
505 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2011 Justin Santa Barbara
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import requests
from six.moves.urllib import parse
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class APIResponse(object):
"""Decoded API Response
This provides a decoded version of the Requests response which
include a json decoded body, far more convenient for testing that
returned structures are correct, or using parts of returned
structures in tests.
This class is a simple wrapper around dictionaries for API
responses in tests. It includes extra attributes so that they can
be inspected in addition to the attributes.
All json responses from Nova APIs are dictionary compatible, or
blank, so other possible base classes are not needed.
status = 200
"""The HTTP status code as an int"""
content = ""
"""The Raw HTTP response body as a string"""
body = {}
"""The decoded json body as a dictionary"""
headers = {}
"""Response headers as a dictionary"""
def __init__(self, response):
"""Construct an API response from a Requests response
:param response: a ``requests`` library response
super(APIResponse, self).__init__()
self.status = response.status_code
self.content = response.content
if self.content:
# The Compute API and Placement API handle error responses a bit
# differently so we need to check the content-type header to
# figure out what to do.
content_type = response.headers.get('content-type')
if 'application/json' in content_type:
self.body = response.json()
elif 'text/html' in content_type:
self.body = response.text
raise ValueError('Unexpected response content-type: %s' %
self.headers = response.headers
def __str__(self):
# because __str__ falls back to __repr__ we can still use repr
# on self but add in the other attributes.
return "<Response body:%r, status_code:%s>" % (self.body, self.status)
class OpenStackApiException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message=None, response=None):
self.response = response
if not message:
message = 'Unspecified error'
if response:
_status = response.status_code
_body = response.content
message = ('%(message)s\nStatus Code: %(_status)s\n'
'Body: %(_body)s' %
{'message': message, '_status': _status,
'_body': _body})
super(OpenStackApiException, self).__init__(message)
class OpenStackApiAuthenticationException(OpenStackApiException):
def __init__(self, response=None, message=None):
if not message:
message = "Authentication error"
super(OpenStackApiAuthenticationException, self).__init__(message,
class OpenStackApiAuthorizationException(OpenStackApiException):
def __init__(self, response=None, message=None):
if not message:
message = "Authorization error"
super(OpenStackApiAuthorizationException, self).__init__(message,
class OpenStackApiNotFoundException(OpenStackApiException):
def __init__(self, response=None, message=None):
if not message:
message = "Item not found"
super(OpenStackApiNotFoundException, self).__init__(message, response)
class TestOpenStackClient(object):
"""Simple OpenStack API Client.
This is a really basic OpenStack API client that is under our control,
so we can make changes / insert hooks for testing
def __init__(self, auth_user, auth_key, auth_url,
super(TestOpenStackClient, self).__init__()
self.auth_result = None
self.auth_user = auth_user
self.auth_key = auth_key
self.auth_url = auth_url
if project_id is None:
self.project_id = "6f70656e737461636b20342065766572"
self.project_id = project_id
self.microversion = None
def request(self, url, method='GET', body=None, headers=None):
_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
_headers.update(headers or {})
response = requests.request(method, url, data=body, headers=_headers)
return response
def _authenticate(self, retry_count=0):
if self.auth_result:
return self.auth_result
auth_url = self.auth_url
headers = {'X-Auth-User': self.auth_user,
'X-Auth-Key': self.auth_key,
'X-Auth-Project-Id': self.project_id}
response = self.request(auth_url,
http_status = response.status_code
LOG.debug("%(auth_url)s => code %(http_status)s",
{'auth_url': auth_url,
'http_status': http_status})
# NOTE(cdent): This is a workaround for an issue where the placement
# API fixture may respond when a request was supposed to go to the
# compute API fixture. Retry a few times, hoping to hit the right
# fixture.
if http_status == 401:
if retry_count <= 3:
return self._authenticate(retry_count=retry_count + 1)
raise OpenStackApiAuthenticationException(response=response)
self.auth_result = response.headers
return self.auth_result
def api_request(self, relative_uri, check_response_status=None,
strip_version=False, **kwargs):
auth_result = self._authenticate()
# NOTE(justinsb): httplib 'helpfully' converts headers to lower case
base_uri = auth_result['x-server-management-url']
if strip_version:
# NOTE(vish): cut out version number and tenant_id
base_uri = '/'.join(base_uri.split('/', 3)[:-1])
full_uri = '%s/%s' % (base_uri, relative_uri)
headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})
headers['X-Auth-Token'] = auth_result['x-auth-token']
if ('X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version' in headers or
'OpenStack-API-Version' in headers):
raise Exception('Microversion should be set via '
'microversion attribute in API client.')
