/* * Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function () { 'use strict'; var push = Array.prototype.push; angular .module('horizon.dashboard.project.lbaasv2') .factory('horizon.dashboard.project.lbaasv2.workflow.model', workflowModel); workflowModel.$inject = [ '$q', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.neutron', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.nova', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.lbaasv2', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.barbican', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.serviceCatalog', 'horizon.framework.util.i18n.gettext' ]; /** * @ngdoc service * @name horizon.dashboard.project.lbaasv2.workflow.model * * @description * This is the M part of the MVC design pattern for the LBaaS wizard workflow. It is responsible * for providing data to the view of each step in the workflow and collecting the user's input * from the view. It is also the center point of communication between the UI and services API. * * @param $q The angular service for promises. * @param neutronAPI The neutron service API. * @param novaAPI The nova service API. * @param lbaasv2API The LBaaS V2 service API. * @param barbicanAPI The barbican service API. * @param serviceCatalog The keystone service catalog API. * @param gettext The horizon gettext function for translation. * @returns The model service for the create load balancer workflow. */ function workflowModel( $q, neutronAPI, novaAPI, lbaasv2API, barbicanAPI, serviceCatalog, gettext ) { var ports, keymanagerPromise; /** * @ngdoc model api object */ var model = { initializing: false, initialized: false, context: null, /** * @name spec * * @description * A dictionary like object containing specification collected from user * input. */ spec: null, visibleResources: [], subnets: [], members: [], listenerProtocols: ['HTTP', 'TCP', 'TERMINATED_HTTPS'], methods: ['LEAST_CONNECTIONS', 'ROUND_ROBIN', 'SOURCE_IP'], monitorTypes: ['HTTP', 'PING', 'TCP'], monitorMethods: ['GET', 'HEAD'], certificates: [], listenerPorts: [], /** * api methods for UI controllers */ initialize: initialize, submit: submit }; return model; /////////////// /** * @ngdoc method * @name workflowModel.initialize * @returns {promise} * * @description * Send request to get all data to initialize the model. * * @param resource Resource type being created / edited, one of 'loadbalancer', 'listener', * 'pool', 'monitor', or 'members'. * @param id ID of the resource being edited. */ function initialize(resource, id, loadBalancerId, parentResourceId) { var promise; model.certificatesError = false; model.context = { resource: resource, id: id, submit: null }; model.visibleResources = []; model.certificates = []; model.listenerPorts = []; model.spec = { loadbalancer_id: loadBalancerId, parentResourceId: parentResourceId, loadbalancer: { name: null, description: null, ip: null, subnet: null }, listener: { id: null, name: gettext('Listener 1'), description: null, protocol: null, port: null }, pool: { id: null, name: gettext('Pool 1'), description: null, protocol: null, method: null }, monitor: { id: null, type: null, interval: 5, retry: 3, timeout: 5, method: 'GET', status: '200', path: '/' }, members: [], certificates: [] }; if (!model.initializing) { model.initializing = true; promise = initializeResources(); } return promise; } function initializeResources() { var type = (model.context.id ? 'edit' : 'create') + model.context.resource; keymanagerPromise = serviceCatalog.ifTypeEnabled('key-manager'); if (type === 'createloadbalancer' || model.context.resource === 'listener') { keymanagerPromise.then(angular.noop, certificatesNotSupported); } var promise = { createloadbalancer: initCreateLoadBalancer, createlistener: initCreateListener, createpool: initCreatePool, createmonitor: initCreateMonitor, createmembers: initUpdateMemberList, editloadbalancer: initEditLoadBalancer, editlistener: initEditListener, editpool: initEditPool, editmonitor: initEditMonitor }[type](keymanagerPromise); return promise.then(onInitSuccess, onInitFail); } function onInitSuccess() { model.initializing = false; model.initialized = true; } function onInitFail() { model.initializing = false; model.initialized = false; } function initCreateLoadBalancer(keymanagerPromise) { model.context.submit = createLoadBalancer; return $q.all([ lbaasv2API.getLoadBalancers().then(onGetLoadBalancers), neutronAPI.getSubnets().then(onGetSubnets), neutronAPI.getPorts().then(onGetPorts), novaAPI.getServers().then(onGetServers), keymanagerPromise.then(prepareCertificates, angular.noop) ]).then(initMemberAddresses); } function