Chris Dent 2ea552e019 Add python 3.7 unit and functional tox jobs
Without these, if you try to run tox -epy37,functional-py37 you'll
get a successful tox run, but no actual tests are run, which is
rather misleading. Given the generaly availability of python 3.7
this is a bad thing.

Running the tests under python 3.7 identified a few minor tests
failures, also fixed here. Each is a result of a change in behavior in
python 3.7:

* printable unicode changes with a new Unicode 11-based unicodedata
* intentionally raising StopIteration in a generator is now considered a
  RuntimeError, 'return' should be used instead
* an exception message is different beween python 3 and python 2, and the
  guard for it was mapping python 3.5 and 3.6 but not 3.7.

zuul configuration is adjusted to add an experimental job for python 3.7
unit. A functional test job is not added, because we don't have 3.6 yet,
and we probably want to get through that first.

Closes-Bug: #1807976
Closes-Bug: #1807970
Change-Id: I37779a12d3b36eb3dc7e2733d07fe0ed23ab3da6
2018-12-13 10:41:46 -05:00

361 lines
15 KiB

# Copyright 2011 Ken Pepple
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Unit Tests for flavors code
from nova.compute import flavors
from nova import context
from nova.db import api as db
from nova import exception
from nova import objects
from nova.objects import base as obj_base
from nova import test
class InstanceTypeTestCase(test.TestCase):
"""Test cases for flavor code."""
def test_will_not_get_bad_default_instance_type(self):
# ensures error raised on bad default flavor.
def test_flavor_get_by_None_name_returns_default(self):
# Ensure get by name returns default flavor with no name.
default = flavors.get_default_flavor()
actual = flavors.get_flavor_by_name(None)
self.assertIsInstance(default, objects.Flavor)
self.assertIsInstance(actual, objects.Flavor)
self.assertEqual(default.flavorid, actual.flavorid)
def test_will_not_get_flavor_with_bad_name(self):
# Ensure get by name returns default flavor with bad name.
flavors.get_flavor_by_name, 10000)
def test_will_not_get_instance_by_unknown_flavor_id(self):
# Ensure get by flavor raises error with wrong flavorid.
def test_will_get_instance_by_flavor_id(self):
default_instance_type = flavors.get_default_flavor()
flavorid = default_instance_type.flavorid
fetched = flavors.get_flavor_by_flavor_id(flavorid)
self.assertIsInstance(fetched, objects.Flavor)
self.assertEqual(default_instance_type.flavorid, fetched.flavorid)
class InstanceTypeToolsTest(test.TestCase):
def _dict_to_metadata(self, data):
return [{'key': key, 'value': value} for key, value in data.items()]
def _test_extract_flavor(self, prefix):
instance_type = flavors.get_default_flavor()
instance_type_p = obj_base.obj_to_primitive(instance_type)
metadata = {}
flavors.save_flavor_info(metadata, instance_type, prefix)
instance = {'system_metadata': self._dict_to_metadata(metadata)}
_instance_type = flavors.extract_flavor(instance, prefix)
_instance_type_p = obj_base.obj_to_primitive(_instance_type)
props = flavors.system_metadata_flavor_props.keys()
for key in list(instance_type_p.keys()):
if key not in props:
del instance_type_p[key]
self.assertEqual(instance_type_p, _instance_type_p)
def test_extract_flavor(self):
def test_extract_flavor_no_sysmeta(self):
instance = {}
prefix = ''
result = flavors.extract_flavor(instance, prefix)
def test_extract_flavor_prefix(self):
def test_save_flavor_info(self):
instance_type = flavors.get_default_flavor()
example = {}
example_prefix = {}
for key in flavors.system_metadata_flavor_props.keys():
example['instance_type_%s' % key] = instance_type[key]
example_prefix['fooinstance_type_%s' % key] = instance_type[key]
metadata = {}
flavors.save_flavor_info(metadata, instance_type)
self.assertEqual(example, metadata)
metadata = {}
flavors.save_flavor_info(metadata, instance_type, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(example_prefix, metadata)
def test_flavor_numa_extras_are_saved(self):
instance_type = flavors.get_default_flavor()
instance_type['extra_specs'] = {
'hw:numa_mem.0': '123',
'hw:numa_cpus.0': '456',
'hw:numa_mem.1': '789',
'hw:numa_cpus.1': 'ABC',
'foo': 'bar',
sysmeta = flavors.save_flavor_info({}, instance_type)
_instance_type = flavors.extract_flavor({'system_metadata': sysmeta})
expected_extra_specs = {
