
436 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2010 Citrix Systems, Inc.
# Copyright 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import binascii
from distutils import version
import os
import sys
import time
from os_xenapi.client import host_agent
from os_xenapi.client import XenAPI
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import base64
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import strutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from nova.api.metadata import password
from nova.compute import utils as compute_utils
import nova.conf
from nova import context
from nova import crypto
from nova import exception
from nova.i18n import _
from nova import objects
from nova import utils
USE_AGENT_KEY = "xenapi_use_agent"
SKIP_SSH_KEY = "xenapi_skip_agent_inject_ssh"
SKIP_FILES_AT_BOOT_KEY = "xenapi_skip_agent_inject_files_at_boot"
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
def _call_agent(session, instance, vm_ref, method, addl_args=None,
timeout=None, success_codes=None):
"""Abstracts out the interaction with the agent xenapi plugin."""
if addl_args is None:
addl_args = {}
if timeout is None:
timeout = CONF.xenserver.agent_timeout
if success_codes is None:
success_codes = ['0']
# always fetch domid because VM may have rebooted
dom_id = session.VM.get_domid(vm_ref)
uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
args = {
'id': uuid,
'dom_id': str(dom_id),
'timeout': str(timeout),
ret = method(session, uuid, dom_id, timeout, **addl_args)
except XenAPI.Failure as e:
err_msg = e.details[-1].splitlines()[-1]
if 'TIMEOUT:' in err_msg:
LOG.error('TIMEOUT: The call to %(method)s timed out. '
{'method': method, 'args': args}, instance=instance)
raise exception.AgentTimeout(method=method.__name__)
elif 'REBOOT:' in err_msg:
LOG.debug('REBOOT: The call to %(method)s detected a reboot. '
{'method': method, 'args': args}, instance=instance)
_wait_for_new_dom_id(session, vm_ref, dom_id, method)
return _call_agent(session, instance, vm_ref, method,
addl_args, timeout, success_codes)
elif 'NOT IMPLEMENTED:' in err_msg:
LOG.error('NOT IMPLEMENTED: The call to %(method)s is not '
'supported by the agent. args=%(args)r',
{'method': method, 'args': args}, instance=instance)
raise exception.AgentNotImplemented(method=method.__name__)
LOG.error('The call to %(method)s returned an error: %(e)s. '
{'method': method, 'args': args, 'e': e},
raise exception.AgentError(method=method.__name__)
if not isinstance(ret, dict):
ret = jsonutils.loads(ret)
except TypeError:
LOG.error('The agent call to %(method)s returned an invalid '
'response: %(ret)r. args=%(args)r',
{'method': method, 'ret': ret, 'args': args},
raise exception.AgentError(method=method.__name__)
if ret['returncode'] not in success_codes:
LOG.error('The agent call to %(method)s returned '
'an error: %(ret)r. args=%(args)r',
{'method': method, 'ret': ret, 'args': args},
raise exception.AgentError(method=method.__name__)
LOG.debug('The agent call to %(method)s was successful: '