initCreateListener(keymanagerPromise) { model.context.submit = createListener; return $q.all([ lbaasv2API.getListeners(model.spec.loadbalancer_id).then(onGetListeners), neutronAPI.getSubnets().then(onGetSubnets), neutronAPI.getPorts().then(onGetPorts), novaAPI.getServers().then(onGetServers), keymanagerPromise.then(prepareCertificates, angular.noop) ]).then(initMemberAddresses); } function initCreatePool() { model.context.submit = createPool; // We get the listener details here because we need to know the listener protocol // in order to default the new pool's protocol to match. return $q.all([ lbaasv2API.getListener(model.spec.parentResourceId).then(onGetListener), neutronAPI.getSubnets().then(onGetSubnets), neutronAPI.getPorts().then(onGetPorts), novaAPI.getServers().then(onGetServers) ]).then(initMemberAddresses); } function initCreateMonitor() { model.context.submit = createHealthMonitor; return $q.when(); } function initUpdateMemberList() { model.context.submit = updatePoolMemberList; return $q.all([ lbaasv2API.getPool(model.spec.parentResourceId).then(onGetPool), neutronAPI.getSubnets().then(onGetSubnets).then(getMembers).then(onGetMembers), neutronAPI.getPorts().then(onGetPorts), novaAPI.getServers().then(onGetServers) ]).then(initMemberAddresses); } function initEditLoadBalancer() { model.context.submit = editLoadBalancer; return $q.all([ lbaasv2API.getLoadBalancer(model.context.id).then(onGetLoadBalancer), neutronAPI.getSubnets().then(onGetSubnets) ]).then(initSubnet); } function initEditListener() { model.context.submit = editListener; return $q.all([ neutronAPI.getSubnets().then(onGetSubnets).then(getListener).then(onGetListener), neutronAPI.getPorts().then(onGetPorts), novaAPI.getServers().then(onGetServers) ]).then(initMemberAddresses); } function initEditPool() { model.context.submit = editPool; return $q.all([ neutronAPI.getSubnets().then(onGetSubnets).then(getPool).then(onGetPool), neutronAPI.getPorts().then(onGetPorts), novaAPI.getServers().then(onGetServers) ]).then(initMemberAddresses); } function initEditMonitor() { model.context.submit = editHealthMonitor; return lbaasv2API.getHealthMonitor(model.context.id).then(onGetHealthMonitor); } /** * @ngdoc method * @name workflowModel.submit * @returns {promise} * * @description * Send request for completing the wizard. * * @returns Response from the LBaaS V2 API. */ function submit() { var finalSpec = angular.copy(model.spec); cleanFinalSpecLoadBalancer(finalSpec); cleanFinalSpecListener(finalSpec); cleanFinalSpecPool(finalSpec); cleanFinalSpecMembers(finalSpec); cleanFinalSpecMonitor(finalSpec); removeNulls(finalSpec); return model.context.submit(finalSpec); } function createLoadBalancer(spec) { return lbaasv2API.createLoadBalancer(spec); } function createListener(spec) { return lbaasv2API.createListener(spec); } function createPool(spec) { return lbaasv2API.createPool(spec); } function createHealthMonitor(spec) { return lbaasv2API.createHealthMonitor(spec); } function editLoadBalancer(spec) { return lbaasv2API.editLoadBalancer(model.context.id, spec); } function editListener(spec) { return lbaasv2API.editListener(model.context.id, spec); } function editPool(spec) { return lbaasv2API.editPool(model.context.id, spec); } function editHealthMonitor(spec) { return lbaasv2API.editHealthMonitor(model.context.id, spec); } function updatePoolMemberList(spec) { return lbaasv2API.updateMemberList(model.spec.parentResourceId, spec); } function cleanFinalSpecLoadBalancer(finalSpec) { var context = model.context; // Load balancer requires subnet if (!finalSpec.loadbalancer.subnet) { delete finalSpec.loadbalancer; } else { finalSpec.loadbalancer.subnet = finalSpec.loadbalancer.subnet.id; } // Cannot edit the IP or subnet if (context.resource === 'loadbalancer' && context.id) { delete finalSpec.subnet; delete finalSpec.ip; } } function cleanFinalSpecListener(finalSpec) { if (!finalSpec.listener.protocol || !finalSpec.listener.port) { // Listener requires protocol and port delete finalSpec.listener; delete finalSpec.certificates; } else if (finalSpec.listener.protocol !== 'TERMINATED_HTTPS') { // Remove certificate containers if not using TERMINATED_HTTPS delete finalSpec.certificates; } else { var containers = []; angular.forEach(finalSpec.certificates, function(cert) { containers.push(cert.id); }); finalSpec.certificates = containers; } } function cleanFinalSpecPool(finalSpec) { // Pool requires method if (!finalSpec.pool.method) { delete finalSpec.pool; } else { // The pool protocol must be HTTP if the listener protocol is TERMINATED_HTTPS and // otherwise has to match it. var protocol = finalSpec.listener ? finalSpec.listener.protocol : finalSpec.pool.protocol; finalSpec.pool.protocol = protocol === 'TERMINATED_HTTPS' ? 