elif self.microversion:
headers['X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version'] = self.microversion
headers['OpenStack-API-Version'] = 'compute %s' % self.microversion
response = self.request(full_uri, **kwargs)
http_status = response.status_code
LOG.debug("%(relative_uri)s => code %(http_status)s",
{'relative_uri': relative_uri, 'http_status': http_status})
if check_response_status:
if http_status not in check_response_status:
if http_status == 404:
raise OpenStackApiNotFoundException(response=response)
elif http_status == 401:
raise OpenStackApiAuthorizationException(response=response)
raise OpenStackApiException(
message="Unexpected status code: %s" % response.text,
return response
def _decode_json(self, response):
resp = APIResponse(status=response.status_code)
if response.content:
resp.body = jsonutils.loads(response.content)
return resp
def api_get(self, relative_uri, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('check_response_status', [200])
return APIResponse(self.api_request(relative_uri, **kwargs))
def api_post(self, relative_uri, body, **kwargs):
kwargs['method'] = 'POST'
if body:
headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
kwargs['body'] = jsonutils.dumps(body)
kwargs.setdefault('check_response_status', [200, 201, 202, 204])
return APIResponse(self.api_request(relative_uri, **kwargs))
def api_put(self, relative_uri, body, **kwargs):
kwargs['method'] = 'PUT'
if body:
headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
kwargs['body'] = jsonutils.dumps(body)
kwargs.setdefault('check_response_status', [200, 202, 204])
return APIResponse(self.api_request(relative_uri, **kwargs))
def api_delete(self, relative_uri, **kwargs):
kwargs['method'] = 'DELETE'
kwargs.setdefault('check_response_status', [200, 202, 204])
return APIResponse(self.api_request(relative_uri, **kwargs))
# Convenience methods
# The following are a set of convenience methods to get well known
# resources, they can be helpful in setting up resources in
# tests. All of these convenience methods throw exceptions if they
# get a non 20x status code, so will appropriately abort tests if
# they fail.
# They all return the most relevant part of their response body as
# decoded data structure.
def get_server(self, server_id):
return self.api_get('/servers/%s' % server_id).body['server']
def get_servers(self, detail=True, search_opts=None):
rel_url = '/servers/detail' if detail else '/servers'
if search_opts is not None:
qparams = {}
for opt, val in search_opts.items():
qparams[opt] = val
if qparams:
query_string = "?%s" % parse.urlencode(qparams)
rel_url += query_string
return self.api_get(rel_url).body['servers']
def post_server(self, server):
response = self.api_post('/servers', server).body
if 'reservation_id' in response:
return response
return response['server']
def put_server(self, server_id, server):
return self.api_put('/servers/%s' % server_id, server).body
def post_server_action(self, server_id, data, **kwargs):
return self.api_post(
'/servers/%s/action' % server_id, data, **kwargs).body
def delete_server(self, server_id):
return self.api_delete('/servers/%s' % server_id)
def force_down_service(self, host, binary, forced_down):
req = {
"host": host,
"binary": binary,
"forced_down": forced_down
return self.api_put('/os-services/force-down', req).body['service']
def get_image(self, image_id):
return self.api_get('/images/%s' % image_id).body['image']
def get_images(self, detail=True):
rel_url = '/images/detail' if detail else '/images'
return self.api_get(rel_url).body['images']
def post_image(self, image):
return self.api_post('/images', image).body['image']
def delete_image(self, image_id):
return self.api_delete('/images/%s' % image_id)
def put_image_meta_key(self, image_id, key, value):
"""Creates or updates a given image metadata key/value pair."""
