
334 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright 2014 Cloudbase Solutions Srl
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import functools
import os
import tempfile
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import importutils
import six
import nova.conf
from nova.i18n import _LE, _LW
from nova import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
def mount_share(mount_path, export_path,
export_type, options=None):
"""Mount a remote export to mount_path.
:param mount_path: place where the remote export will be mounted
:param export_path: path of the export to be mounted
:export_type: remote export type (e.g. cifs, nfs, etc.)
:options: A list containing mount options
utils.execute('mkdir', '-p', mount_path)
mount_cmd = ['mount', '-t', export_type]
if options is not None:
mount_cmd.extend([export_path, mount_path])
utils.execute(*mount_cmd, run_as_root=True)
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
if 'Device or resource busy' in six.text_type(exc):
LOG.warning(_LW("%s is already mounted"), export_path)
def unmount_share(mount_path, export_path):
"""Unmount a remote share.
:param mount_path: remote export mount point
:param export_path: path of the remote export to be unmounted
utils.execute('umount', mount_path, run_as_root=True,
attempts=3, delay_on_retry=True)
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
if 'target is busy' in six.text_type(exc):
LOG.debug("The share %s is still in use.", export_path)
LOG.exception(_LE("Couldn't unmount the share %s"),
class RemoteFilesystem(object):
"""Represents actions that can be taken on a remote host's filesystem."""
def __init__(self):
transport = CONF.libvirt.remote_filesystem_transport
cls_name = '.'.join([__name__, transport.capitalize()])
cls_name += 'Driver'
self.driver = importutils.import_object(cls_name)
def create_file(self, host, dst_path, on_execute=None,
LOG.debug("Creating file %s on remote host %s", dst_path, host)
self.driver.create_file(host, dst_path, on_execute=on_execute,
def remove_file(self, host, dst_path, on_execute=None,
LOG.debug("Removing file %s on remote host %s", dst_path, host)
self.driver.remove_file(host, dst_path, on_execute=on_execute,
def create_dir(self, host, dst_path, on_execute=None,
LOG.debug("Creating directory %s on remote host %s", dst_path, host)
self.driver.create_dir(host, dst_path, on_execute=on_execute,
def remove_dir(self, host, dst_path, on_execute=None,
LOG.debug("Removing directory %s on remote host %s", dst_path, host)
self.driver.remove_dir(host, dst_path, on_execute=on_execute,
def copy_file(self, src, dst, on_execute=None,
on_completion=None, compression=True):
LOG.debug("Copying file %s to %s", src, dst)
self.driver.copy_file(src, dst, on_execute=on_execute,
class RemoteFilesystemDriver(object):
def create_file(self, host, dst_path, on_execute, on_completion):
"""Create file on the remote system.
:param host: Remote host
:param dst_path: Destination path
:param on_execute: Callback method to store pid of process in cache
:param on_completion: Callback method to remove pid of process from
def remove_file(self, host, dst_path, on_execute, on_completion):
"""Removes a file on a remote host.
:param host: Remote host
:param dst_path: Destination path
:param on_execute: Callback method to store pid of process in cache
:param on_completion: Callback method to remove pid of process from
def create_dir(self, host, dst_path, on_execute, on_completion):
"""Create directory on the remote system.
:param host: Remote host
:param dst_path: Destination path
:param on_execute: Callback method to store pid of process in cache
:param on_completion: Callback method to remove pid of process from
def remove_dir(self, host, dst_path, on_execute, on_completion):
"""Removes a directory on a remote host.
:param host: Remote host
:param dst_path: Destination path
:param on_execute: Callback method to store pid of process in cache
:param on_completion: Callback method to remove pid of process from
def copy_file(self, src, dst, on_execute, on_completion):
"""Copy file to/from remote host.
