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# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Utility methods for scheduling."""
import collections
import sys
from oslo.config import cfg
from oslo.serialization import jsonutils
from nova.compute import flavors
from nova.compute import utils as compute_utils
from nova import exception
from nova.i18n import _, _LE, _LW
from nova import notifications
from nova import objects
from nova.objects import base as obj_base
from nova.openstack.common import log as logging
from nova import rpc
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
scheduler_opts = [
help='Maximum number of attempts to schedule an instance'),
CONF.import_opt('scheduler_default_filters', 'nova.scheduler.host_manager')
GroupDetails = collections.namedtuple('GroupDetails', ['hosts', 'policies'])
def build_request_spec(ctxt, image, instances, instance_type=None):
"""Build a request_spec for the scheduler.
The request_spec assumes that all instances to be scheduled are the same
instance = instances[0]
if isinstance(instance, obj_base.NovaObject):
instance = obj_base.obj_to_primitive(instance)
if instance_type is None:
instance_type = flavors.extract_flavor(instance)
if isinstance(instance_type, objects.Flavor):
instance_type = obj_base.obj_to_primitive(instance_type)
request_spec = {
'image': image or {},
'instance_properties': instance,
'instance_type': instance_type,
'num_instances': len(instances),
# NOTE(alaski): This should be removed as logic moves from the
# scheduler to conductor. Provides backwards compatibility now.
'instance_uuids': [inst['uuid'] for inst in instances]}
return jsonutils.to_primitive(request_spec)
def set_vm_state_and_notify(context, service, method, updates, ex,
request_spec, db):
"""changes VM state and notifies."""
LOG.warning(_LW("Failed to %(service)s_%(method)s: %(ex)s"),
{'service': service, 'method': method, 'ex': ex})
vm_state = updates['vm_state']
properties = request_spec.get('instance_properties', {})
# NOTE(vish): We shouldn't get here unless we have a catastrophic
# failure, so just set all instances to error. if uuid
# is not set, instance_uuids will be set to [None], this
# is solely to preserve existing behavior and can
# be removed along with the 'if instance_uuid:' if we can
# verify that uuid is always set.
uuids = [properties.get('uuid')]
notifier = rpc.get_notifier(service)
for instance_uuid in request_spec.get('instance_uuids') or uuids:
if instance_uuid:
state = vm_state.upper()
LOG.warning(_LW('Setting instance to %s state.'), state,
# update instance state and notify on the transition
(old_ref, new_ref) = db.instance_update_and_get_original(
context, instance_uuid, updates)
notifications.send_update(context, old_ref, new_ref,
new_ref, ex, sys.exc_info())
payload = dict(request_spec=request_spec,
event_type = '%s.%s' % (service, method)
notifier.error(context, event_type, payload)
def populate_filter_properties(filter_properties, host_state):
"""Add additional information to the filter properties after a node has
been selected by the scheduling process.
if isinstance(host_state, dict):
host = host_state['host']
nodename = host_state['nodename']
limits = host_state['limits']
host =
nodename = host_state.nodename
limits = host_state.limits
# Adds a retry entry for the selected compute host and node:
_add_retry_host(filter_properties, host, nodename)
# Adds oversubscription policy
if not filter_properties.get('force_hosts'):
filter_properties['limits'] = limits
def populate_retry(filter_properties, instance_uuid):
max_attempts = _max_attempts()
force_hosts = filter_properties.get('force_hosts', [])
force_nodes = filter_properties.get('force_nodes', [])
if max_attempts == 1 or force_hosts or force_nodes:
