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# Copyright 2018 GoDaddy
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common import rest_client
from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
from tempest.lib import exceptions
from octavia_tempest_plugin.common import constants as const
from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import waiters
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Unset(object):
def __bool__(self):
return False
__nonzero__ = __bool__
def __repr__(self):
return 'Unset'
class BaseLBaaSClient(rest_client.RestClient):
root_tag = None
list_root_tag = None
base_uri = '/v2.0/lbaas/{object}'
def __init__(self, auth_provider, service, region, **kwargs):
super(BaseLBaaSClient, self).__init__(auth_provider, service,
region, **kwargs)
self.timeout = CONF.load_balancer.build_timeout
self.build_interval = CONF.load_balancer.build_interval
self.uri = self.base_uri.format(object=self.list_root_tag)
# Create a method for each object's cleanup
# This method should be used (rather than delete) for tempest cleanups.
cleanup_func_name = 'cleanup_{}'.format(self.root_tag)
if not hasattr(self, cleanup_func_name):
setattr(self, cleanup_func_name, self._cleanup_obj)
def _create_object(self, parent_id=None, return_object_only=True,
"""Create an object.
:param return_object_only: If True, the response returns the object
inside the root tag. False returns the full
response from the API.
:param **kwargs: All attributes of the object should be passed as
keyword arguments to this function.
:raises AssertionError: if the expected_code isn't a valid http success
response code
:raises BadRequest: If a 400 response code is received
:raises Conflict: If a 409 response code is received
:raises Forbidden: If a 403 response code is received
:raises Gone: If a 410 response code is received
:raises InvalidContentType: If a 415 response code is received
:raises InvalidHTTPResponseBody: The response body wasn't valid JSON
:raises InvalidHttpSuccessCode: if the read code isn't an expected
http success code
:raises NotFound: If a 404 response code is received
:raises NotImplemented: If a 501 response code is received
:raises OverLimit: If a 413 response code is received and over_limit is
not in the response body
:raises RateLimitExceeded: If a 413 response code is received and
over_limit is in the response body
:raises ServerFault: If a 500 response code is received
:raises Unauthorized: If a 401 response code is received
:raises UnexpectedContentType: If the content-type of the response
isn't an expect type
:raises UnexpectedResponseCode: If a response code above 400 is
received and it doesn't fall into any
of the handled checks
:raises UnprocessableEntity: If a 422 response code is received and
couldn't be parsed
:returns: An appropriate object.
obj_dict = {self.root_tag: kwargs}
if parent_id:
request_uri = self.uri.format(parent=parent_id)
request_uri = self.uri
response, body = self.post(request_uri, jsonutils.dumps(obj_dict))
self.expected_success(201, response.status)
if return_object_only:
return jsonutils.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))[self.root_tag]
return jsonutils.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))
def _show_object(self, obj_id, parent_id=None, query_params=None,
"""Get object details.
:param obj_id: The object ID to query.
:param query_params: The optional query parameters to append to the
request. Ex. fields=id&fields=name
:param return_object_only: If True, the response returns the object
inside the root tag. False returns the full
response from the API.
:raises AssertionError: if the expected_code isn't a valid http success
response code
:raises BadRequest: If a 400 response code is received
:raises Conflict: If a 409 response code is received
:raises Forbidden: If a 403 response code is received
:raises Gone: If a 410 response code is received
:raises InvalidContentType: If a 415 response code is received
:raises InvalidHTTPResponseBody: The response body wasn't valid JSON
:raises InvalidHttpSuccessCode: if the read code isn't an expected
http success code
:raises NotFound: If a 404 response code is received
:raises NotImplemented: If a 501 response code is received
:raises OverLimit: If a 413 response code is received and over_limit is
not in the response body
:raises RateLimitExceeded: If a 413 response code is received and
over_limit is in the response body
:raises ServerFault: If a 500 response code is received
:raises Unauthorized: If a 401 response code is received
:raises UnexpectedContentType: If the content-type of the response
isn't an expect type
:raises UnexpectedResponseCode: If a response code above 400 is
received and it doesn't fall into any
of the handled checks
:raises UnprocessableEntity: If a 422 response code is received and
couldn't be parsed
:returns: An appropriate object.
if parent_id:
uri = self.uri.format(parent=parent_id)
uri = self.uri
if query_params:
request_uri = '{0}/{1}?{2}'.format(uri, obj_id, query_params)
request_uri = '{0}/{1}'.format(uri, obj_id)
response, body = self.get(request_uri)
self.expected_success(200, response.status)
if return_object_only:
return jsonutils.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))[self.root_tag]
return jsonutils.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))
def _list_objects(self, parent_id=None, query_params=None,
"""Get a list of the appropriate objects.
:param query_params: The optional query parameters to append to the
request. Ex. fields=id&fields=name
:param return_object_only: If True, the response returns the object
inside the root tag. False returns the full
response from the API.
