root_gb', 'min_root_gb'):
res = sorted(res, key=lambda item: item[sort_key])
output = []
marker_found = True if marker is None else False
for flavor in res:
if not marker_found and marker == flavor['flavorid']:
marker_found = True
elif marker_found:
if limit is None or len(output) < int(limit):
return output
def fake_get_limit_and_marker(request, max_limit=1):
params = common.get_pagination_params(request)
limit = params.get('limit', max_limit)
limit = min(max_limit, limit)
marker = params.get('marker')
return limit, marker
def empty_get_all_flavors_sorted_list(context=None, inactive=False,
filters=None, sort_key='flavorid',
sort_dir='asc', limit=None, marker=None):
return []
def return_flavor_not_found(flavor_id, ctxt=None):
raise exception.FlavorNotFound(flavor_id=flavor_id)
class FlavorsTestV21(test.TestCase):
_prefix = "/v3"
Controller = flavors_v3.FlavorsController
fake_request = fakes.HTTPRequestV3
_rspv = "v3"
_fake = ""
def setUp(self):
super(FlavorsTestV21, self).setUp()
self.stubs.Set(nova.compute.flavors, "get_all_flavors_sorted_list",
self.controller = self.Controller()
def _set_expected_body(self, expected, ephemeral, swap, disabled):
# NOTE(oomichi): On v2.1 API, some extensions of v2.0 are merged
# as core features and we can get the following parameters as the
# default.
expected['OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral'] = ephemeral
expected['OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled'] = disabled
expected['swap'] = swap
def test_get_flavor_by_invalid_id(self):
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors/asdf')
self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPNotFound,, req, 'asdf')
def test_get_flavor_by_id(self):
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors/1')
flavor =, '1')
expected = {
"flavor": {
"id": "1",
"name": "flavor 1",
"ram": "256",
"disk": "10",
"vcpus": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost" + self._fake +
self._set_expected_body(expected['flavor'], ephemeral='20',
swap='10', disabled=False)
self.assertEqual(flavor, expected)
def test_get_flavor_with_custom_link_prefix(self):
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors/1')
flavor =, '1')
expected = {
"flavor": {
"id": "1",
"name": "flavor 1",
"ram": "256",
"disk": "10",
"vcpus": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "" + self._fake +
self._set_expected_body(expected['flavor'], ephemeral='20',
swap='10', disabled=False)
self.assertEqual(expected, flavor)
def test_get_flavor_list(self):
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors')
flavor = self.controller.index(req)
expected = {
"flavors": [
"id": "1",
"name": "flavor 1",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost" + self._fake +
"id": "2",
"name": "flavor 2",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost" + self._fake +
self.assertEqual(flavor, expected)
def test_get_flavor_list_with_marker(self):
self.maxDiff = None
url = self._prefix + '/flavors?limit=1&marker=1'
req = self.fake_request.blank(url)
flavor = self.controller.index(req)
expected = {
"flavors": [
"id": "2",
"name": "flavor 2",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost" + self._fake +
'flavors_links': [
{'href': 'http://localhost/' + self._rspv +
'rel': 'next'}
self.assertThat(flavor, matchers.DictMatches(expected))
def test_get_flavor_list_with_invalid_marker(self):
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors?marker=99999')
self.controller.index, req)
def test_get_flavor_detail_with_limit(self):
url = self._prefix + '/flavors/detail?limit=1'
req = self.fake_request.blank(url)
response = self.controller.index(req)
response_list = response["flavors"]
response_links = response["flavors_links"]
expected_flavors = [
"id": "1",
"name": "flavor 1",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost" + self._fake +
self.assertEqual(response_list, expected_flavors)
self.assertEqual(response_links[0]['rel'], 'next')
href_parts = urlparse.urlparse(response_links[0]['href'])
self.assertEqual('/' + self._rspv + '/flavors', href_parts.path)
params = urlparse.parse_qs(href_parts.query)
self.assertThat({'limit': ['1'], 'marker': ['1']},
def test_get_flavor_with_limit(self):
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors?limit=2')
response = self.controller.index(req)
response_list = response["flavors"]
response_links = response["flavors_links"]
expected_flavors = [
"id": "1",