'%(ret)r. args=%(args)r',
{'method': method, 'ret': ret, 'args': args},
# Some old versions of the Windows agent have a trailing \\r\\n
# (ie CRLF escaped) for some reason. Strip that off.
return ret['message'].replace('\\r\\n', '')
def _wait_for_new_dom_id(session, vm_ref, old_dom_id, method):
expiration = time.time() + CONF.xenserver.agent_timeout
while True:
dom_id = session.VM.get_domid(vm_ref)
if dom_id and dom_id != "-1" and dom_id != old_dom_id:
LOG.debug("Found new dom_id %s", dom_id)
if time.time() > expiration:
LOG.debug("Timed out waiting for new dom_id %s", dom_id)
raise exception.AgentTimeout(method=method.__name__)
def is_upgrade_required(current_version, available_version):
# NOTE(johngarbutt): agent version numbers are four part,
# so we need to use the loose version to compare them
current = version.LooseVersion(current_version)
available = version.LooseVersion(available_version)
return available > current
class XenAPIBasedAgent(object):
def __init__(self, session, virtapi, instance, vm_ref):
self.session = session
self.virtapi = virtapi
self.instance = instance
self.vm_ref = vm_ref
def _add_instance_fault(self, error, exc_info):
LOG.warning("Ignoring error while configuring instance with agent: %s",
error, instance=self.instance, exc_info=True)
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
ctxt, self.instance, error, exc_info=exc_info)
except Exception:
LOG.debug("Error setting instance fault.", exc_info=True)
def _call_agent(self, method, addl_args=None, timeout=None,
success_codes=None, ignore_errors=True):
return _call_agent(self.session, self.instance, self.vm_ref,
method, addl_args, timeout, success_codes)
except exception.AgentError as error:
if ignore_errors:
self._add_instance_fault(error, sys.exc_info())
def get_version(self):
LOG.debug('Querying agent version', instance=self.instance)
# The agent can be slow to start for a variety of reasons. On Windows,
# it will generally perform a setup process on first boot that can
# take a couple of minutes and then reboot. On Linux, the system can
# also take a while to boot.
expiration = time.time() + CONF.xenserver.agent_version_timeout
while True:
# NOTE(johngarbutt): we can't use the xapi plugin
# timeout, because the domid may change when
# the server is rebooted
return self._call_agent(host_agent.version,
except exception.AgentError as error:
if time.time() > expiration:
self._add_instance_fault(error, sys.exc_info())
def _get_expected_build(self):
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
agent_build = objects.Agent.get_by_triple(
ctxt, 'xen', self.instance['os_type'],
if agent_build:
LOG.debug('Latest agent build for %(hypervisor)s/%(os)s'
'/%(architecture)s is %(version)s', {
'hypervisor': agent_build.hypervisor,
'os': agent_build.os,
'architecture': agent_build.architecture,
'version': agent_build.version})
LOG.debug('No agent build found for %(hypervisor)s/%(os)s'
'/%(architecture)s', {
'hypervisor': 'xen',
'os': self.instance['os_type'],
'architecture': self.instance['architecture']})
return agent_build
def update_if_needed(self, version):
agent_build = self._get_expected_build()
if version and agent_build and \
is_upgrade_required(version, agent_build.version):
LOG.debug('Updating agent to %s', agent_build.version,
LOG.debug('Skipping agent update.', instance=self.instance)
def _perform_update(self, agent_build):
args = {'url': agent_build.url, 'md5sum': agent_build.md5hash}
self._call_agent(host_agent.agent_update, args)
except exception.AgentError as exc:
# Silently fail for agent upgrades
LOG.warning("Unable to update the agent due to: %(exc)s",
dict(exc=exc), instance=self.instance)
def _exchange_key_with_agent(self):
dh = SimpleDH()
args = {'pub': str(dh.get_public())}
resp = self._call_agent(host_agent.key_init, args,
success_codes=['D0'], ignore_errors=False)
agent_pub = int(resp)
return dh
def _save_instance_password_if_sshkey_present(self, new_pass):
sshkey = self.instance.get('key_data')
if sshkey and sshkey.startswith("ssh-rsa"):
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
enc = crypto.ssh_encrypt_text(sshkey, new_pass)
password.convert_password(ctxt, base64.encode_as_text(enc)))
def set_admin_password(self, new_pass):
"""Set the root/admin password on the VM instance.
This is done via an agent running on the VM. Communication between nova
and the agent is done via writing xenstore records. Since communication
is done over the XenAPI RPC calls, we need to encrypt the password.
We're using a simple Diffie-Hellman class instead of a more advanced
library (such as M2Crypto) for compatibility with the agent code.
LOG.debug('Setting admin password', instance=self.instance)
dh = self._exchange_key_with_agent()
except exception.AgentError as error:
self._add_instance_fault(error, sys.exc_info())