'hw:numa_mem.0': '123',
'hw:numa_cpus.0': '456',
'hw:numa_mem.1': '789',
'hw:numa_cpus.1': 'ABC',
self.assertEqual(expected_extra_specs, _instance_type['extra_specs'])
class InstanceTypeFilteringTest(test.TestCase):
"""Test cases for the filter option available for instance_type_get_all."""
def setUp(self):
super(InstanceTypeFilteringTest, self).setUp()
self.context = context.get_admin_context()
def assertFilterResults(self, filters, expected):
inst_types = objects.FlavorList.get_all(
self.context, filters=filters)
inst_names = [ for i in inst_types]
self.assertEqual(inst_names, expected)
def test_no_filters(self):
filters = None
expected = ['m1.tiny', 'm1.small', 'm1.medium', 'm1.large',
'm1.xlarge', 'm1.tiny.specs']
self.assertFilterResults(filters, expected)
def test_min_memory_mb_filter(self):
# Exclude tiny instance which is 512 MB.
filters = dict(min_memory_mb=513)
expected = ['m1.small', 'm1.medium', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge']
self.assertFilterResults(filters, expected)
def test_min_root_gb_filter(self):
# Exclude everything but large and xlarge which have >= 80 GB.
filters = dict(min_root_gb=80)
expected = ['m1.large', 'm1.xlarge']
self.assertFilterResults(filters, expected)
def test_min_memory_mb_AND_root_gb_filter(self):
# Exclude everything but large and xlarge which have >= 80 GB.
filters = dict(min_memory_mb=16384, min_root_gb=80)
expected = ['m1.xlarge']
self.assertFilterResults(filters, expected)
class CreateInstanceTypeTest(test.TestCase):
def assertInvalidInput(self, *create_args, **create_kwargs):
self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput, flavors.create,
*create_args, **create_kwargs)
def test_create_with_valid_name(self):
# Names can contain alphanumeric and [_.- ]
flavors.create('azAZ09. -_', 64, 1, 120)
# And they are not limited to ascii characters
# E.g.: m1.huge in simplified Chinese
flavors.create(u'm1.\u5DE8\u5927', 6400, 100, 12000)
def test_name_with_special_characters(self):
# Names can contain all printable characters
flavors.create('', 64, 1, 120)
# Ensure instance types raises InvalidInput for invalid characters.
self.assertInvalidInput('foobar\x00', 64, 1, 120)
def test_name_with_non_printable_characters(self):
# Names cannot contain non printable characters
self.assertInvalidInput(u'm1.\u0C77 #', 64, 1, 120)
def test_name_length_checks(self):
MAX_LEN = 255
# Flavor name with 255 characters or less is valid.
flavors.create('a' * MAX_LEN, 64, 1, 120)
# Flavor name which is more than 255 characters will cause error.
self.assertInvalidInput('a' * (MAX_LEN + 1), 64, 1, 120)
# Flavor name which is empty should cause an error
self.assertInvalidInput('', 64, 1, 120)
def test_all_whitespace_flavor_names_rejected(self):
self.assertInvalidInput(' ', 64, 1, 120)
def test_flavorid_with_invalid_characters(self):
# Ensure Flavor ID can only contain [a-zA-Z0-9_.- ]
self.assertInvalidInput('a', 64, 1, 120, flavorid=u'\u2605')
self.assertInvalidInput('a', 64, 1, 120, flavorid='%%$%$@#$#@$@#$^%')
def test_flavorid_length_checks(self):
MAX_LEN = 255
# Flavor ID which is more than 255 characters will cause error.
self.assertInvalidInput('a', 64, 1, 120, flavorid='a' * (MAX_LEN + 1))
def test_memory_must_be_positive_db_integer(self):
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 'foo', 1, 120)
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', -1, 1, 120)
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 0, 1, 120)
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', db.MAX_INT + 1, 1, 120)
flavors.create('flavor1', 1, 1, 120)
def test_vcpus_must_be_positive_db_integer(self):
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor`', 64, 'foo', 120)
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, -1, 120)
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 0, 120)
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, db.MAX_INT + 1, 120)
flavors.create('flavor1', 64, 1, 120)
def test_root_gb_must_be_nonnegative_db_integer(self):
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, 'foo')
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, -1)
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, db.MAX_INT + 1)
flavors.create('flavor1', 64, 1, 0)
flavors.create('flavor2', 64, 1, 120)
def test_ephemeral_gb_must_be_nonnegative_db_integer(self):
