# Copyright (c) 2018 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import jinja2 from octavia.common.config import cfg from octavia.common import constants CONF = cfg.CONF PROTOCOL_MAP = { constants.PROTOCOL_UDP: 'udp' } BALANCE_MAP = { constants.LB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN: 'wrr', constants.LB_ALGORITHM_LEAST_CONNECTIONS: 'lc', constants.LB_ALGORITHM_SOURCE_IP: 'sh' } BASE_PATH = CONF.haproxy_amphora.base_path CHECK_SCRIPT_NAME = 'udp_check.sh' KEEPALIVED_LVS_TEMPLATE = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates/keepalivedlvs.cfg.j2')) JINJA_ENV = None class LvsJinjaTemplater(object): def __init__(self, base_amp_path=None, keepalivedlvs_template=None): """Keepalived LVS configuration generation :param base_amp_path: Base path for amphora data :param keepalivedlvs_template: Absolute path to Jinja template """ self.base_amp_path = base_amp_path or BASE_PATH self.keepalivedlvs_template = (keepalivedlvs_template or KEEPALIVED_LVS_TEMPLATE) def build_config(self, listener, **kwargs): """Convert a logical configuration to the Keepalived LVS version :param listener: The listener configuration :return: Rendered configuration """ return self.render_loadbalancer_obj(listener) def _get_template(self): """Returns the specified Jinja configuration template.""" global JINJA_ENV if not JINJA_ENV: template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( searchpath=os.path.dirname(self.keepalivedlvs_template)) JINJA_ENV = jinja2.Environment( autoescape=True, loader=template_loader, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, extensions=['jinja2.ext.do']) return JINJA_ENV.get_template(os.path.basename( self.keepalivedlvs_template)) def render_loadbalancer_obj(self, listener, **kwargs): """Renders a templated configuration from a load balancer object :param host_amphora: The Amphora this configuration is hosted on :param listener: The listener configuration :return: Rendered configuration """ loadbalancer = self._transform_loadbalancer( listener.load_balancer, listener) return self._get_template().render( {'loadbalancer': loadbalancer}, constants=constants) def _transform_loadbalancer(self, loadbalancer, listener): """Transforms a load balancer into an object that will be processed by the templating system """ t_listener = self._transform_listener(listener) ret_value = { 'id': loadbalancer.id, 'vip_address': loadbalancer.vip.ip_address, 'listener': t_listener, 'enabled': loadbalancer.enabled } return ret_value def _transform_listener(self, listener): """Transforms a listener into an object that will be processed by the templating system """ ret_value = { 'id': listener.id, 'protocol_port': listener.protocol_port, 'protocol_mode': PROTOCOL_MAP[listener.protocol], 'enabled': listener.enabled } if listener.connection_limit and listener.connection_limit > -1: ret_value['connection_limit'] = listener.connection_limit if (listener.default_pool and listener.default_pool.provisioning_status != constants.PENDING_DELETE): ret_value['default_pool'] = self._transform_pool( listener.default_pool) return ret_value def _transform_pool(self, pool): """Transforms a pool into an object that will be processed by the templating system """ ret_value = { 'id': pool.id, 'protocol': PROTOCOL_MAP[pool.protocol], 'lb_algorithm': BALANCE_MAP.get(pool.lb_algorithm, 'roundrobin'), 'members': [], 'health_monitor': '', 'session_persistence': '', 'enabled': pool.enabled } members_gen = (mem for mem in pool.members if mem.provisioning_status != constants.PENDING_DELETE) members = [self._transform_member(x) for x in members_gen] ret_value['members'] = members if (pool.health_monitor and pool.health_monitor.provisioning_status != constants.PENDING_DELETE): ret_value['health_monitor'] = self._transform_health_monitor( pool.health_monitor) if pool.session_persistence: func = self._transform_session_persistence ret_value['session_persistence'] = func( pool.session_persistence) return ret_value @staticmethod def _transform_session_persistence(persistence): """Transforms session persistence into an object that will be processed by the templating system """ return { 'type': persistence.type, 'persistence_timeout': persistence.persistence_timeout, 'persistence_granularity': persistence.persistence_granularity } @staticmethod def _transform_member(member): """Transforms a member into an object that will be processed by the templating system """ return { 'id': member.id, 'address': member.ip_address, 'protocol_port': member.protocol_port, 'weight': member.weight, 'enabled': member.enabled, 'monitor_address': member.monitor_address, 'monitor_port': member.monitor_port } def _get_default_lvs_check_script_path(self): return (CONF.haproxy_amphora.base_path + '/lvs/check/' + CHECK_SCRIPT_NAME) def _transform_health_monitor(self, monitor): """Transforms a health monitor into an object that will be processed by the templating system """ return { 'id': monitor.id, 'type': monitor.type, 'delay': monitor.delay, 'timeout': monitor.timeout, 'enabled': monitor.enabled, 'fall_threshold': monitor.fall_threshold, 'check_script_path': (self._get_default_lvs_check_script_path() if monitor.type == constants.HEALTH_MONITOR_UDP_CONNECT else None) }