"name": "flavor 1",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost" + self._fake +
"id": "2",
"name": "flavor 2",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost" + self._fake +
self.assertEqual(response_list, expected_flavors)
self.assertEqual(response_links[0]['rel'], 'next')
href_parts = urlparse.urlparse(response_links[0]['href'])
self.assertEqual('/' + self._rspv + '/flavors', href_parts.path)
params = urlparse.parse_qs(href_parts.query)
self.assertThat({'limit': ['2'], 'marker': ['2']},
def test_get_flavor_with_default_limit(self):
self.stubs.Set(common, "get_limit_and_marker",
req = fakes.HTTPRequest.blank('/v2/fake/flavors?limit=2')
response = self.controller.index(req)
response_list = response["flavors"]
response_links = response["flavors_links"]
expected_flavors = [
"id": "1",
"name": "flavor 1",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/v2/fake/flavors/1",
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost/fake/flavors/1",
self.assertEqual(response_list, expected_flavors)
self.assertEqual(response_links[0]['rel'], 'next')
href_parts = urlparse.urlparse(response_links[0]['href'])
self.assertEqual('/v2/fake/flavors', href_parts.path)
params = urlparse.parse_qs(href_parts.query)
self.assertThat({'limit': ['2'], 'marker': ['1']},
def test_get_flavor_list_detail(self):
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors/detail')
flavor = self.controller.detail(req)
expected = {
"flavors": [
"id": "1",
"name": "flavor 1",
"ram": "256",
"disk": "10",
"vcpus": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost" + self._fake +
"id": "2",
"name": "flavor 2",
"ram": "512",
"disk": "20",
"vcpus": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost" + self._fake +
self._set_expected_body(expected['flavors'][0], ephemeral='20',
swap='10', disabled=False)
self._set_expected_body(expected['flavors'][1], ephemeral='10',
swap='5', disabled=False)
self.assertEqual(expected, flavor)
def test_get_empty_flavor_list(self):
self.stubs.Set(nova.compute.flavors, "get_all_flavors_sorted_list",
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors')
flavors = self.controller.index(req)
expected = {'flavors': []}
self.assertEqual(flavors, expected)
def test_get_flavor_list_filter_min_ram(self):
# Flavor lists may be filtered by minRam.
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors?minRam=512')
flavor = self.controller.index(req)
expected = {
"flavors": [
"id": "2",
"name": "flavor 2",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost" + self._fake +
self.assertEqual(flavor, expected)
def test_get_flavor_list_filter_invalid_min_ram(self):
# Ensure you cannot list flavors with invalid minRam param.
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors?minRam=NaN')
self.controller.index, req)
def test_get_flavor_list_filter_min_disk(self):
# Flavor lists may be filtered by minDisk.
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors?minDisk=20')
flavor = self.controller.index(req)
expected = {
"flavors": [
"id": "2",
"name": "flavor 2",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost" + self._fake +
self.assertEqual(flavor, expected)
def test_get_flavor_list_filter_invalid_min_disk(self):
# Ensure you cannot list flavors with invalid minDisk param.
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors?minDisk=NaN')
self.controller.index, req)
def test_get_flavor_list_detail_min_ram_and_min_disk(self):
"""Tests that filtering work on flavor details and that minRam and
minDisk filters can be combined
req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors/detail'
flavor = self.controller.detail(req)
expected = {
"flavors": [
"id": "2",
"name": "flavor 2",
"ram": "512",
"disk": "20",
"vcpus": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/" + self._rspv +
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost" + self._fake +
self._set_expected_body(expected['flavors'][0], ephemeral='10',
swap='5', disabled=False)
self.assertEqual(expected, flavor)
class FlavorsTestV20(FlavorsTestV21):
_prefix = "/v2/fake"
Controller = flavors_v2.Controller
fake_request = fakes.HTTPRequest
_rspv = "v2/fake"
_fake = "/fake"
def _set_expected_body(self, expected, ephemeral, swap, disabled):
class FlavorsXMLSerializationTest(test.TestCase):
def test_xml_declaration(self):
serializer = flavors_v2.FlavorTemplate()
fixture = {
"flavor": {
"id": "12",
"name": "asdf",
"ram": "256",
"disk": "10",
