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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2010 Citrix Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Helper methods for operations related to the management of VM records and
their attributes like VDIs, VIFs, as well as their lookup functions.
import logging
from twisted.internet import defer
from nova import utils
from nova.auth.manager import AuthManager
from nova.compute import instance_types
from nova.compute import power_state
from nova.virt import images
'Halted': power_state.SHUTDOWN,
'Running': power_state.RUNNING,
'Paused': power_state.PAUSED,
'Suspended': power_state.SHUTDOWN, # FIXME
'Crashed': power_state.CRASHED}
XenAPI = None
class VMHelper():
The class that wraps the helper methods together.
def __init__(self):
global XenAPI
if XenAPI is None:
XenAPI = __import__('XenAPI')
def create_vm(cls, session, instance, kernel, ramdisk):
"""Create a VM record. Returns a Deferred that gives the new
VM reference."""
instance_type = instance_types.INSTANCE_TYPES[instance.instance_type]
mem = str(long(instance_type['memory_mb']) * 1024 * 1024)
vcpus = str(instance_type['vcpus'])
rec = {
'name_description': '',
'is_a_template': False,
'memory_static_min': '0',
'memory_static_max': mem,
'memory_dynamic_min': mem,
'memory_dynamic_max': mem,
'VCPUs_at_startup': vcpus,
'VCPUs_max': vcpus,
'VCPUs_params': {},
'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy',
'actions_after_reboot': 'restart',
'actions_after_crash': 'destroy',
'PV_bootloader': '',
'PV_kernel': kernel,
'PV_ramdisk': ramdisk,
'PV_args': 'root=/dev/xvda1',
'PV_bootloader_args': '',
'PV_legacy_args': '',
'HVM_boot_policy': '',
'HVM_boot_params': {},
'platform': {},
'PCI_bus': '',
'recommendations': '',
'affinity': '',
'user_version': '0',
'other_config': {},
logging.debug('Created VM %s...',
vm_ref = yield session.call_xenapi('VM.create', rec)
logging.debug('Created VM %s as %s.',, vm_ref)
def create_vbd(cls, session, vm_ref, vdi_ref, userdevice, bootable):
"""Create a VBD record. Returns a Deferred that gives the new
VBD reference."""
vbd_rec = {}
vbd_rec['VM'] = vm_ref
vbd_rec['VDI'] = vdi_ref
vbd_rec['userdevice'] = str(userdevice)
vbd_rec['bootable'] = bootable
vbd_rec['mode'] = 'RW'
vbd_rec['type'] = 'disk'
vbd_rec['unpluggable'] = True
vbd_rec['empty'] = False
vbd_rec['other_config'] = {}
vbd_rec['qos_algorithm_type'] = ''
vbd_rec['qos_algorithm_params'] = {}
vbd_rec['qos_supported_algorithms'] = []
logging.debug('Creating VBD for VM %s, VDI %s ... ', vm_ref, vdi_ref)
vbd_ref = yield session.call_xenapi('VBD.create', vbd_rec)
logging.debug('Created VBD %s for VM %s, VDI %s.', vbd_ref, vm_ref,
def create_vif(cls, session, vm_ref, network_ref, mac_address):
"""Create a VIF record. Returns a Deferred that gives the new
VIF reference."""
vif_rec = {}
vif_rec['device'] = '0'
vif_rec['network'] = network_ref
vif_rec['VM'] = vm_ref
vif_rec['MAC'] = mac_address
vif_rec['MTU'] = '1500'
vif_rec['other_config'] = {}
vif_rec['qos_algorithm_type'] = ''
vif_rec['qos_algorithm_params'] = {}
logging.debug('Creating VIF for VM %s, network %s ... ', vm_ref,
vif_ref = yield session.call_xenapi('VIF.create', vif_rec)
logging.debug('Created VIF %s for VM %s, network %s.', vif_ref,
vm_ref, network_ref)
def fetch_image(cls, session, image, user, project, use_sr):
"""use_sr: True to put the image as a VDI in an SR, False to place
it on dom0's filesystem. The former is for VM disks, the latter for
its kernel and ramdisk (if external kernels are being used).
Returns a Deferred that gives the new VDI UUID."""
url = images.image_url(image)
access = AuthManager().get_access_key(user, project)
logging.debug("Asking xapi to fetch %s as %s", url, access)
fn = use_sr and 'get_vdi' or 'get_kernel'
args = {}
args['src_url'] = url
args['username'] = access
args['password'] = user.secret
if use_sr:
args['add_partition'] = 'true'
task = yield session.async_call_plugin('objectstore', fn, args)
uuid = yield session.wait_for_task(task)
def lookup(cls, session, i):
""" Look the instance i up, and returns it if available """
return VMHelper.lookup_blocking(session, i)
def lookup_blocking(cls, session, i):
""" Synchronous lookup """
vms = session.get_xenapi().VM.get_by_name_label(i)
n = len(vms)
if n == 0:
return None
elif n > 1:
raise Exception('duplicate name found: %s' % i)
return vms[0]
def lookup_vm_vdis(cls, session, vm):
""" Look for the VDIs that are attached to the VM """
return VMHelper.lookup_vm_vdis_blocking(session, vm)
def lookup_vm_vdis_blocking(cls, session, vm):
""" Synchronous lookup_vm_vdis """
# Firstly we get the VBDs, then the VDIs.
# TODO(Armando): do we leave the read-only devices?
vbds = session.get_xenapi().VM.get_VBDs(vm)
vdis = []
if vbds:
for vbd in vbds:
vdi = session.get_xenapi().VBD.get_VDI(vbd)
# Test valid VDI
record = session.get_xenapi().VDI.get_record(vdi)
logging.debug('VDI %s is still available', record['uuid'])
except XenAPI.Failure, exc:
if len(vdis) > 0:
return vdis
return None
def compile_info(cls, record):
return {'state': XENAPI_POWER_STATE[record['power_state']],
'max_mem': long(record['memory_static_max']) >> 10,
'mem': long(record['memory_dynamic_max']) >> 10,
'num_cpu': record['VCPUs_max'],
'cpu_time': 0}