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, ephemeral_gb='foo')
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, ephemeral_gb=-1)
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, 120,
ephemeral_gb=db.MAX_INT + 1)
flavors.create('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, ephemeral_gb=0)
flavors.create('flavor2', 64, 1, 120, ephemeral_gb=120)
def test_swap_must_be_nonnegative_db_integer(self):
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, swap='foo')
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, swap=-1)
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, 120,
swap=db.MAX_INT + 1)
flavors.create('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, swap=0)
flavors.create('flavor2', 64, 1, 120, swap=1)
def test_rxtx_factor_must_be_positive_float(self):
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, rxtx_factor='foo')
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, rxtx_factor=-1.0)
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, rxtx_factor=0.0)
flavor = flavors.create('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, rxtx_factor=1.0)
self.assertEqual(1.0, flavor.rxtx_factor)
flavor = flavors.create('flavor2', 64, 1, 120, rxtx_factor=1.1)
self.assertEqual(1.1, flavor.rxtx_factor)
def test_rxtx_factor_must_be_within_sql_float_range(self):
# We do * 10 since this is an approximation and we need to make sure
# the difference is noticeble.
over_rxtx_factor = db.SQL_SP_FLOAT_MAX * 10
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, 120,
flavor = flavors.create('flavor2', 64, 1, 120,
self.assertEqual(db.SQL_SP_FLOAT_MAX, flavor.rxtx_factor)
def test_is_public_must_be_valid_bool_string(self):
self.assertInvalidInput('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, is_public='foo')
flavors.create('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, is_public='TRUE')
flavors.create('flavor2', 64, 1, 120, is_public='False')
flavors.create('flavor3', 64, 1, 120, is_public='Yes')
flavors.create('flavor4', 64, 1, 120, is_public='No')
flavors.create('flavor5', 64, 1, 120, is_public='Y')
flavors.create('flavor6', 64, 1, 120, is_public='N')
flavors.create('flavor7', 64, 1, 120, is_public='1')
flavors.create('flavor8', 64, 1, 120, is_public='0')
flavors.create('flavor9', 64, 1, 120, is_public='true')
def test_flavorid_populated(self):
flavor1 = flavors.create('flavor1', 64, 1, 120)
flavor2 = flavors.create('flavor2', 64, 1, 120, flavorid='')
flavor3 = flavors.create('flavor3', 64, 1, 120, flavorid='foo')
self.assertEqual('foo', flavor3.flavorid)
def test_default_values(self):
flavor1 = flavors.create('flavor1', 64, 1, 120)
self.assertEqual(flavor1.ephemeral_gb, 0)
self.assertEqual(flavor1.swap, 0)
self.assertEqual(flavor1.rxtx_factor, 1.0)
def test_basic_create(self):
# Ensure instance types can be created.
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
original_list = objects.FlavorList.get_all(ctxt)
# Create new type and make sure values stick
flavor = flavors.create('flavor', 64, 1, 120)
self.assertEqual(, 'flavor')
self.assertEqual(flavor.memory_mb, 64)
self.assertEqual(flavor.vcpus, 1)
self.assertEqual(flavor.root_gb, 120)
# Ensure new type shows up in list
new_list = objects.FlavorList.get_all(ctxt)
self.assertNotEqual(len(original_list), len(new_list),
'flavor was not created')
def test_create_then_delete(self):
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
original_list = objects.FlavorList.get_all(ctxt)
flavor = flavors.create('flavor', 64, 1, 120)
# Ensure new type shows up in list
new_list = objects.FlavorList.get_all(ctxt)
self.assertNotEqual(len(original_list), len(new_list),
'instance type was not created')
objects.Flavor.get_by_name, ctxt,
# Deleted instance should not be in list anymore
new_list = objects.FlavorList.get_all(ctxt)
self.assertEqual(len(original_list), len(new_list))
for i, f in enumerate(original_list):
self.assertIsInstance(f, objects.Flavor)
self.assertEqual(f.flavorid, new_list[i].flavorid)
def test_duplicate_names_fail(self):
# Ensures that name duplicates raise FlavorExists
flavors.create('flavor', 256, 1, 120, 200, 'flavor1')
'flavor', 64, 1, 120)
def test_duplicate_flavorids_fail(self):
# Ensures that flavorid duplicates raise FlavorExists
flavors.create('flavor1', 64, 1, 120, flavorid='flavorid')
'flavor2', 64, 1, 120, flavorid='flavorid')