"vcpus": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/v2/fake/flavors/12",
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost/fake/flavors/12",
output = serializer.serialize(fixture)
has_dec = output.startswith("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>")
def test_show(self):
serializer = flavors_v2.FlavorTemplate()
fixture = {
"flavor": {
"id": "12",
"name": "asdf",
"ram": "256",
"disk": "10",
"vcpus": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/v2/fake/flavors/12",
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost/fake/flavors/12",
output = serializer.serialize(fixture)
root = etree.XML(output)
xmlutil.validate_schema(root, 'flavor')
flavor_dict = fixture['flavor']
for key in ['name', 'id', 'ram', 'disk']:
self.assertEqual(root.get(key), str(flavor_dict[key]))
link_nodes = root.findall('{0}link'.format(ATOMNS))
self.assertEqual(len(link_nodes), 2)
for i, link in enumerate(flavor_dict['links']):
for key, value in link.items():
self.assertEqual(link_nodes[i].get(key), value)
def test_show_handles_integers(self):
serializer = flavors_v2.FlavorTemplate()
fixture = {
"flavor": {
"id": 12,
"name": "asdf",
"ram": 256,
"disk": 10,
"vcpus": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/v2/fake/flavors/12",
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost/fake/flavors/12",
output = serializer.serialize(fixture)
root = etree.XML(output)
xmlutil.validate_schema(root, 'flavor')
flavor_dict = fixture['flavor']
for key in ['name', 'id', 'ram', 'disk']:
self.assertEqual(root.get(key), str(flavor_dict[key]))
link_nodes = root.findall('{0}link'.format(ATOMNS))
self.assertEqual(len(link_nodes), 2)
for i, link in enumerate(flavor_dict['links']):
for key, value in link.items():
self.assertEqual(link_nodes[i].get(key), value)
def test_detail(self):
serializer = flavors_v2.FlavorsTemplate()
fixture = {
"flavors": [
"id": "23",
"name": "flavor 23",
"ram": "512",
"disk": "20",
"vcpus": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/v2/fake/flavors/23",
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost/fake/flavors/23",
"id": "13",
"name": "flavor 13",
"ram": "256",
"disk": "10",
"vcpus": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/v2/fake/flavors/13",
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost/fake/flavors/13",
output = serializer.serialize(fixture)
root = etree.XML(output)
xmlutil.validate_schema(root, 'flavors')
flavor_elems = root.findall('{0}flavor'.format(NS))
self.assertEqual(len(flavor_elems), 2)
for i, flavor_elem in enumerate(flavor_elems):
flavor_dict = fixture['flavors'][i]
for key in ['name', 'id', 'ram', 'disk']:
self.assertEqual(flavor_elem.get(key), str(flavor_dict[key]))
link_nodes = flavor_elem.findall('{0}link'.format(ATOMNS))
self.assertEqual(len(link_nodes), 2)
for i, link in enumerate(flavor_dict['links']):
for key, value in link.items():
self.assertEqual(link_nodes[i].get(key), value)
def test_index(self):
serializer = flavors_v2.MinimalFlavorsTemplate()
fixture = {
"flavors": [
"id": "23",
"name": "flavor 23",
"ram": "512",
"disk": "20",
"vcpus": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/v2/fake/flavors/23",
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost/fake/flavors/23",
"id": "13",
"name": "flavor 13",
"ram": "256",
"disk": "10",
"vcpus": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost/v2/fake/flavors/13",
"rel": "bookmark",
"href": "http://localhost/fake/flavors/13",
output = serializer.serialize(fixture)
root = etree.XML(output)
xmlutil.validate_schema(root, 'flavors_index')
flavor_elems = root.findall('{0}flavor'.format(NS))
self.assertEqual(len(flavor_elems), 2)
for i, flavor_elem in enumerate(flavor_elems):
flavor_dict = fixture['flavors'][i]
for key in ['name', 'id']:
self.assertEqual(flavor_elem.get(key), str(flavor_dict[key]))
link_nodes = flavor_elem.findall('{0}link'.format(ATOMNS))
self.assertEqual(len(link_nodes), 2)
for i, link in enumerate(flavor_dict['links']):
for key, value in link.items():
self.assertEqual(link_nodes[i].get(key), value)
def test_index_empty(self):
serializer = flavors_v2.MinimalFlavorsTemplate()
fixture = {
"flavors": [],
output = serializer.serialize(fixture)
root = etree.XML(output)
xmlutil.validate_schema(root, 'flavors_index')
flavor_elems = root.findall('{0}flavor'.format(NS))
self.assertEqual(len(flavor_elems), 0)
class DisabledFlavorsWithRealDBTestV21(test.TestCase):
"""Tests that disabled flavors should not be shown nor listed."""