'HTTP' : protocol; } } function cleanFinalSpecMembers(finalSpec) { if (finalSpec.members.length === 0) { delete finalSpec.members; return; } var members = []; angular.forEach(finalSpec.members, function cleanMember(member) { if (member.address && member.port) { var propsToRemove = ['name', 'description', 'addresses', 'allocatedMember']; propsToRemove.forEach(function deleteProperty(prop) { if (angular.isDefined(member[prop])) { delete member[prop]; } }); if (angular.isObject(member.address)) { member.subnet = member.address.subnet; member.address = member.address.ip; } else if (member.subnet) { member.subnet = member.subnet.id; } else { delete member.subnet; } members.push(member); } }); if (members.length > 0) { finalSpec.members = members; } else { delete finalSpec.members; } } function cleanFinalSpecMonitor(finalSpec) { // Monitor requires an interval, retry count, and timeout if (!angular.isNumber(finalSpec.monitor.interval) || !angular.isNumber(finalSpec.monitor.retry) || !angular.isNumber(finalSpec.monitor.timeout)) { delete finalSpec.monitor; return; } // Only include necessary monitor properties if (finalSpec.monitor.type !== 'HTTP') { delete finalSpec.monitor.method; delete finalSpec.monitor.status; delete finalSpec.monitor.path; } } function removeNulls(finalSpec) { angular.forEach(finalSpec, function deleteNullsForGroup(group, groupName) { angular.forEach(group, function deleteNullValue(value, key) { if (value === null) { delete finalSpec[groupName][key]; } }); }); } function onGetLoadBalancers(response) { var existingNames = {}; angular.forEach(response.data.items, function nameExists(lb) { existingNames[lb.name] = 1; }); var name; var index = response.data.items.length; do { index += 1; name = interpolate(gettext('Load Balancer %(index)s'), { index: index }, true); } while (name in existingNames); model.spec.loadbalancer.name = name; } function onGetListeners(response) { var existingNames = {}; angular.forEach(response.data.items, function nameExists(listener) { existingNames[listener.name] = 1; model.listenerPorts.push(listener.protocol_port); }); var name; var index = response.data.items.length; do { index += 1; name = interpolate(gettext('Listener %(index)s'), { index: index }, true); } while (name in existingNames); model.spec.listener.name = name; } function onGetSubnets(response) { model.subnets.length = 0; push.apply(model.subnets, response.data.items); } function onGetServers(response) { model.members.length = 0; var members = []; angular.forEach(response.data.items, function addMember(server) { // If the server is in a state where it does not have an IP address then we can't use it if (server.addresses && !angular.equals({}, server.addresses)) { members.push({ id: server.id, name: server.name, weight: 1 }); } }); push.apply(model.members, members); } function onGetPorts(response) { ports = response.data.items; } function onGetMembers(response) { setMembersSpec(response.data.items); } function initMemberAddresses() { angular.forEach(model.members, function initAddresses(member) { var memberPorts = ports.filter(function filterPortByDevice(port) { return port.device_id === member.id; }); member.addresses = []; angular.forEach(memberPorts, function addAddressesForPort(port) { angular.forEach(port.fixed_ips, function addAddress(ip) { member.addresses.push({ ip: ip.ip_address, subnet: ip.subnet_id }); }); }); member.address = member.addresses[0]; if (model.spec.pool.protocol) { member.port = {HTTP: 80}[model.spec.pool.protocol]; } }); } function getListener() { return lbaasv2API.getListener(model.context.id, true); } function getPool() { return lbaasv2API.getPool(model.context.id, true); } function getMembers() { return lbaasv2API.getMembers(model.spec.parentResourceId); } function onGetLoadBalancer(response) { var loadbalancer = response.data; setLoadBalancerSpec(loadbalancer); } function onGetListener(response) { var result = response.data; setListenerSpec(result.listener || result); if (result.listener) { model.visibleResources.push('listener'); model.spec.loadbalancer_id = result.listener.loadbalancers[0].id; if (result.listener.protocol === 'TERMINATED_HTTPS') { keymanagerPromise.then(prepareCertificates).then(function addAvailableCertificates() { result.listener.sni_container_refs.forEach(function addAvailableCertificate(ref) { model.certificates.filter(function matchCertificate(cert) { return cert.id === ref; }).forEach(function