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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
from nova import availability_zones
from nova import context
from nova import db
from nova import exception
from import model as network_model
from nova.openstack.common import log as logging
from nova.openstack.common import timeutils
from nova.openstack.common import uuidutils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def image_type(image_type):
"""Converts to a three letter image type.
aki, kernel => aki
ari, ramdisk => ari
anything else => ami
if image_type == 'kernel':
return 'aki'
if image_type == 'ramdisk':
return 'ari'
if image_type not in ['aki', 'ari']:
return 'ami'
return image_type
def id_to_glance_id(context, image_id):
"""Convert an internal (db) id to a glance id."""
return db.s3_image_get(context, image_id)['uuid']
def glance_id_to_id(context, glance_id):
"""Convert a glance id to an internal (db) id."""
if glance_id is None:
return db.s3_image_get_by_uuid(context, glance_id)['id']
except exception.NotFound:
return db.s3_image_create(context, glance_id)['id']
def ec2_id_to_glance_id(context, ec2_id):
image_id = ec2_id_to_id(ec2_id)
return id_to_glance_id(context, image_id)
def glance_id_to_ec2_id(context, glance_id, image_type='ami'):
image_id = glance_id_to_id(context, glance_id)
return image_ec2_id(image_id, image_type=image_type)
def ec2_id_to_id(ec2_id):
"""Convert an ec2 ID (i-[base 16 number]) to an instance id (int)"""
return int(ec2_id.split('-')[-1], 16)
except ValueError:
raise exception.InvalidEc2Id(ec2_id=ec2_id)
def image_ec2_id(image_id, image_type='ami'):
"""Returns image ec2_id using id and three letter type."""
template = image_type + '-%08x'
return id_to_ec2_id(image_id, template=template)
except ValueError:
#TODO(wwolf): once we have ec2_id -> glance_id mapping
# in place, this wont be necessary
return "ami-00000000"
def get_ip_info_for_instance_from_nw_info(nw_info):
ip_info = {}
fixed_ips = nw_info.fixed_ips()
ip_info['fixed_ips'] = [ip['address'] for ip in fixed_ips
if ip['version'] == 4]
ip_info['fixed_ip6s'] = [ip['address'] for ip in fixed_ips
if ip['version'] == 6]
ip_info['floating_ips'] = [ip['address'] for ip in nw_info.floating_ips()]
return ip_info
def get_ip_info_for_instance(context, instance):
"""Return a dictionary of IP information for an instance"""
info_cache = instance['info_cache'] or {}
cached_nwinfo = info_cache.get('network_info')
# Make sure empty response is turned into []
if not cached_nwinfo:
cached_nwinfo = []
nw_info = network_model.NetworkInfo.hydrate(cached_nwinfo)
return get_ip_info_for_instance_from_nw_info(nw_info)
def get_availability_zone_by_host(services, host):
if len(services) > 0:
return availability_zones.get_host_availability_zone(context, host)
return 'unknown zone'
def id_to_ec2_id(instance_id, template='i-%08x'):
"""Convert an instance ID (int) to an ec2 ID (i-[base 16 number])"""
return template % int(instance_id)
def id_to_ec2_inst_id(instance_id):
"""Get or create an ec2 instance ID (i-[base 16 number]) from uuid."""
if instance_id is None:
return None
elif uuidutils.is_uuid_like(instance_id):
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
int_id = get_int_id_from_instance_uuid(ctxt, instance_id)
return id_to_ec2_id(int_id)
return id_to_ec2_id(instance_id)
def ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, ec2_id):
""""Convert an instance id to uuid."""
int_id = ec2_id_to_id(ec2_id)
return get_instance_uuid_from_int_id(context, int_id)
def get_instance_uuid_from_int_id(context, int_id):
return db.get_instance_uuid_by_ec2_id(context, int_id)
def id_to_ec2_snap_id(snapshot_id):
"""Get or create an ec2 volume ID (vol-[base 16 number]) from uuid."""
if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(snapshot_id):
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
int_id = get_int_id_from_snapshot_uuid(ctxt, snapshot_id)
return id_to_ec2_id(int_id, 'snap-%08x')
return id_to_ec2_id(snapshot_id, 'snap-%08x')
def id_to_ec2_vol_id(volume_id):
"""Get or create an ec2 volume ID (vol-[base 16 number]) from uuid."""
if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(volume_id):
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
int_id = get_int_id_from_volume_uuid(ctxt, volume_id)
return id_to_ec2_id(int_id, 'vol-%08x')
return id_to_ec2_id(volume_id, 'vol-%08x')
def ec2_vol_id_to_uuid(ec2_id):
"""Get the corresponding UUID for the given ec2-id."""
