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# Copyright 2015 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""API over the neutron LBaaS v2 service.
from six.moves import _thread as thread
from time import sleep
from django.views import generic
from horizon import conf
from openstack_dashboard.api import neutron
from openstack_dashboard.api.rest import urls
from openstack_dashboard.api.rest import utils as rest_utils
neutronclient = neutron.neutronclient
def poll_loadbalancer_status(request, loadbalancer_id, callback,
from_state='PENDING_UPDATE', to_state='ACTIVE',
"""Poll for the status of the load balancer.
Polls for the status of the load balancer and calls a function when the
status changes to a specified state.
:param request: django request object
:param loadbalancer_id: id of the load balancer to poll
:param callback: function to call when polling is complete
:param from_state: initial expected state of the load balancer
:param to_state: state to check for
:param callback_kwargs: kwargs to pass into the callback function
interval = conf.HORIZON_CONFIG['ajax_poll_interval'] / 1000.0
status = from_state
while status == from_state:
lb = neutronclient(request).show_loadbalancer(
status = lb['provisioning_status']
if status == to_state:
kwargs = {'loadbalancer_id': loadbalancer_id}
if callback_kwargs:
callback(request, **kwargs)
def create_listener(request, **kwargs):
"""Create a new listener.
data = request.DATA
listenerSpec = {
'protocol': data['listener']['protocol'],
'protocol_port': data['listener']['port'],
'loadbalancer_id': kwargs['loadbalancer_id']
if data['listener'].get('name'):
listenerSpec['name'] = data['listener']['name']
if data['listener'].get('description'):
listenerSpec['description'] = data['listener']['description']
listener = neutronclient(request).create_listener(
{'listener': listenerSpec}).get('listener')
if data.get('pool'):
args = (request, kwargs['loadbalancer_id'], create_pool)
kwargs = {'callback_kwargs': {'listener_id': listener['id']}}
thread.start_new_thread(poll_loadbalancer_status, args, kwargs)
return listener
def create_pool(request, **kwargs):
"""Create a new pool.
data = request.DATA
poolSpec = {
'protocol': data['pool']['protocol'],
'lb_algorithm': data['pool']['method'],
'listener_id': kwargs['listener_id']
if data['pool'].get('name'):
poolSpec['name'] = data['pool']['name']
if data['pool'].get('description'):
poolSpec['description'] = data['pool']['description']
pool = neutronclient(request).create_lbaas_pool(
{'pool': poolSpec}).get('pool')
if data.get('members'):
args = (request, kwargs['loadbalancer_id'], add_member)
kwargs = {'callback_kwargs': {'pool_id': pool['id'],
'index': 0}}
thread.start_new_thread(poll_loadbalancer_status, args, kwargs)
elif data.get('monitor'):
args = (request, kwargs['loadbalancer_id'], add_monitor)
kwargs = {'callback_kwargs': {'pool_id': pool['id']}}
thread.start_new_thread(poll_loadbalancer_status, args, kwargs)
return pool
def add_member(request, **kwargs):
"""Add a member to a pool.
data = request.DATA
members = data['members']
index = kwargs['index']
member = members[index]
memberSpec = {
'address': member['address'],
'protocol_port': member['port'],
'subnet_id': member['subnet']
if member.get('weight'):
memberSpec['weight'] = member['weight']
member = neutronclient(request).create_lbaas_member(
kwargs['pool_id'], {'member': memberSpec}).get('member')
index += 1
if len(members) > index:
args = (request, kwargs['loadbalancer_id'], add_member)
kwargs = {'callback_kwargs': {'pool_id': kwargs['pool_id'],
'index': index}}
thread.start_new_thread(poll_loadbalancer_status, args, kwargs)
elif data.get('monitor'):
args = (request, kwargs['loadbalancer_id'], add_monitor)
kwargs = {'callback_kwargs': {'pool_id': kwargs['pool_id']}}
thread.start_new_thread(poll_loadbalancer_status, args, kwargs)
return member
def add_monitor(request, **kwargs):
"""Create a new health monitor for a pool.