addCertificate(cert) { model.spec.certificates.push(cert); }); }); }); model.visibleResources.push('certificates'); } } if (result.pool) { setPoolSpec(result.pool); model.visibleResources.push('pool'); model.visibleResources.push('members'); if (result.members) { setMembersSpec(result.members); } if (result.monitor) { setMonitorSpec(result.monitor); model.visibleResources.push('monitor'); } } } function onGetPool(response) { var result = response.data; setPoolSpec(result.pool || result); if (result.pool) { model.visibleResources.push('pool'); model.visibleResources.push('members'); if (result.members) { setMembersSpec(result.members); } if (result.monitor) { setMonitorSpec(result.monitor); model.visibleResources.push('monitor'); } } } function setLoadBalancerSpec(loadbalancer) { var spec = model.spec.loadbalancer; spec.name = loadbalancer.name; spec.description = loadbalancer.description; spec.ip = loadbalancer.vip_address; spec.subnet = loadbalancer.vip_subnet_id; } function setListenerSpec(listener) { var spec = model.spec.listener; spec.id = listener.id; spec.name = listener.name; spec.description = listener.description; spec.protocol = listener.protocol; spec.port = listener.protocol_port; } function setPoolSpec(pool) { var spec = model.spec.pool; spec.id = pool.id; spec.name = pool.name; spec.description = pool.description; spec.protocol = pool.protocol; spec.method = pool.lb_algorithm; } function setMembersSpec(membersList) { model.spec.members.length = 0; var members = []; angular.forEach(membersList, function addMember(member) { members.push({ id: member.id, address: member.address, subnet: mapSubnetObj(member.subnet_id), port: member.protocol_port, weight: member.weight, allocatedMember: true }); }); push.apply(model.spec.members, members); } function setMonitorSpec(monitor) { var spec = model.spec.monitor; spec.id = monitor.id; spec.type = monitor.type; spec.interval = monitor.delay; spec.timeout = monitor.timeout; spec.retry = monitor.max_retries; spec.method = monitor.http_method; spec.status = monitor.expected_codes; spec.path = monitor.url_path; } function onGetHealthMonitor(response) { setMonitorSpec(response.data); } function prepareCertificates() { return $q.all([ barbicanAPI.getCertificates(true), barbicanAPI.getSecrets(true) ]).then(onGetCertificates, certificatesError); } function onGetCertificates(results) { // To use the TERMINATED_HTTPS protocol with a listener, the LBaaS v2 API wants a default // container ref and a list of containers that hold TLS secrets. In barbican the container // object has a list of references to the secrets it holds. This assumes that each // certificate container has exactly one certificate and private key. We fetch both the // certificate containers and the secrets so that we can display the secret names and // expirations dates. model.certificates.length = 0; var certificates = []; // Only accept containers that have both a certificate and private_key ref var containers = results[0].data.items.filter(function validateContainer(container) { container.refs = {}; container.secret_refs.forEach(function(ref) { container.refs[ref.name] = ref.secret_ref; }); return 'certificate' in container.refs && 'private_key' in container.refs; }); var secrets = {}; results[1].data.items.forEach(function addSecret(secret) { secrets[secret.secret_ref] = secret; }); containers.forEach(function addCertificateContainer(container) { var secret = secrets[container.refs.certificate]; certificates.push({ id: container.container_ref, name: secret.name || secret.secret_ref.split('/').reverse()[0], expiration: secret.expiration }); }); push.apply(model.certificates, certificates); } function initSubnet() { var subnet = model.subnets.filter(function filterSubnetsByLoadBalancer(s) { return s.id === model.spec.loadbalancer.subnet; })[0]; model.spec.loadbalancer.subnet = subnet; } function mapSubnetObj(subnetId) { var subnet = model.subnets.filter(function mapSubnet(subnet) { return subnet.id === subnetId; }); return subnet[0]; } function certificatesNotSupported() { // This function is called if the key-manager service is not available. In that case we // cannot support the TERMINATED_HTTPS listener protocol so we hide the option if creating // a new load balancer or listener. However for editing we still need it. if (!model.context.id) { model.listenerProtocols.splice(2, 1); } } function certificatesError() { // This function is called if there is an error fetching the certificate containers or // secrets. In that case we cannot support the TERMINATED_HTTPS listener protocol but we // want to make the user aware of the error. model.certificatesError = true; } } })();