# Some old versions of Linux and Windows agent expect trailing \n
# on password to work correctly.
enc_pass = dh.encrypt(new_pass + '\n')
args = {'enc_pass': enc_pass}
self._call_agent(host_agent.password, args)
def inject_ssh_key(self):
sshkey = self.instance.get('key_data')
if not sshkey:
if self.instance['os_type'] == 'windows':
LOG.debug("Skipping setting of ssh key for Windows.",
if self._skip_ssh_key_inject():
LOG.debug("Skipping agent ssh key injection for this image.",
sshkey = str(sshkey)
keyfile = '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys'
key_data = ''.join([
'# The following ssh key was injected by Nova',
return self.inject_file(keyfile, key_data)
def inject_files(self, injected_files):
if self._skip_inject_files_at_boot():
LOG.debug("Skipping agent file injection for this image.",
for path, contents in injected_files:
self.inject_file(path, contents)
def inject_file(self, path, contents):
LOG.debug('Injecting file path: %r', path, instance=self.instance)
# Files/paths must be base64-encoded for transmission to agent
b64_path = base64.encode_as_bytes(path)
b64_contents = base64.encode_as_bytes(contents)
args = {'b64_path': b64_path, 'b64_contents': b64_contents}
return self._call_agent(host_agent.inject_file, args)
def resetnetwork(self):
LOG.debug('Resetting network', instance=self.instance)
# NOTE(johngarbutt) old FreeBSD and Gentoo agents return 500 on success
return self._call_agent(host_agent.reset_network,
success_codes=['0', '500'])
def _skip_ssh_key_inject(self):
return self._get_sys_meta_key(SKIP_SSH_SM_KEY)
def _skip_inject_files_at_boot(self):
return self._get_sys_meta_key(SKIP_FILES_AT_BOOT_SM_KEY)
def _get_sys_meta_key(self, key):
sys_meta = utils.instance_sys_meta(self.instance)
raw_value = sys_meta.get(key, 'False')
return strutils.bool_from_string(raw_value, strict=False)
def find_guest_agent(base_dir):
"""tries to locate a guest agent at the path
specified by agent_rel_path
if CONF.xenserver.disable_agent:
return False
agent_rel_path = CONF.xenserver.agent_path
agent_path = os.path.join(base_dir, agent_rel_path)
if os.path.isfile(agent_path):
# The presence of the guest agent
# file indicates that this instance can
# reconfigure the network from xenstore data,
# so manipulation of files in /etc is not
# required'XenServer tools installed in this '
'image are capable of network injection. '
'Networking files will not be manipulated')
return True
xe_daemon_filename = os.path.join(base_dir,
'usr', 'sbin', 'xe-daemon')
if os.path.isfile(xe_daemon_filename):'XenServer tools are present '
'in this image but are not capable '
'of network injection')
else:'XenServer tools are not installed in this image')
return False
def should_use_agent(instance):
sys_meta = utils.instance_sys_meta(instance)
if USE_AGENT_SM_KEY not in sys_meta:
return CONF.xenserver.use_agent_default
use_agent_raw = sys_meta[USE_AGENT_SM_KEY]
return strutils.bool_from_string(use_agent_raw, strict=True)
except ValueError:
LOG.warning("Invalid 'agent_present' value. "
"Falling back to the default.",
return CONF.xenserver.use_agent_default
class SimpleDH(object):
"""This class wraps all the functionality needed to implement
basic Diffie-Hellman-Merkle key exchange in Python. It features
intelligent defaults for the prime and base numbers needed for the
calculation, while allowing you to supply your own. It requires that
the openssl binary be installed on the system on which this is run,
as it uses that to handle the encryption and decryption. If openssl
is not available, a RuntimeError will be raised.
def __init__(self):
self._prime = 162259276829213363391578010288127
self._base = 5
self._public = None
self._shared = None
def generate_private(self):
self._private = int(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(10)), 16)
return self._private
def get_public(self):
self._public = pow(self._base, self._private, self._prime)
return self._public
def compute_shared(self, other):
self._shared = pow(other, self._private, self._prime)
return self._shared
def _run_ssl(self, text, decrypt=False):
cmd = ['openssl', 'aes-128-cbc', '-A', '-a', '-pass',
'pass:%s' % self._shared, '-nosalt']
if decrypt:
out, err = processutils.execute(
*cmd, process_input=encodeutils.safe_encode(text))
if err:
raise RuntimeError(_('OpenSSL error: %s') % err)
return out
def encrypt(self, text):
return self._run_ssl(text).strip('\n')
def decrypt(self, text):
return self._run_ssl(text, decrypt=True)