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
# NOTE(jgriffith) first strip prefix to get just the numeric
int_id = ec2_id_to_id(ec2_id)
return get_volume_uuid_from_int_id(ctxt, int_id)
def is_ec2_timestamp_expired(request, expires=None):
"""Checks the timestamp or expiry time included in a EC2 request
and returns true if the request is expired
query_time = None
timestamp = request.get('Timestamp')
expiry_time = request.get('Expires')
if timestamp and expiry_time:
msg = _("Request must include either Timestamp or Expires,"
" but cannot contain both")
raise exception.InvalidRequest(msg)
elif expiry_time:
query_time = timeutils.parse_strtime(expiry_time,
return timeutils.is_older_than(query_time, -1)
elif timestamp:
query_time = timeutils.parse_strtime(timestamp,
# Check if the difference between the timestamp in the request
# and the time on our servers is larger than 5 minutes, the
# request is too old (or too new).
if query_time and expires:
return timeutils.is_older_than(query_time, expires) or \
timeutils.is_newer_than(query_time, expires)
return False
except ValueError:
LOG.audit(_("Timestamp is invalid."))
return True
def get_int_id_from_instance_uuid(context, instance_uuid):
if instance_uuid is None:
return db.get_ec2_instance_id_by_uuid(context, instance_uuid)
except exception.NotFound:
return db.ec2_instance_create(context, instance_uuid)['id']
def get_int_id_from_volume_uuid(context, volume_uuid):
if volume_uuid is None:
return db.get_ec2_volume_id_by_uuid(context, volume_uuid)
except exception.NotFound:
return db.ec2_volume_create(context, volume_uuid)['id']
def get_volume_uuid_from_int_id(context, int_id):
return db.get_volume_uuid_by_ec2_id(context, int_id)
def ec2_snap_id_to_uuid(ec2_id):
"""Get the corresponding UUID for the given ec2-id."""
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
# NOTE(jgriffith) first strip prefix to get just the numeric
int_id = ec2_id_to_id(ec2_id)
return get_snapshot_uuid_from_int_id(ctxt, int_id)
def get_int_id_from_snapshot_uuid(context, snapshot_uuid):
if snapshot_uuid is None:
return db.get_ec2_snapshot_id_by_uuid(context, snapshot_uuid)
except exception.NotFound:
return db.ec2_snapshot_create(context, snapshot_uuid)['id']
def get_snapshot_uuid_from_int_id(context, int_id):
return db.get_snapshot_uuid_by_ec2_id(context, int_id)
_c2u = re.compile('(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))')
def camelcase_to_underscore(str):
return _c2u.sub(r'_\1', str).lower().strip('_')
def _try_convert(value):
"""Return a non-string from a string or unicode, if possible.
============= =====================================================
When value is returns
============= =====================================================
zero-length ''
'None' None
'True' True case insensitive
'False' False case insensitive
'0', '-0' 0
0xN, -0xN int from hex (positive) (N is any number)
0bN, -0bN int from binary (positive) (N is any number)
* try conversion to int, float, complex, fallback value
def _negative_zero(value):
epsilon = 1e-7
return 0 if abs(value) < epsilon else value
if len(value) == 0:
return ''
if value == 'None':
return None
lowered_value = value.lower()
if lowered_value == 'true':
return True
if lowered_value == 'false':
return False
for prefix, base in [('0x', 16), ('0b', 2), ('0', 8), ('', 10)]:
if lowered_value.startswith((prefix, "-" + prefix)):
return int(lowered_value, base)
except ValueError:
return _negative_zero(float(value))
except ValueError:
return value
def dict_from_dotted_str(items):
"""parse multi dot-separated argument into dict.
EBS boot uses multi dot-separated arguments like
Convert the above into
{'block_device_mapping': {'1': {'device_name': snap-id}}}
args = {}
for key, value in items:
parts = key.split(".")
key = str(camelcase_to_underscore(parts[0]))
if isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, unicode):
# NOTE(vish): Automatically convert strings back
# into their respective values
value = _try_convert(value)
if len(parts) > 1:
d = args.get(key, {})
args[key] = d
for k in parts[1:-1]:
k = camelcase_to_underscore(k)
v = d.get(k, {})
d[k] = v
d = v
d[camelcase_to_underscore(parts[-1])] = value
args[key] = value
return args
def search_opts_from_filters(filters):
return dict((f['name'].replace('-', '_'), f['value']['1'])
for f in filters if f['value']['1']) if filters else {}