
216 lines
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# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
import webob.exc
from nova.api.openstack import extensions
from nova.api.openstack import wsgi
ALIAS = 'extensions'
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
authorize = extensions.os_compute_authorizer(ALIAS)
# NOTE(cyeoh): The following mappings are currently incomplete
# Having a v2.1 extension loaded can imply that several v2 extensions
# should also appear to be loaded (although they no longer do in v2.1)
v21_to_v2_extension_list_mapping = {
'os-quota-sets': [{'name': 'UserQuotas', 'alias': 'os-user-quotas'},
{'name': 'ExtendedQuotas',
'alias': 'os-extended-quotas'}],
'os-cells': [{'name': 'CellCapacities', 'alias': 'os-cell-capacities'}],
'os-baremetal-nodes': [{'name': 'BareMetalExtStatus',
'alias': 'os-baremetal-ext-status'}],
'os-block-device-mapping': [{'name': 'BlockDeviceMappingV2Boot',
'alias': 'os-block-device-mapping-v2-boot'}],
'os-cloudpipe': [{'name': 'CloudpipeUpdate',
'alias': 'os-cloudpipe-update'}],
'servers': [{'name': 'Createserverext', 'alias': 'os-create-server-ext'},
{'name': 'ExtendedIpsMac', 'alias': 'OS-EXT-IPS-MAC'},
{'name': 'ExtendedIps', 'alias': 'OS-EXT-IPS'},
{'name': 'ServerListMultiStatus',
'alias': 'os-server-list-multi-status'},
{'name': 'ServerSortKeys', 'alias': 'os-server-sort-keys'},
{'name': 'ServerStartStop', 'alias': 'os-server-start-stop'}],
'flavors': [{'name': 'FlavorDisabled', 'alias': 'OS-FLV-DISABLED'},
{'name': 'FlavorExtraData', 'alias': 'OS-FLV-EXT-DATA'},
{'name': 'FlavorSwap', 'alias': 'os-flavor-swap'}],
'os-services': [{'name': 'ExtendedServicesDelete',
'alias': 'os-extended-services-delete'},
{'name': 'ExtendedServices', 'alias':
'os-evacuate': [{'name': 'ExtendedEvacuateFindHost',
'alias': 'os-extended-evacuate-find-host'}],
'os-floating-ips': [{'name': 'ExtendedFloatingIps',
'alias': 'os-extended-floating-ips'}],
'os-hypervisors': [{'name': 'ExtendedHypervisors',
'alias': 'os-extended-hypervisors'},
{'name': 'HypervisorStatus',
'alias': 'os-hypervisor-status'}],
'os-networks': [{'name': 'ExtendedNetworks',
'alias': 'os-extended-networks'}],
'os-rescue': [{'name': 'ExtendedRescueWithImage',
'alias': 'os-extended-rescue-with-image'}],
'os-extended-status': [{'name': 'ExtendedStatus',
'alias': 'OS-EXT-STS'}],
'os-virtual-interfaces': [{'name': 'ExtendedVIFNet',
'alias': 'OS-EXT-VIF-NET'}],
'os-used-limits': [{'name': 'UsedLimitsForAdmin',
'alias': 'os-used-limits-for-admin'}],
'os-volumes': [{'name': 'VolumeAttachmentUpdate',
'alias': 'os-volume-attachment-update'}],
'os-server-groups': [{'name': 'ServerGroupQuotas',
'alias': 'os-server-group-quotas'}],
# v2.1 plugins which should never appear in the v2 extension list
# This should be the v2.1 alias, not the V2.0 alias
v2_extension_suppress_list = ['servers', 'images', 'versions', 'flavors',
'os-block-device-mapping-v1', 'os-consoles',
'extensions', 'image-metadata', 'ips', 'limits',
# v2.1 plugins which should appear under a different name in v2
v21_to_v2_alias_mapping = {
'image-size': 'OS-EXT-IMG-SIZE',
'os-remote-consoles': 'os-consoles',
'os-disk-config': 'OS-DCF',
'os-extended-availability-zone': 'OS-EXT-AZ',
'os-extended-server-attributes': 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR',
'os-multinic': 'NMN',
'os-scheduler-hints': 'OS-SCH-HNT',
'os-server-usage': 'OS-SRV-USG',
'os-instance-usage-audit-log': 'os-instance_usage_audit_log',
# V2.1 does not support XML but we need to keep an entry in the
# /extensions information returned to the user for backwards
# compatibility
FAKE_UPDATED_DATE = "2014-12-03T00:00:00Z"
class FakeExtension(object):
def __init__(self, name, alias): = name
self.alias = alias
self.__doc__ = ""
self.version = -1
class ExtensionInfoController(wsgi.Controller):
def __init__(self, extension_info):
self.extension_info = extension_info
def _translate(self, ext):
ext_data = {}
ext_data["name"] =
ext_data["alias"] = ext.alias
ext_data["description"] = ext.__doc__
ext_data["namespace"] = FAKE_XML_URL
ext_data["updated"] = FAKE_UPDATED_DATE
ext_data["links"] = []
return ext_data
def _create_fake_ext(self, alias, name):
return FakeExtension(alias, name)
def _get_extensions(self, context):
"""Filter extensions list based on policy."""
discoverable_extensions = dict()
for alias, ext in six.iteritems(self.extension_info.get_extensions()):
authorize = extensions.os_compute_soft_authorizer(alias)
if authorize(context, action='discoverable'):
discoverable_extensions[alias] = ext
LOG.debug("Filter out extension %s from discover list",
# Add fake v2 extensions to list
extra_exts = {}
for alias in discoverable_extensions:
if alias in v21_to_v2_extension_list_mapping:
for extra_ext in v21_to_v2_extension_list_mapping[alias]:
extra_exts[extra_ext["alias"]] = self._create_fake_ext(
extra_ext["name"], extra_ext["alias"])
# Suppress extensions which we don't want to see in v2
for suppress_ext in v2_extension_suppress_list:
del discoverable_extensions[suppress_ext]
except KeyError:
# v2.1 to v2 extension name mapping
for rename_ext in v21_to_v2_alias_mapping:
if rename_ext in discoverable_extensions:
new_name = v21_to_v2_alias_mapping[rename_ext]
mod_ext = copy.deepcopy(
mod_ext.alias = new_name
discoverable_extensions[new_name] = mod_ext
return discoverable_extensions
def index(self, req):
context = req.environ['nova.context']
sorted_ext_list = sorted(
extensions = []
for _alias, ext in sorted_ext_list:
return dict(extensions=extensions)
def show(self, req, id):
context = req.environ['nova.context']
# NOTE(dprince): the extensions alias is used as the 'id' for show
ext = self._get_extensions(context)[id]
except KeyError:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()
return dict(extension=self._translate(ext))
class ExtensionInfo(extensions.V3APIExtensionBase):
"""Extension information."""
name = "Extensions"
alias = ALIAS
version = 1
def get_resources(self):
resources = [
ALIAS, ExtensionInfoController(self.extension_info),
return resources
def get_controller_extensions(self):
return []