Matt Riedemann 25dadb94db Remove the CachingScheduler
The CachingScheduler has been deprecated since Pike [1].
It does not use the placement service and as more of nova
relies on placement for managing resource allocations,
maintaining compabitility for the CachingScheduler is

The release note in this change goes into much more detail
about why the FilterScheduler + Placement should be a
sufficient replacement for the original justification
for the CachingScheduler along with details on how to migrate
from the CachingScheduler to the FilterScheduler.

Since the [scheduler]/driver configuration option does allow
loading out-of-tree drivers and the scheduler driver interface
does have the USES_ALLOCATION_CANDIDATES variable, it is
possible that there are drivers being used which are also not
using the placement service. The release note also explains this
but warns against it. However, as a result some existing
functional tests, which were using the CachingScheduler, are
updated to still test scheduling without allocations being
created in the placement service.

Over time we will likely remove the USES_ALLOCATION_CANDIDATES
variable in the scheduler driver interface along with the
compatibility code associated with it, but that is left for
a later change.

[1] Ia7ff98ff28b7265058845e46b277317a2bfc96d2

Change-Id: I1832da2190be5ef2b04953938860a56a43e8cddf
2018-10-18 17:55:36 -04:00

46 lines
2.5 KiB

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The ``caching_scheduler`` scheduler driver, which was deprecated in the
16.0.0 Pike release, has now been removed. Unlike the default
``filter_scheduler`` scheduler driver which creates resource allocations
in the placement service during scheduling, the ``caching_scheduler``
driver did not interface with the placement service. As more and more
functionality within nova relies on managing (sometimes complex) resource
allocations in the placement service, compatibility with the
``caching_scheduler`` driver is difficult to maintain, and seldom tested.
The original reasons behind the need for the CachingScheduler should now
be resolved with the FilterScheduler and the placement service, notably:
* resource claims (allocations) are made atomically during scheduling to
alleviate the potential for racing to concurrently build servers on the
same compute host which could lead to failures
* because of the atomic allocation claims made during scheduling by the
``filter_scheduler`` driver, it is safe [1]_ to run multiple scheduler
workers and scale horizontally
.. [1] There are still known race issues with concurrently building some
types of resources and workloads, such as anything that requires
PCI/NUMA or (anti-)affinity groups. However, those races also existed
with the ``caching_scheduler`` driver.
To migrate from the CachingScheduler to the FilterScheduler, operators can
leverage the ``nova-manage placement heal_allocations`` command:
Finally, it is still technically possible to load an out-of-tree scheduler
driver using the ``nova.scheduler.driver`` entry-point. However,
out-of-tree driver interfaces are not guaranteed to be stable:
And as noted above, as more of the code base evolves to rely on resource
allocations being tracked in the placement service (created during
scheduling), out-of-tree scheduler driver support may be severely impacted.
If you rely on the ``caching_scheduler`` driver or your own out-of-tree
driver which sets ``USES_ALLOCATION_CANDIDATES = False`` to bypass the
placement service, please communicate with the nova development team in
the openstack-dev mailing list and/or #openstack-nova freenode IRC channel
to determine what prevents you from using the ``filter_scheduler`` driver.