Remote address must be specified in format:
For example:
:param src: Source address
:param dst: Destination path
:param on_execute: Callback method to store pid of process in cache
:param on_completion: Callback method to remove pid of process from
class SshDriver(RemoteFilesystemDriver):
def create_file(self, host, dst_path, on_execute, on_completion):
utils.ssh_execute(host, 'touch', dst_path,
on_execute=on_execute, on_completion=on_completion)
def remove_file(self, host, dst, on_execute, on_completion):
utils.ssh_execute(host, 'rm', dst,
on_execute=on_execute, on_completion=on_completion)
def create_dir(self, host, dst_path, on_execute, on_completion):
utils.ssh_execute(host, 'mkdir', '-p', dst_path,
on_execute=on_execute, on_completion=on_completion)
def remove_dir(self, host, dst, on_execute, on_completion):
utils.ssh_execute(host, 'rm', '-rf', dst,
on_execute=on_execute, on_completion=on_completion)
def copy_file(self, src, dst, on_execute, on_completion, compression):
# As far as ploop disks are in fact directories we add '-r' argument
utils.execute('scp', '-r', src, dst,
on_execute=on_execute, on_completion=on_completion)
def create_tmp_dir(function):
"""Creates temporary directory for rsync purposes.
Removes created directory in the end.
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
# Create directory
tmp_dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
kwargs['tmp_dir_path'] = tmp_dir_path
return function(*args, **kwargs)
# Remove directory
utils.execute('rm', '-rf', tmp_dir_path)
return decorated_function
class RsyncDriver(RemoteFilesystemDriver):
def create_file(self, host, dst_path, on_execute, on_completion, **kwargs):
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(dst_path))
# Create target dir inside temporary directory
local_tmp_dir = os.path.join(kwargs['tmp_dir_path'],
utils.execute('mkdir', '-p', local_tmp_dir,
on_execute=on_execute, on_completion=on_completion)
# Create file in directory
file_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(dst_path))
local_tmp_file = os.path.join(local_tmp_dir, file_name)
utils.execute('touch', local_tmp_file,
on_execute=on_execute, on_completion=on_completion)
host, dst_path,
def remove_file(self, host, dst, on_execute, on_completion, **kwargs):
# Delete file
RsyncDriver._remove_object(kwargs['tmp_dir_path'], host, dst,
def create_dir(self, host, dst_path, on_execute, on_completion, **kwargs):
dir_path = os.path.normpath(dst_path)
# Create target dir inside temporary directory
local_tmp_dir = os.path.join(kwargs['tmp_dir_path'],
utils.execute('mkdir', '-p', local_tmp_dir,
on_execute=on_execute, on_completion=on_completion)
host, dst_path,
def remove_dir(self, host, dst, on_execute, on_completion, **kwargs):
# Remove remote directory's content
utils.execute('rsync', '--archive', '--delete-excluded',
kwargs['tmp_dir_path'] + os.path.sep,
'%s:%s' % (host, dst),
on_execute=on_execute, on_completion=on_completion)
# Delete empty directory
RsyncDriver._remove_object(kwargs['tmp_dir_path'], host, dst,
def _remove_object(src, host, dst, on_execute, on_completion):
"""Removes a file or empty directory on a remote host.
:param src: Empty directory used for rsync purposes
:param host: Remote host
:param dst: Destination path
:param on_execute: Callback method to store pid of process in cache
:param on_completion: Callback method to remove pid of process from
utils.execute('rsync', '--archive', '--delete',
'--include', os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(dst)),
'--exclude', '*',
os.path.normpath(src) + os.path.sep,
'%s:%s' % (host, os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(dst))),
on_execute=on_execute, on_completion=on_completion)
def _synchronize_object(src, host, dst, on_execute, on_completion):
"""Creates a file or empty directory on a remote host.
:param src: Empty directory used for rsync purposes
:param host: Remote host
:param dst: Destination path
:param on_execute: Callback method to store pid of process in cache
:param on_completion: Callback method to remove pid of process from
# For creating path on the remote host rsync --relative path must
# be used. With a modern rsync on the sending side (beginning with
# 2.6.7), you can insert a dot and a slash into the source path,
# like this:
# rsync -avR /foo/./bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
# That would create /tmp/bar/baz.c on the remote machine.
# (Note that the dot must be followed by a slash, so "/foo/."
# would not be abbreviated.)
relative_tmp_file_path = os.path.join(
src, './',
# Do relative rsync local directory with remote root directory
utils.execute('rsync', '--archive', '--relative', '--no-implied-dirs',
relative_tmp_file_path, '%s:%s' % (host, os.path.sep),
on_execute=on_execute, on_completion=on_completion)
def copy_file(self, src, dst, on_execute, on_completion, compression):
# As far as ploop disks are in fact directories we add '-r' argument
args = ['rsync', '-r', '--sparse', src, dst]
if compression:
on_execute=on_execute, on_completion=on_completion)