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# Copyright 2013 Cloudbase Solutions Srl
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Management class for migration / resize operations.
import os
from os_win import utilsfactory
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import units
from nova import exception
from nova.i18n import _, _LW, _LE
from nova import objects
from nova.virt import configdrive
from nova.virt.hyperv import block_device_manager
from nova.virt.hyperv import constants
from nova.virt.hyperv import imagecache
from nova.virt.hyperv import pathutils
from nova.virt.hyperv import vmops
from nova.virt.hyperv import volumeops
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MigrationOps(object):
def __init__(self):
self._hostutils = utilsfactory.get_hostutils()
self._vmutils = utilsfactory.get_vmutils()
self._vhdutils = utilsfactory.get_vhdutils()
self._pathutils = pathutils.PathUtils()
self._volumeops = volumeops.VolumeOps()
self._vmops = vmops.VMOps()
self._imagecache = imagecache.ImageCache()
self._block_dev_man = block_device_manager.BlockDeviceInfoManager()
def _migrate_disk_files(self, instance_name, disk_files, dest):
# TODO(mikal): it would be nice if this method took a full instance,
# because it could then be passed to the log messages below.
same_host = False
if dest in self._hostutils.get_local_ips():
same_host = True
LOG.debug("Migration target is the source host")
LOG.debug("Migration target host: %s", dest)
instance_path = self._pathutils.get_instance_dir(instance_name)
revert_path = self._pathutils.get_instance_migr_revert_dir(
instance_name, remove_dir=True, create_dir=True)
dest_path = None
if same_host:
# Since source and target are the same, we copy the files to
# a temporary location before moving them into place
dest_path = '%s_tmp' % instance_path
if self._pathutils.exists(dest_path):
dest_path = self._pathutils.get_instance_dir(
instance_name, dest, remove_dir=True)
for disk_file in disk_files:
# Skip the config drive as the instance is already configured
if os.path.basename(disk_file).lower() != 'configdrive.vhd':
LOG.debug('Copying disk "%(disk_file)s" to '
{'disk_file': disk_file, 'dest_path': dest_path})
self._pathutils.copy(disk_file, dest_path)
self._pathutils.move_folder_files(instance_path, revert_path)
if same_host:
self._pathutils.move_folder_files(dest_path, instance_path)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
self._cleanup_failed_disk_migration(instance_path, revert_path,
def _cleanup_failed_disk_migration(self, instance_path,
revert_path, dest_path):
if dest_path and self._pathutils.exists(dest_path):
if self._pathutils.exists(revert_path):
self._pathutils.move_folder_files(revert_path, instance_path)
except Exception as ex:
# Log and ignore this exception
LOG.error(_LE("Cannot cleanup migration files"))
def _check_target_flavor(self, instance, flavor):
new_root_gb = flavor.root_gb
curr_root_gb = instance.root_gb
if new_root_gb < curr_root_gb:
raise exception.InstanceFaultRollback(
reason=_("Cannot resize the root disk to a smaller size. "
"Current size: %(curr_root_gb)s GB. Requested "
"size: %(new_root_gb)s GB.") % {
'curr_root_gb': curr_root_gb,
'new_root_gb': new_root_gb}))
def migrate_disk_and_power_off(self, context, instance, dest,
flavor, network_info,
block_device_info=None, timeout=0,
LOG.debug("migrate_disk_and_power_off called", instance=instance)
self._check_target_flavor(instance, flavor)
self._vmops.power_off(instance, timeout, retry_interval)
volume_drives) = self._vmutils.get_vm_storage_paths(
if disk_files:
self._migrate_disk_files(, disk_files, dest)
self._vmops.destroy(instance, destroy_disks=False)
# disk_info is not used
return ""
def confirm_migration(self, migration, instance, network_info):
LOG.debug("confirm_migration called", instance=instance)
def _revert_migration_files(self, instance_name):
instance_path = self._pathutils.get_instance_dir(
instance_name, create_dir=False, remove_dir=True)
revert_path = self._pathutils.get_instance_migr_revert_dir(
self._pathutils.rename(revert_path, instance_path)
def _check_and_attach_config_drive(self, instance, vm_gen):
if configdrive.required_by(instance):
configdrive_path = self._pathutils.lookup_configdrive_path(
if configdrive_path:
self._vmops.attach_config_drive(instance, configdrive_path,
raise exception.ConfigDriveNotFound(
def finish_revert_migration(self, context, instance, network_info,
block_device_info=None, power_on=True):
LOG.debug("finish_revert_migration called", instance=instance)
instance_name =
image_meta = objects.ImageMeta.from_instance(instance)
vm_gen = self._vmops.get_image_vm_generation(instance.uuid, image_meta)
self._block_dev_man.validate_and_update_bdi(instance, image_meta,
vm_gen, block_device_info)
root_device = block_device_info['root_disk']
if root_device['type'] == constants.DISK:
root_vhd_path = self._pathutils.lookup_root_vhd_path(instance_name)
root_device['path'] = root_vhd_path
if not root_vhd_path:
base_vhd_path = self._pathutils.get_instance_dir(instance_name)
raise exception.DiskNotFound(location=base_vhd_path)
ephemerals = block_device_info['ephemerals']
