# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import time from cinderclient import exceptions as cinder_exceptions from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from tenacity import retry from tenacity import stop_after_attempt from octavia.common import clients from octavia.common import constants from octavia.common import exceptions from octavia.volume import volume_base LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF class VolumeManager(volume_base.VolumeBase): '''Volume implementation of virtual machines via cinder.''' def __init__(self): super(VolumeManager, self).__init__() # Must initialize cinder api self._cinder_client = clients.CinderAuth.get_cinder_client( service_name=CONF.cinder.service_name, endpoint=CONF.cinder.endpoint, region=CONF.cinder.region_name, endpoint_type=CONF.cinder.endpoint_type, insecure=CONF.cinder.insecure, cacert=CONF.cinder.ca_certificates_file ) self.manager = self._cinder_client.volumes @retry(reraise=True, stop=stop_after_attempt(CONF.cinder.volume_create_max_retries)) def create_volume_from_image(self, image_id): """Create cinder volume :param image_id: ID of amphora image :return volume id """ volume = self.manager.create( size=CONF.cinder.volume_size, volume_type=CONF.cinder.volume_type, availability_zone=CONF.cinder.availability_zone, imageRef=image_id) resource_status = self.manager.get(volume.id).status status = constants.CINDER_STATUS_AVAILABLE start = int(time.time()) while resource_status != status: time.sleep(CONF.cinder.volume_create_retry_interval) instance_volume = self.manager.get(volume.id) resource_status = instance_volume.status if resource_status == constants.CINDER_STATUS_ERROR: LOG.error('Error creating %s', instance_volume.id) instance_volume.delete() raise cinder_exceptions.ResourceInErrorState( obj=volume, fault_msg='Cannot create volume') if int(time.time()) - start >= CONF.cinder.volume_create_timeout: LOG.error('Timed out waiting to create cinder volume %s', instance_volume.id) instance_volume.delete() raise cinder_exceptions.TimeoutException( obj=volume, action=constants.CINDER_ACTION_CREATE_VOLUME) return volume.id def delete_volume(self, volume_id): """Get glance image from volume :param volume_id: ID of amphora boot volume :return image id """ LOG.debug('Deleting cinder volume %s', volume_id) try: instance_volume = self.manager.get(volume_id) try: instance_volume.delete() LOG.debug("Deleted volume %s", volume_id) except Exception: LOG.exception("Error deleting cinder volume %s", volume_id) raise exceptions.VolumeDeleteException() except cinder_exceptions.NotFound: LOG.warning("Volume %s not found: assuming already deleted", volume_id) def get_image_from_volume(self, volume_id): """Get glance image from volume :param volume_id: ID of amphora boot volume :return image id """ image_id = None LOG.debug('Get glance image for volume %s', volume_id) try: instance_volume = self.manager.get(volume_id) except cinder_exceptions.NotFound: LOG.exception("Volume %s not found", volume_id) raise exceptions.VolumeGetException() if hasattr(instance_volume, 'volume_image_metadata'): image_id = instance_volume.volume_image_metadata.get("image_id") else: LOG.error("Volume %s has no image metadata", volume_id) image_id = None return image_id