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# Copyright (c) 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""The Aggregate admin API extension."""
import datetime
from webob import exc
from nova.api.openstack import extensions
from nova.compute import api as compute_api
from nova import exception
from nova.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
from nova.openstack.common import log as logging
from nova import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
authorize = extensions.extension_authorizer('compute', 'aggregates')
def _get_context(req):
return req.environ['nova.context']
def get_host_from_body(fn):
"""Makes sure that the host exists."""
def wrapped(self, req, id, body, *args, **kwargs):
if len(body) == 1 and "host" in body:
host = body['host']
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest()
return fn(self, req, id, host, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
class AggregateController(object):
"""The Host Aggregates API controller for the OpenStack API."""
def __init__(self):
self.api = compute_api.AggregateAPI()
def index(self, req):
"""Returns a list a host aggregate's id, name, availability_zone."""
context = _get_context(req)
aggregates = self.api.get_aggregate_list(context)
return {'aggregates': [self._marshall_aggregate(a)['aggregate']
for a in aggregates]}
def create(self, req, body):
"""Creates an aggregate, given its name and
optional availability zone.
context = _get_context(req)
if len(body) != 1:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest()
host_aggregate = body["aggregate"]
name = host_aggregate["name"]
except KeyError:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest()
avail_zone = host_aggregate.get("availability_zone")
utils.check_string_length(name, "Aggregate name", 1, 255)
if avail_zone is not None:
utils.check_string_length(avail_zone, "Availability_zone", 1,
except exception.InvalidInput as e:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.format_message())
aggregate = self.api.create_aggregate(context, name, avail_zone)
except exception.AggregateNameExists as e:
raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=e.format_message())
except exception.InvalidAggregateAction as e:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.format_message())
return self._marshall_aggregate(aggregate)
def show(self, req, id):
"""Shows the details of an aggregate, hosts and metadata included."""
context = _get_context(req)
aggregate = self.api.get_aggregate(context, id)
except exception.AggregateNotFound as e:
raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message())
return self._marshall_aggregate(aggregate)
def update(self, req, id, body):
"""Updates the name and/or availability_zone of given aggregate."""
context = _get_context(req)
if len(body) != 1:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest()
updates = body["aggregate"]
except KeyError:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest()
if len(updates) < 1:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest()
for key in updates.keys():
if key not in ["name", "availability_zone"]:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest()
if 'name' in updates:
utils.check_string_length(updates['name'], "Aggregate name", 1,
if updates.get("availability_zone") is not None:
"Availability_zone", 1, 255)
except exception.InvalidInput as e:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.format_message())
aggregate = self.api.update_aggregate(context, id, updates)
except exception.AggregateNameExists as e:
raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=e.format_message())
except exception.AggregateNotFound as e:
raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message())
except exception.InvalidAggregateAction as e:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.format_message())
return self._marshall_aggregate(aggregate)
def delete(self, req, id):
"""Removes an aggregate by id."""
context = _get_context(req)
self.api.delete_aggregate(context, id)
except exception.AggregateNotFound as e:
raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message())
def action(self, req, id, body):
_actions = {
'add_host': self._add_host,
'remove_host': self._remove_host,
'set_metadata': self._set_metadata,
for action, data in body.iteritems():
if action not in _actions.keys():
msg = _('Aggregates does not have %s action') % action
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return _actions[action](req, id, data)
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=_("Invalid request body"))
def _add_host(self, req, id, host):
"""Adds a host to the specified aggregate."""
context = _get_context(req)
aggregate = self.api.add_host_to_aggregate(context, id, host)
except (exception.AggregateNotFound, exception.ComputeHostNotFound):
msg = _('Cannot add host %(host)s in aggregate'
' %(id)s') % {'host': host, 'id': id}
raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg)
except (exception.AggregateHostExists,
msg = _('Cannot add host %(host)s in aggregate'
' %(id)s') % {'host': host, 'id': id}
raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=msg)
return self._marshall_aggregate(aggregate)
def _remove_host(self, req, id, host):
"""Removes a host from the specified aggregate."""
context = _get_context(req)
aggregate = self.api.remove_host_from_aggregate(context, id, host)
except (exception.AggregateNotFound, exception.AggregateHostNotFound,
msg = _('Cannot remove host %(host)s in aggregate'
' %(id)s') % {'host': host, 'id': id}
raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg)
except exception.InvalidAggregateAction:
msg = _('Cannot remove host %(host)s in aggregate'
' %(id)s') % {'host': host, 'id': id}
raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=msg)
return self._marshall_aggregate(aggregate)
def _set_metadata(self, req, id, body):
"""Replaces the aggregate's existing metadata with new metadata."""
context = _get_context(req)
if len(body) != 1:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest()
metadata = body["metadata"]
except KeyError:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest()
# The metadata should be a dict
if not isinstance(metadata, dict):
msg = _('The value of metadata must be a dict')
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
for key, value in metadata.items():
utils.check_string_length(key, "metadata.key", 1, 255)
utils.check_string_length(value, "metadata.value", 0, 255)
except exception.InvalidInput as e:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.format_message())
aggregate = self.api.update_aggregate_metadata(context,
id, metadata)
except exception.AggregateNotFound:
msg = _('Cannot set metadata %(metadata)s in aggregate'
' %(id)s') % {'metadata': metadata, 'id': id}
raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg)
except exception.InvalidAggregateAction as e:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e.format_message())
return self._marshall_aggregate(aggregate)
def _marshall_aggregate(self, aggregate):
_aggregate = {}
for key, value in aggregate.items():
# NOTE(danms): The original API specified non-TZ-aware timestamps
if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
value = value.replace(tzinfo=None)
_aggregate[key] = value
return {"aggregate": _aggregate}
class Aggregates(extensions.ExtensionDescriptor):
"""Admin-only aggregate administration."""
name = "Aggregates"
alias = "os-aggregates"
namespace = ""
updated = "2012-01-12T00:00:00Z"
def get_resources(self):
resources = []
res = extensions.ResourceExtension('os-aggregates',
member_actions={"action": "POST", })
return resources