Alessandro Pilotti 577174b025 Fixes interfaces template identification issue
When using networks without DHCP enabled and "flat_injected" set to True,
the interfaces template is injected in the associated instances or
included in the config drive metadata.

The template includes the interface name, based on a progressive numbering
(eth0, eth1, etc). In case of multiple nics, there's no clear way to
identify the interfaces in the guest OS if the actual interface naming
differs, this is especially valid for Windows instances.

Since the MAC address (hardware address) assigned to each vNIC identifies
uniquely the interface, providing the mac address during the template
generation solves the issue.

Change-Id: Id82db6d83caedf0e95f882d909b77ea9b98b2547
Closes-Bug: #1400080
2014-12-07 17:52:34 +02:00

45 lines
1.2 KiB

# Injected by Nova on instance boot
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
{% for ifc in interfaces %}
auto {{ }}
iface {{ }} inet static
hwaddress ether {{ ifc.hwaddress }}
address {{ ifc.address }}
netmask {{ ifc.netmask }}
broadcast {{ ifc.broadcast }}
{% if ifc.gateway %}
gateway {{ ifc.gateway }}
{% endif %}
{% if ifc.dns %}
dns-nameservers {{ ifc.dns }}
{% endif %}
{% if use_ipv6 %}
{% if libvirt_virt_type == 'lxc' %}
{% if ifc.address_v6 %}
post-up ip -6 addr add {{ ifc.address_v6 }}/{{ifc.netmask_v6 }} dev ${IFACE}
{% endif %}
{% if ifc.gateway_v6 %}
post-up ip -6 route add default via {{ ifc.gateway_v6 }} dev ${IFACE}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
iface {{ }} inet6 static
hwaddress ether {{ ifc.hwaddress }}
address {{ ifc.address_v6 }}
netmask {{ ifc.netmask_v6 }}
{% if ifc.gateway_v6 %}
gateway {{ ifc.gateway_v6 }}
{% endif %}
{% if ifc.dns_v6 %}
dns-nameservers {{ ifc.dns_v6 }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}