self._check_ephemeral_disks(instance, ephemerals)
self._vmops.create_instance(instance, network_info, root_device,
block_device_info, vm_gen)
self._check_and_attach_config_drive(instance, vm_gen)
if power_on:
def _merge_base_vhd(self, diff_vhd_path, base_vhd_path):
base_vhd_copy_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(diff_vhd_path),
LOG.debug('Copying base disk %(base_vhd_path)s to '
{'base_vhd_path': base_vhd_path,
'base_vhd_copy_path': base_vhd_copy_path})
self._pathutils.copyfile(base_vhd_path, base_vhd_copy_path)
LOG.debug("Reconnecting copied base VHD "
"%(base_vhd_copy_path)s and diff "
"VHD %(diff_vhd_path)s",
{'base_vhd_copy_path': base_vhd_copy_path,
'diff_vhd_path': diff_vhd_path})
LOG.debug("Merging differential disk %s into its parent.",
# Replace the differential VHD with the merged one
self._pathutils.rename(base_vhd_copy_path, diff_vhd_path)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
if self._pathutils.exists(base_vhd_copy_path):
def _check_resize_vhd(self, vhd_path, vhd_info, new_size):
curr_size = vhd_info['VirtualSize']
if new_size < curr_size:
raise exception.CannotResizeDisk(
reason=_("Cannot resize the root disk to a smaller size. "
"Current size: %(curr_root_gb)s GB. Requested "
"size: %(new_root_gb)s GB.") % {
'curr_root_gb': curr_size / units.Gi,
'new_root_gb': new_size / units.Gi})
elif new_size > curr_size:
self._resize_vhd(vhd_path, new_size)
def _resize_vhd(self, vhd_path, new_size):
if vhd_path.split('.')[-1].lower() == "vhd":
LOG.debug("Getting parent disk info for disk: %s", vhd_path)
base_disk_path = self._vhdutils.get_vhd_parent_path(vhd_path)
if base_disk_path:
# A differential VHD cannot be resized. This limitation
# does not apply to the VHDX format.
self._merge_base_vhd(vhd_path, base_disk_path)
LOG.debug("Resizing disk \"%(vhd_path)s\" to new max "
"size %(new_size)s",
{'vhd_path': vhd_path, 'new_size': new_size})
self._vhdutils.resize_vhd(vhd_path, new_size)
def _check_base_disk(self, context, instance, diff_vhd_path,
base_vhd_path = self._imagecache.get_cached_image(context, instance)
# If the location of the base host differs between source
# and target hosts we need to reconnect the base disk
if src_base_disk_path.lower() != base_vhd_path.lower():
LOG.debug("Reconnecting copied base VHD "
"%(base_vhd_path)s and diff "
"VHD %(diff_vhd_path)s",
{'base_vhd_path': base_vhd_path,
'diff_vhd_path': diff_vhd_path})
def finish_migration(self, context, migration, instance, disk_info,
network_info, image_meta, resize_instance=False,
block_device_info=None, power_on=True):
LOG.debug("finish_migration called", instance=instance)
instance_name =
vm_gen = self._vmops.get_image_vm_generation(instance.uuid, image_meta)
self._block_dev_man.validate_and_update_bdi(instance, image_meta,
vm_gen, block_device_info)
root_device = block_device_info['root_disk']
if root_device['type'] == constants.DISK:
root_vhd_path = self._pathutils.lookup_root_vhd_path(instance_name)
root_device['path'] = root_vhd_path
if not root_vhd_path:
base_vhd_path = self._pathutils.get_instance_dir(instance_name)
raise exception.DiskNotFound(location=base_vhd_path)
root_vhd_info = self._vhdutils.get_vhd_info(root_vhd_path)
src_base_disk_path = root_vhd_info.get("ParentPath")
if src_base_disk_path:
self._check_base_disk(context, instance, root_vhd_path,
if resize_instance:
new_size = instance.root_gb * units.Gi
self._check_resize_vhd(root_vhd_path, root_vhd_info, new_size)
ephemerals = block_device_info['ephemerals']
self._check_ephemeral_disks(instance, ephemerals, resize_instance)
self._vmops.create_instance(instance, network_info, root_device,
block_device_info, vm_gen)
self._check_and_attach_config_drive(instance, vm_gen)
if power_on:
def _check_ephemeral_disks(self, instance, ephemerals,
instance_name =
new_eph_gb = instance.get('ephemeral_gb', 0)
if len(ephemerals) == 1:
# NOTE(claudiub): Resize only if there is one ephemeral. If there
# are more than 1, resizing them can be problematic. This behaviour
# also exists in the libvirt driver and it has to be addressed in
# the future.
ephemerals[0]['size'] = new_eph_gb
elif sum(eph['size'] for eph in ephemerals) != new_eph_gb:
# New ephemeral size is different from the original ephemeral size
# and there are multiple ephemerals.
LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot resize multiple ephemeral disks for "
"instance."), instance=instance)
for index, eph in enumerate(ephemerals):
eph_name = "eph%s" % index
existing_eph_path = self._pathutils.lookup_ephemeral_vhd_path(
instance_name, eph_name)
if not existing_eph_path:
eph['format'] = self._vhdutils.get_best_supported_vhd_format()
eph['path'] = self._pathutils.get_ephemeral_vhd_path(
instance_name, eph['format'], eph_name)
if not resize_instance:
# ephemerals should have existed.
raise exception.DiskNotFound(location=eph['path'])
if eph['size']:
# create ephemerals
self._vmops.create_ephemeral_disk(, eph)
elif eph['size'] > 0:
# ephemerals exist. resize them.
eph['path'] = existing_eph_path
eph_vhd_info = self._vhdutils.get_vhd_info(eph['path'])
eph['path'], eph_vhd_info, eph['size'] * units.Gi)
# ephemeral new size is 0, remove it.
eph['path'] = None