[DEFAULT] # default target endpoint type # should match the endpoint type defined in service catalog target_endpoint_type = load-balancer [custom_actions] failover = update/failover # possible end path of API requests # path of api requests for CADF target typeURI # Just need to include top resource path to identify class # of resources. Ex: Log audit event for API requests # path containing "nodes" keyword and node uuid. [path_keywords] amphorae = amphora availabilityzones = availabilityzone availabilityzoneprofiles = availabilityzoneprofile config = None defaults = None failover = None flavors = flavor flavorprofiles = flavorprofile healthmonitors = healthmonitor l7policies = l7policy listeners = listener loadbalancers = loadbalancer members = member pools = pool providers = None quotas = quota rules = rule stats = None status = None # map endpoint type defined in service catalog to CADF typeURI [service_endpoints] load-balancer = service/load-balancer