req_body = {
'meta': {
key: value
return self.api_put('/images/%s/metadata/%s' % (image_id, key),
def get_flavor(self, flavor_id):
return self.api_get('/flavors/%s' % flavor_id).body['flavor']
def get_flavors(self, detail=True):
rel_url = '/flavors/detail' if detail else '/flavors'
return self.api_get(rel_url).body['flavors']
def post_flavor(self, flavor):
return self.api_post('/flavors', flavor).body['flavor']
def delete_flavor(self, flavor_id):
return self.api_delete('/flavors/%s' % flavor_id)
def post_extra_spec(self, flavor_id, spec):
return self.api_post('/flavors/%s/os-extra_specs' %
flavor_id, spec)
def get_volume(self, volume_id):
return self.api_get('/os-volumes/%s' % volume_id).body['volume']
def get_volumes(self, detail=True):
rel_url = '/os-volumes/detail' if detail else '/os-volumes'
return self.api_get(rel_url).body['volumes']
def post_volume(self, volume):
return self.api_post('/os-volumes', volume).body['volume']
def delete_volume(self, volume_id):
return self.api_delete('/os-volumes/%s' % volume_id)
def get_snapshot(self, snap_id):
return self.api_get('/os-snapshots/%s' % snap_id).body['snapshot']
def get_snapshots(self, detail=True):
rel_url = '/os-snapshots/detail' if detail else '/os-snapshots'
return self.api_get(rel_url).body['snapshots']
def post_snapshot(self, snapshot):
return self.api_post('/os-snapshots', snapshot).body['snapshot']
def delete_snapshot(self, snap_id):
return self.api_delete('/os-snapshots/%s' % snap_id)
def get_server_volume(self, server_id, attachment_id):
return self.api_get('/servers/%s/os-volume_attachments/%s' %
(server_id, attachment_id)
def get_server_volumes(self, server_id):
return self.api_get('/servers/%s/os-volume_attachments' %
def post_server_volume(self, server_id, volume_attachment):
return self.api_post('/servers/%s/os-volume_attachments' %
(server_id), volume_attachment
def put_server_volume(self, server_id, attachment_id, volume_id):
return self.api_put('/servers/%s/os-volume_attachments/%s' %
(server_id, attachment_id),
{"volumeAttachment": {"volumeId": volume_id}})
def delete_server_volume(self, server_id, attachment_id):
return self.api_delete('/servers/%s/os-volume_attachments/%s' %
(server_id, attachment_id))
def post_server_metadata(self, server_id, metadata):
post_body = {'metadata': {}}
return self.api_post('/servers/%s/metadata' % server_id,
def delete_server_metadata(self, server_id, key):
return self.api_delete('/servers/%s/metadata/%s' %
(server_id, key))
def get_server_groups(self, all_projects=None):
if all_projects:
return self.api_get(
return self.api_get('/os-server-groups').body['server_groups']
def get_server_group(self, group_id):
return self.api_get('/os-server-groups/%s' %
def post_server_groups(self, group):
response = self.api_post('/os-server-groups', {"server_group": group})
return response.body['server_group']
def delete_server_group(self, group_id):
self.api_delete('/os-server-groups/%s' % group_id)
def get_instance_actions(self, server_id):
return self.api_get('/servers/%s/os-instance-actions' %
def post_aggregate(self, aggregate):
return self.api_post('/os-aggregates', aggregate).body['aggregate']
def delete_aggregate(self, aggregate_id):
self.api_delete('/os-aggregates/%s' % aggregate_id)
def add_host_to_aggregate(self, aggregate_id, host):
return self.api_post('/os-aggregates/%s/action' % aggregate_id,
{'add_host': {'host': host}})
def get_limits(self):
return self.api_get('/limits').body['limits']
def put_server_tags(self, server_id, tags):
"""Put (or replace) a list of tags on the given server.
Returns the list of tags from the response.
return self.api_put('/servers/%s/tags' % server_id,
{'tags': tags}).body['tags']
def get_port_interfaces(self, server_id):
return self.api_get('/servers/%s/os-interface' %
def attach_interface(self, server_id, post):
return self.api_post('/servers/%s/os-interface' % server_id, post)
def detach_interface(self, server_id, port_id):
return self.api_delete('/servers/%s/os-interface/%s' %
(server_id, port_id))
def get_services(self, binary=None, host=None):
url = '/os-services?'
if binary:
url += 'binary=%s&' % binary
if host:
url += 'host=%s&' % host
return self.api_get(url).body['services']
def put_service(self, service_id, req):
return self.api_put(
'/os-services/%s' % service_id, req).body['service']
def post_keypair(self, keypair):
return self.api_post('/os-keypairs', keypair).body['keypair']
def delete_keypair(self, keypair_name):
self.api_delete('/os-keypairs/%s' % keypair_name)
def post_aggregate_action(self, aggregate_id, body):
return self.api_post(
'/os-aggregates/%s/action' % aggregate_id, body).body['aggregate']
def get_active_migrations(self, server_id):
return self.api_get('/servers/%s/migrations' %
def get_migrations(self):
return self.api_get('os-migrations').body['migrations']
def force_complete_migration(self, server_id, migration_id):
return self.api_post(
'/servers/%s/migrations/%s/action' % (server_id, migration_id),
{'force_complete': None})
def delete_migration(self, server_id, migration_id):
return self.api_delete(
'/servers/%s/migrations/%s' % (server_id, migration_id))
def put_aggregate(self, aggregate_id, body):
return self.api_put(
'/os-aggregates/%s' % aggregate_id, body).body['aggregate']
def get_hypervisor_stats(self):
return self.api_get(