Controller = flavors_v3.FlavorsController
_prefix = "/v3"
fake_request = fakes.HTTPRequestV3
def setUp(self):
super(DisabledFlavorsWithRealDBTestV21, self).setUp()
# Add a new disabled type to the list of flavors
self.req = self.fake_request.blank(self._prefix + '/flavors')
self.context = self.req.environ['nova.context']
self.admin_context = context.get_admin_context()
self.disabled_type = self._create_disabled_instance_type()
self.inst_types = db.flavor_get_all(
self.controller = self.Controller()
def tearDown(self):
self.admin_context, self.disabled_type['name'])
super(DisabledFlavorsWithRealDBTestV21, self).tearDown()
def _create_disabled_instance_type(self):
inst_types = db.flavor_get_all(self.admin_context)
inst_type = inst_types[0]
del inst_type['id']
inst_type['name'] += '.disabled'
inst_type['flavorid'] = unicode(max(
[int(flavor['flavorid']) for flavor in inst_types]) + 1)
inst_type['disabled'] = True
disabled_type = db.flavor_create(
self.admin_context, inst_type)
return disabled_type
def test_index_should_not_list_disabled_flavors_to_user(self):
self.context.is_admin = False
flavor_list = self.controller.index(self.req)['flavors']
api_flavorids = set(f['id'] for f in flavor_list)
db_flavorids = set(i['flavorid'] for i in self.inst_types)
disabled_flavorid = str(self.disabled_type['flavorid'])
self.assertIn(disabled_flavorid, db_flavorids)
self.assertEqual(db_flavorids - set([disabled_flavorid]),
def test_index_should_list_disabled_flavors_to_admin(self):
self.context.is_admin = True
flavor_list = self.controller.index(self.req)['flavors']
api_flavorids = set(f['id'] for f in flavor_list)
db_flavorids = set(i['flavorid'] for i in self.inst_types)
disabled_flavorid = str(self.disabled_type['flavorid'])
self.assertIn(disabled_flavorid, db_flavorids)
self.assertEqual(db_flavorids, api_flavorids)
def test_show_should_include_disabled_flavor_for_user(self):
"""Counterintuitively we should show disabled flavors to all users and
not just admins. The reason is that, when a user performs a server-show
request, we want to be able to display the pretty flavor name ('512 MB
Instance') and not just the flavor-id even if the flavor id has been
marked disabled.
self.context.is_admin = False
flavor =
self.req, self.disabled_type['flavorid'])['flavor']
self.assertEqual(flavor['name'], self.disabled_type['name'])
def test_show_should_include_disabled_flavor_for_admin(self):
self.context.is_admin = True
flavor =
self.req, self.disabled_type['flavorid'])['flavor']
self.assertEqual(flavor['name'], self.disabled_type['name'])
class DisabledFlavorsWithRealDBTestV20(DisabledFlavorsWithRealDBTestV21):
"""Tests that disabled flavors should not be shown nor listed."""
Controller = flavors_v2.Controller
_prefix = "/v2/fake"
fake_request = fakes.HTTPRequest
class ParseIsPublicTestV21(test.TestCase):
Controller = flavors_v3.FlavorsController
def setUp(self):
super(ParseIsPublicTestV21, self).setUp()
self.controller = self.Controller()
def assertPublic(self, expected, is_public):
self.assertIs(expected, self.controller._parse_is_public(is_public),
'%s did not return %s' % (is_public, expected))
def test_None(self):
self.assertPublic(True, None)
def test_truthy(self):
self.assertPublic(True, True)
self.assertPublic(True, 't')
self.assertPublic(True, 'true')
self.assertPublic(True, 'yes')
self.assertPublic(True, '1')
def test_falsey(self):
self.assertPublic(False, False)
self.assertPublic(False, 'f')
self.assertPublic(False, 'false')
self.assertPublic(False, 'no')
self.assertPublic(False, '0')
def test_string_none(self):
self.assertPublic(None, 'none')
self.assertPublic(None, 'None')
def test_other(self):
webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, self.assertPublic, None, 'other')
class ParseIsPublicTestV20(ParseIsPublicTestV21):
Controller = flavors_v2.Controller