:raises AssertionError: if the expected_code isn't a valid http success
response code
:raises BadRequest: If a 400 response code is received
:raises Conflict: If a 409 response code is received
:raises Forbidden: If a 403 response code is received
:raises Gone: If a 410 response code is received
:raises InvalidContentType: If a 415 response code is received
:raises InvalidHTTPResponseBody: The response body wasn't valid JSON
:raises InvalidHttpSuccessCode: if the read code isn't an expected
http success code
:raises NotFound: If a 404 response code is received
:raises NotImplemented: If a 501 response code is received
:raises OverLimit: If a 413 response code is received and over_limit is
not in the response body
:raises RateLimitExceeded: If a 413 response code is received and
over_limit is in the response body
:raises ServerFault: If a 500 response code is received
:raises Unauthorized: If a 401 response code is received
:raises UnexpectedContentType: If the content-type of the response
isn't an expect type
:raises UnexpectedResponseCode: If a response code above 400 is
received and it doesn't fall into any
of the handled checks
:raises UnprocessableEntity: If a 422 response code is received and
couldn't be parsed
:returns: A list of appropriate objects.
if parent_id:
uri = self.uri.format(parent=parent_id)
uri = self.uri
if query_params:
request_uri = '{0}?{1}'.format(uri, query_params)
request_uri = uri
response, body = self.get(request_uri)
self.expected_success(200, response.status)
if return_object_only:
return jsonutils.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))[self.list_root_tag]
return jsonutils.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))
def _update_object(self, obj_id, parent_id=None, return_object_only=True,
"""Update an object.
:param obj_id: The object ID to update.
:param parent_id: The parent object ID, if applicable.
:param return_object_only: If True, the response returns the object
inside the root tag. False returns the full
response from the API.
:param **kwargs: All attributes of the object should be passed as
keyword arguments to this function.
:raises AssertionError: if the expected_code isn't a valid http success
response code
:raises BadRequest: If a 400 response code is received
:raises Conflict: If a 409 response code is received
:raises Forbidden: If a 403 response code is received
:raises Gone: If a 410 response code is received
:raises InvalidContentType: If a 415 response code is received
:raises InvalidHTTPResponseBody: The response body wasn't valid JSON
:raises InvalidHttpSuccessCode: if the read code isn't an expected
http success code
:raises NotFound: If a 404 response code is received
:raises NotImplemented: If a 501 response code is received
:raises OverLimit: If a 413 response code is received and over_limit is
not in the response body
:raises RateLimitExceeded: If a 413 response code is received and
over_limit is in the response body
:raises ServerFault: If a 500 response code is received
:raises Unauthorized: If a 401 response code is received
:raises UnexpectedContentType: If the content-type of the response
isn't an expect type
:raises UnexpectedResponseCode: If a response code above 400 is
received and it doesn't fall into any
of the handled checks
:raises UnprocessableEntity: If a 422 response code is received and
couldn't be parsed
:returns: An appropriate object.
obj_dict = {self.root_tag: kwargs}
if parent_id:
uri = self.uri.format(parent=parent_id)
uri = self.uri
request_uri = '{0}/{1}'.format(uri, obj_id)
response, body = self.put(request_uri, jsonutils.dumps(obj_dict))
self.expected_success(200, response.status)
if return_object_only:
return jsonutils.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))[self.root_tag]
return jsonutils.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))
def _delete_obj(self, obj_id, parent_id=None, ignore_errors=False,
"""Delete an object.
:param obj_id: The object ID to delete.
:param ignore_errors: True if errors should be ignored.
:param cascade: If true will delete all child objects of an
object, if that object supports it.
:raises AssertionError: if the expected_code isn't a valid http success
response code
:raises BadRequest: If a 400 response code is received
:raises Conflict: If a 409 response code is received
:raises Forbidden: If a 403 response code is received
:raises Gone: If a 410 response code is received
:raises InvalidContentType: If a 415 response code is received
:raises InvalidHTTPResponseBody: The response body wasn't valid JSON
:raises InvalidHttpSuccessCode: if the read code isn't an expected
http success code
:raises NotFound: If a 404 response code is received
:raises NotImplemented: If a 501 response code is received
:raises OverLimit: If a 413 response code is received and over_limit is
not in the response body
:raises RateLimitExceeded: If a 413 response code is received and
over_limit is in the response body
:raises ServerFault: If a 500 response code is received
:raises Unauthorized: If a 401 response code is received
:raises UnexpectedContentType: If the content-type of the response
isn't an expect type
:raises UnexpectedResponseCode: If a response code above 400 is
received and it doesn't fall into any
of the handled checks
:raises UnprocessableEntity: If a 422 response code is received and
couldn't be parsed
:returns: None if ignore_errors is True, the response status code
if not.
if parent_id:
uri = self.uri.format(parent=parent_id)
uri = self.uri
if cascade:
request_uri = '{0}/{1}?cascade=true'.format(uri, obj_id)
request_uri = '{0}/{1}'.format(uri, obj_id)
if ignore_errors:
response, body = self.delete(request_uri)
except Exception:
response, body = self.delete(request_uri)
self.expected_success(204, response.status)
return response.status
def _cleanup_obj(self, obj_id, lb_client=None, lb_id=None, parent_id=None,
"""Clean up an object (for use in tempest addClassResourceCleanup).
