
37 lines
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The ``nova-consoleauth`` service has been deprecated and new consoles will
have their token authorizations stored in cell databases. With this,
console proxies are required to be deployed per cell. All existing consoles
will be reset. For most operators, this should be a minimal disruption as
the default TTL of a console token is 10 minutes.
There is a new configuration option ``[workarounds]/enable_consoleauth``
for use by operators who:
* Are performing a live, rolling upgrade and all compute hosts are not
currently running Rocky code
* Have not yet deployed console proxies per cell
* Have configured a much longer token TTL
* Otherwise wish to avoid immediately resetting all existing consoles
When the option is set to True, the console proxy will fall back on the
``nova-consoleauth`` service to locate existing console authorizations.
The option defaults to False.
Operators may unset the configuration option when:
* The live, rolling upgrade has all compute hosts running Rocky code
* Console proxies have been deployed per cell
* All of the existing consoles have expired. For example, if a deployment
has configured a token TTL of one hour, the operator may disable the
``[workarounds]/enable_consoleauth`` option, one hour after deploying the
new code.
.. note:: Cells v1 was not converted to use the database backend for
console token authorizations. Cells v1 console token authorizations will
continue to be supported by the ``nova-consoleauth`` service and use of
the ``[workarounds]/enable_consoleauth`` option does not apply to
Cells v1 users.