zhufl 40cbea18e6 Pass kwargs to exception to get better format of error message
If we do not pass kwargs to exception, the parameter will be deemed
as message and msg_fmt is ignored, so the message will be displayed
directly. This is to pass kwargs to some exceptions, to get better
format of error message.

Change-Id: I66677a90430d9e6699619539cb8f575f57b19433
2019-03-15 10:42:18 +08:00
sqlalchemy Pass kwargs to exception to get better format of error message 2019-03-15 10:42:18 +08:00 Use nova.db.api directly 2018-07-10 14:56:27 +00:00 Remove remaining legacy DB API instance_group* methods 2018-06-27 13:24:42 -04:00 Use nova.db.api directly 2018-07-10 14:56:27 +00:00 Move db MAX constants to own file 2018-03-01 11:09:29 +00:00 Manage db sync command for cell0 2016-08-22 18:53:45 +03:00