# Copyright 2016 Rackspace # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg import pecan from wsme import types as wtypes from wsmeext import pecan as wsme_pecan from octavia.api.v2.controllers import base from octavia.api.v2.types import quotas as quota_types from octavia.common import constants from octavia.common import exceptions CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.import_group('quotas', 'octavia.common.config') class QuotasController(base.BaseController): def __init__(self): super(QuotasController, self).__init__() @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(quota_types.QuotaResponse, wtypes.text) def get(self, project_id): """Get a single project's quota details.""" context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context') # Check that the user is authorized to show this quota action = '{rbac_obj}{action}'.format( rbac_obj=constants.RBAC_QUOTA, action='get_one') target = {'project_id': project_id} context.policy.authorize(action, target) db_quotas = self._get_db_quotas(context.session, project_id) return self._convert_db_to_type(db_quotas, quota_types.QuotaResponse) @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(quota_types.QuotaAllResponse, ignore_extra_args=True) def get_all(self, project_id=None): """List all non-default quotas.""" pcontext = pecan.request.context context = pcontext.get('octavia_context') # Check that the user is authorized to list quotas under all projects action = '{rbac_obj}{action}'.format( rbac_obj=constants.RBAC_QUOTA, action='get_all-global') target = {'project_id': project_id} if not context.policy.authorize(action, target, do_raise=False): # Not a global observer or admin if project_id is None: project_id = context.project_id # Check if user is authorized to list quota under this project action = '{rbac_obj}{action}'.format( rbac_obj=constants.RBAC_QUOTA, action='get_all') target = {'project_id': project_id} context.policy.authorize(action, target) if project_id is None: query_filter = {} else: query_filter = {'project_id': project_id} db_quotas, links = self.repositories.quotas.get_all( context.session, pagination_helper=pcontext.get(constants.PAGINATION_HELPER), **query_filter) quotas = quota_types.QuotaAllResponse.from_data_model(db_quotas) quotas.quotas_links = links return quotas @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(quota_types.QuotaResponse, wtypes.text, body=quota_types.QuotaPUT, status_code=202) def put(self, project_id, quotas): """Update any or all quotas for a project.""" context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context') if not project_id: raise exceptions.MissingAPIProjectID() # Check that the user is authorized to update this quota action = '{rbac_obj}{action}'.format( rbac_obj=constants.RBAC_QUOTA, action='put') target = {'project_id': project_id} context.policy.authorize(action, target) quotas_dict = quotas.to_dict() self.repositories.quotas.update(context.session, project_id, **quotas_dict) db_quotas = self._get_db_quotas(context.session, project_id) return self._convert_db_to_type(db_quotas, quota_types.QuotaResponse) @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(None, wtypes.text, status_code=202) def delete(self, project_id): """Reset a project's quotas to the default values.""" context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context') if not project_id: raise exceptions.MissingAPIProjectID() # Check that the user is authorized to delete this quota action = '{rbac_obj}{action}'.format( rbac_obj=constants.RBAC_QUOTA, action='delete') target = {'project_id': project_id} context.policy.authorize(action, target) self.repositories.quotas.delete(context.session, project_id) db_quotas = self._get_db_quotas(context.session, project_id) return self._convert_db_to_type(db_quotas, quota_types.QuotaResponse) @pecan.expose() def _lookup(self, project_id, *remainder): """Overridden pecan _lookup method for routing default endpoint.""" if project_id and len(remainder) and remainder[0] == 'default': return QuotasDefaultController(project_id), '' class QuotasDefaultController(base.BaseController): def __init__(self, project_id): super(QuotasDefaultController, self).__init__() self.project_id = project_id @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(quota_types.QuotaResponse, wtypes.text) def get(self): """Get a project's default quota details.""" context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context') if not self.project_id: raise exceptions.MissingAPIProjectID() # Check that the user is authorized to see quota defaults action = '{rbac_obj}{action}'.format( rbac_obj=constants.RBAC_QUOTA, action='get_defaults') target = {'project_id': self.project_id} context.policy.authorize(action, target) quotas = self._get_default_quotas(self.project_id) return self._convert_db_to_type(quotas, quota_types.QuotaResponse)