We always need to wait for the parent LB to be in a mutable state
before deleting the child object, and the cleanups will not guarantee
this if we just pass the delete function to tempest cleanup.
For example, if we add multiple listeners on the same LB to cleanup,
tempest will delete the first one and then immediately try to delete
the second one, which will fail because the LB will be immutable.
We also need to wait to return until the parent LB is back in a mutable
state so future tests don't break right at the start.
This function:
* Waits until the parent LB is ACTIVE
* Deletes the object
* Waits until the parent LB is ACTIVE
:param obj_id: The object ID to clean up.
:param lb_client: (Optional) The loadbalancer client, if this isn't the
loadbalancer client already.
:param lb_id: (Optional) The ID of the parent loadbalancer, if the main
obj_id is for a sub-object and not a loadbalancer.
:param cascade: If true will delete all child objects of an
object, if that object supports it.
if parent_id:
uri = self.uri.format(parent=parent_id)
uri = self.uri
if lb_client and lb_id:
wait_id = lb_id
wait_client = lb_client
wait_func = lb_client.show_loadbalancer
wait_id = obj_id
wait_client = self
wait_func = self._show_object
LOG.info("Starting cleanup for %s %s...", self.root_tag, obj_id)
request_uri = '{0}/{1}'.format(uri, obj_id)
response, body = self.get(request_uri)
resp_obj = jsonutils.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))[self.root_tag]
if (response.status == 404 or
resp_obj['provisioning_status'] == const.DELETED):
raise exceptions.NotFound()
except exceptions.NotFound:
# Already gone, cleanup complete
LOG.info("%s %s is already gone. Cleanup considered complete.",
self.root_tag, obj_id)
LOG.info("Waiting for %s %s to be ACTIVE...",
wait_client.root_tag, wait_id)
waiters.wait_for_status(wait_func, wait_id,
except exceptions.UnexpectedResponseCode:
# Status is ERROR, go ahead with deletion
LOG.debug("Found %s %s in ERROR status, proceeding with cleanup.",
wait_client.root_tag, wait_id)
except exceptions.TimeoutException:
# Timed out, nothing to be done, let errors happen
LOG.error("Timeout exceeded waiting to clean up %s %s.",
self.root_tag, obj_id)
except exceptions.NotFound:
# Already gone, cleanup complete
LOG.info("%s %s is already gone. Cleanup considered complete.",
wait_client.root_tag.capitalize(), wait_id)
except Exception as e:
# Log that something weird happens, then let the chips fall
LOG.error("Cleanup encountered an unknown exception while waiting "
"for %s %s: %s", wait_client.root_tag, wait_id, e)
if cascade:
uri = '{0}/{1}?cascade=true'.format(uri, obj_id)
uri = '{0}/{1}'.format(uri, obj_id)
LOG.info("Cleaning up %s %s...", self.root_tag, obj_id)
return_status = test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
self.delete, uri)
if lb_id and lb_client:
LOG.info("Waiting for %s %s to be ACTIVE...",
wait_client.root_tag, wait_id)
waiters.wait_for_status(wait_func, wait_id,
LOG.info("Waiting for %s %s to be DELETED...",
wait_client.root_tag, wait_id)
wait_func, wait_id, const.PROVISIONING_STATUS,
LOG.info("Cleanup complete for %s %s...", self.root_tag, obj_id)
return return_status
def is_resource_deleted(self, id):
"""Check if the object is deleted.
:param id: The object ID to check.
:return: boolean state representing the object's deleted state
obj = self._show_object(id)
if obj.get(const.PROVISIONING_STATUS) == const.DELETED:
return True
except exceptions.NotFound:
return True
return False
def get_max_api_version(self):
"""Get the maximum version available on the API endpoint.
:return: Maximum version string available on the endpoint.
response, body = self.get('/')
self.expected_success(200, response.status)
versions_list = jsonutils.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))['versions']
current_versions = (version for version in versions_list if
version['status'] == 'CURRENT')
max_version = '0.0'
for version in current_versions:
ver_string = version['id']
if ver_string.startswith("v"):
ver_string = ver_string[1:]
ver_split = list(map(int, ver_string.split('.')))
max_split = list(map(int, max_version.split('.')))
if len(ver_split) > 2:
raise exceptions.InvalidAPIVersionString(version=ver_string)
if ver_split[0] > max_split[0] or (
ver_split[0] == max_split[0] and
ver_split[1] >= max_split[1]):
max_version = ver_string
if max_version == '0.0':
raise exceptions.InvalidAPIVersionString(version=max_version)
return max_version
def is_version_supported(self, api_version, version):
"""Check if a version is supported by the API.
:param api_version: Reference endpoint API version.
:param version: Version to check against API version.
:return: boolean if the version is supported.
api_split = list(map(int, api_version.split('.')))
ver_split = list(map(int, version.split('.')))
if api_split[0] > ver_split[0] or (
api_split[0] == ver_split[0] and api_split[1] >= ver_split[1]):
return True
return False