{# Copyright (c) 2018 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #} {%- macro lb_algo_macro(pool) -%} lb_algo {{ pool.lb_algorithm }} {%- endmacro -%} {% macro misc_path_macro(member, health_monitor) -%} misc_path "{{ health_monitor.check_script_path }} {{ member.monitor_address|default(member.address, true) }} {{ member.monitor_port|default(member.protocol_port, true) }}" {%- endmacro %} {%- macro misc_check_macro(pool, member, health_monitor) -%} MISC_CHECK { {{ misc_path_macro(member, health_monitor) }} misc_timeout {{ pool.health_monitor.timeout }} } {%- endmacro -%} {% macro health_monitor_rs_macro(constants, pool, member) %} {% if pool.health_monitor and pool.health_monitor.enabled %} {% if pool.health_monitor.type == constants.HEALTH_MONITOR_UDP_CONNECT %} {{ misc_check_macro(pool, member, pool.health_monitor) -}} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro realserver_macro(constants, pool, member, listener) %} {% if member.enabled %} # Configuration for Member {{ member.id }} real_server {{ member.address }} {{ member.protocol_port }} { weight {{ member.weight }} {% if listener.connection_limit %} uthreshold {{ listener.connection_limit }} {% endif %} {{- health_monitor_rs_macro(constants, pool, member) }} } {% else %} # Member {{ member.id }} is disabled {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro health_monitor_vs_macro(default_pool) %} {% if default_pool and default_pool.health_monitor and default_pool.health_monitor.enabled %} {% if default_pool.health_monitor.delay %} delay_loop {{ default_pool.health_monitor.delay }} delay_before_retry {{ default_pool.health_monitor.delay }} {% endif %} {% if default_pool.health_monitor.fall_threshold %} retry {{ default_pool.health_monitor.fall_threshold }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro virtualserver_macro(constants, listener, lb_vip_address, default_pool) %} {% set need_render = [] %} {% if default_pool and default_pool.enabled and default_pool.members %} {% for member in default_pool.members %} {% do need_render.append(member.enabled) %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if need_render|length > 0 %} virtual_server {{ lb_vip_address }} {{ listener.protocol_port }} { {{ lb_algo_macro(default_pool) }} lb_kind NAT protocol {{ listener.protocol_mode.upper() }} {% if default_pool.session_persistence and default_pool.session_persistence.type == constants.SESSION_PERSISTENCE_SOURCE_IP %} {# set our defined defaults as I saw this not be consistent #} {# in testing #} {% if default_pool.session_persistence.persistence_timeout %} persistence_timeout {{ default_pool.session_persistence.persistence_timeout }} {% else %} persistence_timeout 360 {% endif %} {% if default_pool.session_persistence.persistence_granularity %} persistence_granularity {{ default_pool.session_persistence.persistence_granularity }} {% else %} persistence_granularity {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ health_monitor_vs_macro(default_pool) }} {% if default_pool.protocol.lower() == "udp" %} # Configuration for Pool {{ default_pool.id }} {% if default_pool.health_monitor and default_pool.health_monitor.enabled %} # Configuration for HealthMonitor {{ default_pool.health_monitor.id }} {% endif %} {% for member in default_pool.members %} {{- realserver_macro(constants, default_pool, member, listener) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} } {% endif %} {% endmacro %}