# re-scheduling is disabled.
# retry is enabled, update attempt count:
retry = filter_properties.setdefault(
'retry', {
'num_attempts': 0,
'hosts': [] # list of compute hosts tried
retry['num_attempts'] += 1
_log_compute_error(instance_uuid, retry)
exc = retry.pop('exc', None)
if retry['num_attempts'] > max_attempts:
msg = (_('Exceeded max scheduling attempts %(max_attempts)d '
'for instance %(instance_uuid)s. '
'Last exception: %(exc)s')
% {'max_attempts': max_attempts,
'instance_uuid': instance_uuid,
'exc': exc})
raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=msg)
def _log_compute_error(instance_uuid, retry):
"""If the request contained an exception from a previous compute
build/resize operation, log it to aid debugging
exc = retry.get('exc') # string-ified exception from compute
if not exc:
return # no exception info from a previous attempt, skip
hosts = retry.get('hosts', None)
if not hosts:
return # no previously attempted hosts, skip
last_host, last_node = hosts[-1]
LOG.error(_LE('Error from last host: %(last_host)s (node %(last_node)s):'
' %(exc)s'),
{'last_host': last_host,
'last_node': last_node,
'exc': exc},
def _max_attempts():
max_attempts = CONF.scheduler_max_attempts
if max_attempts < 1:
raise exception.NovaException(_("Invalid value for "
"'scheduler_max_attempts', must be >= 1"))
return max_attempts
def _add_retry_host(filter_properties, host, node):
"""Add a retry entry for the selected compute node. In the event that
the request gets re-scheduled, this entry will signal that the given
node has already been tried.
retry = filter_properties.get('retry', None)
if not retry:
hosts = retry['hosts']
hosts.append([host, node])
def parse_options(opts, sep='=', converter=str, name=""):
"""Parse a list of options, each in the format of <key><sep><value>. Also
use the converter to convert the value into desired type.
:params opts: list of options, e.g. from oslo.config.cfg.ListOpt
:params sep: the separator
:params converter: callable object to convert the value, should raise
ValueError for conversion failure
:params name: name of the option
:returns: a lists of tuple of values (key, converted_value)
good = []
bad = []
for opt in opts:
key, seen_sep, value = opt.partition(sep)
value = converter(value)
except ValueError:
key = None
value = None
if key and seen_sep and value is not None:
good.append((key, value))
if bad:
LOG.warning(_LW("Ignoring the invalid elements of the option "
"%(name)s: %(options)s"),
{'name': name,
'options': ", ".join(bad)})
return good
def validate_filter(filter):
"""Validates that the filter is configured in the default filters."""
return filter in CONF.scheduler_default_filters
def _get_group_details(context, instance_uuids, user_group_hosts=None):
"""Provide group_hosts and group_policies sets related to instances if
those instances are belonging to a group and if corresponding filters are
:param instance_uuids: list of instance uuids
:param user_group_hosts: Hosts from the group or empty set
:returns: None or namedtuple GroupDetails
_SUPPORTS_AFFINITY = validate_filter(
_SUPPORTS_ANTI_AFFINITY = validate_filter(
_supports_server_groups = any((_SUPPORTS_AFFINITY,
if not _supports_server_groups or not instance_uuids:
# NOTE(sbauza) If there are multiple instance UUIDs, it's a boot
# request and they will all be in the same group, so it's safe to
# only check the first one.
group = objects.InstanceGroup.get_by_instance_uuid(context,
except exception.InstanceGroupNotFound:
policies = set(('anti-affinity', 'affinity'))
if any((policy in policies) for policy in group.policies):
if (not _SUPPORTS_AFFINITY and 'affinity' in group.policies):
msg = _("ServerGroupAffinityFilter not configured")
raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=msg)
if (not _SUPPORTS_ANTI_AFFINITY and 'anti-affinity' in group.policies):
msg = _("ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter not configured")
raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=msg)
group_hosts = set(group.get_hosts(context))
user_hosts = set(user_group_hosts) if user_group_hosts else set()
return GroupDetails(hosts=user_hosts | group_hosts,
def setup_instance_group(context, request_spec, filter_properties):
"""Add group_hosts and group_policies fields to filter_properties dict
based on instance uuids provided in request_spec, if those instances are
belonging to a group.
:param request_spec: Request spec
:param filter_properties: Filter properties
group_hosts = filter_properties.get('group_hosts')
instance_uuids = request_spec.get('instance_uuids')
group_info = _get_group_details(context, instance_uuids, group_hosts)
if group_info is not None:
filter_properties['group_updated'] = True
filter_properties['group_hosts'] = group_info.hosts
filter_properties['group_policies'] = group_info.policies