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* Copyright 2016 IBM Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
.factory('horizon.dashboard.project.lbaasv2.listeners.actions.delete', deleteService);
deleteService.$inject = [
* @ngDoc factory
* @name horizon.dashboard.project.lbaasv2.listeners.actions.deleteService
* @description
* Brings up the delete listeners confirmation modal dialog.
* On submit, deletes selected listeners.
* On cancel, does nothing.
* @param $q The angular service for promises.
* @param $location The angular $location service.
* @param $route The angular $route service.
* @param deleteModal The horizon delete modal service.
* @param api The LBaaS v2 API service.
* @param policy The horizon policy service.
* @param toast The horizon message service.
* @param qExtensions Horizon extensions to the $q service.
* @param gettext The horizon gettext function for translation.
* @returns The listeners table delete service.
function deleteService(
$q, $location, $route, deleteModal, api, policy, toast, qExtensions, gettext
) {
var loadbalancerId, statePromise;
var notAllowedMessage = gettext('The following listeners will not be deleted ' +
'due to existing pools: %s.');
var context = {
labels: {
title: gettext('Confirm Delete Listeners'),
message: gettext('You have selected "%s". Please confirm your selection. Deleted ' +
'listeners are not recoverable.'),
submit: gettext('Delete Listeners'),
success: gettext('Deleted listeners: %s.'),
error: gettext('The following listeners could not be deleted, possibly due to ' +
'existing pools: %s.')
deleteEntity: deleteItem,
successEvent: 'success',
failedEvent: 'error'
var service = {
perform: perform,
allowed: allowed,
init: init
return service;
function init(_loadbalancerId_, _statePromise_) {
loadbalancerId = _loadbalancerId_;
statePromise = _statePromise_;
return service;
function perform(items) {
if (angular.isArray(items)) {
} else {
deleteModal.open({ $emit: actionComplete }, [items], context);
function allowed(item) {
var promises = [policy.ifAllowed({ rules: [['neutron', 'delete_listener']] }), statePromise];
if (item) {
return $q.all(promises);
function deleteItem(id) {
return api.deleteListener(id, true);
function actionComplete(eventType) {
if (eventType === context.failedEvent) {
// Action failed, reload the page
} else {
// If the user is on the listeners table then just reload the page, otherwise they
// are on the details page and we return to the table.
var regex = new RegExp('project\/load_balancer\/' + loadbalancerId + '(\/)?$');
if (regex.test($location.path())) {
} else {
$location.path('project/load_balancer/' + loadbalancerId);
function checkPermission(item) {
return { promise: canBeDeleted(item), context: item };
function afterCheck(result) {
if (result.fail.length > 0) {
toast.add('error', getMessage(notAllowedMessage, result.fail));
if (result.pass.length > 0) {
deleteModal.open({ $emit: actionComplete }, result.pass.map(getEntity), context);
function canBeDeleted(item) {
return qExtensions.booleanAsPromise(!item.default_pool_id);
function getMessage(message, entities) {
return interpolate(message, [entities.map(getName).join(", ")]);
function getName(result) {
return getEntity(result).name;
function getEntity(result) {
return result.context;