data = request.DATA
monitorSpec = {
'type': data['monitor']['type'],
'delay': data['monitor']['interval'],
'timeout': data['monitor']['timeout'],
'max_retries': data['monitor']['retry'],
'pool_id': kwargs['pool_id']
if data['monitor'].get('method'):
monitorSpec['http_method'] = data['monitor']['method']
if data['monitor'].get('path'):
monitorSpec['url_path'] = data['monitor']['path']
if data['monitor'].get('status'):
monitorSpec['expected_codes'] = data['monitor']['status']
return neutronclient(request).create_lbaas_healthmonitor(
{'healthmonitor': monitorSpec}).get('healthmonitor')
class LoadBalancers(generic.View):
"""API for load balancers.
url_regex = r'lbaas/loadbalancers/$'
def get(self, request):
"""List load balancers for current project.
The listing result is an object with property "items".
tenant_id = request.user.project_id
result = neutronclient(request).list_loadbalancers(tenant_id=tenant_id)
return {'items': result.get('loadbalancers')}
def post(self, request):
"""Create a new load balancer.
Creates a new load balancer as well as other optional resources such as
a listener, pool, monitor, etc.
data = request.DATA
spec = {
'vip_subnet_id': data['loadbalancer']['subnet']
if data['loadbalancer'].get('name'):
spec['name'] = data['loadbalancer']['name']
if data['loadbalancer'].get('description'):
spec['description'] = data['loadbalancer']['description']
if data['loadbalancer'].get('ip'):
spec['vip_address'] = data['loadbalancer']['ip']
loadbalancer = neutronclient(request).create_loadbalancer(
{'loadbalancer': spec}).get('loadbalancer')
if data.get('listener'):
# There is work underway to add a new API to LBaaS v2 that will
# allow us to pass in all information at once. Until that is
# available we use a separate thread to poll for the load
# balancer status and create the other resources when it becomes
# active.
args = (request, loadbalancer['id'], create_listener)
kwargs = {'from_state': 'PENDING_CREATE'}
thread.start_new_thread(poll_loadbalancer_status, args, kwargs)
return loadbalancer
class LoadBalancer(generic.View):
"""API for retrieving a single load balancer.
url_regex = r'lbaas/loadbalancers/(?P<loadbalancer_id>[^/]+)/$'
def get(self, request, loadbalancer_id):
"""Get a specific load balancer.
lb = neutronclient(request).show_loadbalancer(loadbalancer_id)
return lb.get('loadbalancer')
def put(self, request, loadbalancer_id):
"""Edit a load balancer.
data = request.DATA
spec = {}
if data['loadbalancer'].get('name'):
spec['name'] = data['loadbalancer']['name']
if data['loadbalancer'].get('description'):
spec['description'] = data['loadbalancer']['description']
return neutronclient(request).update_loadbalancer(
loadbalancer_id, {'loadbalancer': spec}).get('loadbalancer')
class Listeners(generic.View):
"""API for load balancer listeners.
url_regex = r'lbaas/listeners/$'
def get(self, request):
"""List of listeners for the current project.
The listing result is an object with property "items".
loadbalancer_id = request.GET.get('loadbalancerId')
tenant_id = request.user.project_id
result = neutronclient(request).list_listeners(tenant_id=tenant_id)
listener_list = result.get('listeners')
if loadbalancer_id:
listener_list = self._filter_listeners(listener_list,
return {'items': listener_list}
def _filter_listeners(self, listener_list, loadbalancer_id):
filtered_listeners = []
for listener in listener_list:
if listener['loadbalancers'][0]['id'] == loadbalancer_id:
return filtered_listeners
class Listener(generic.View):
"""API for retrieving a single listener.
url_regex = r'lbaas/listeners/(?P<listener_id>[^/]+)/$'
def get(self, request, listener_id):
"""Get a specific listener.
lb = neutronclient(request).show_listener(listener_id)
return lb.get('listener')
class Pool(generic.View):
"""API for retrieving a single pool.
url_regex = r'lbaas/pools/(?P<pool_id>[^/]+)/$'
def get(self, request, pool_id):
"""Get a specific pool.
lb = neutronclient(request).show_lbaas_pool(pool_id)
return lb.get('pool')