#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import argparse import importlib import os import graphviz from taskflow import engines from octavia.api.drivers import utils from octavia.common import constants from octavia.tests.common import data_model_helpers as dmh def main(): arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate graphviz representations of the ' 'Octavia TaskFlow flows.') arg_parser.add_argument('-f', '--flow-list', required=True, help='Path to flow list file') arg_parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-directory', required=True, help='Path to flow list file') args = arg_parser.parse_args() generate(args.flow_list, args.output_directory) def generate(flow_list, output_directory): # Create the diagrams base_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.path.pardir) diagram_list = [] with open(os.path.join(base_path, flow_list), 'r') as flowlist: for row in flowlist: if row.startswith('#'): continue current_tuple = tuple(row.strip().split(' ')) current_class = getattr(importlib.import_module(current_tuple[0]), current_tuple[1]) current_instance = current_class() get_flow_method = getattr(current_instance, current_tuple[2]) if (current_tuple[1] == 'AmphoraFlows' and current_tuple[2] == 'get_failover_amphora_flow'): amp1 = dmh.generate_amphora() amp2 = dmh.generate_amphora() lb = dmh.generate_load_balancer(amphorae=[amp1, amp2]) if 'v2' in current_tuple[0]: lb = utils.lb_dict_to_provider_dict(lb.to_dict()) amp1 = amp1.to_dict() current_engine = engines.load( get_flow_method(amp1, 2)) elif (current_tuple[1] == 'LoadBalancerFlows' and current_tuple[2] == 'get_create_load_balancer_flow'): current_engine = engines.load( get_flow_method( constants.TOPOLOGY_ACTIVE_STANDBY)) elif (current_tuple[1] == 'LoadBalancerFlows' and current_tuple[2] == 'get_delete_load_balancer_flow'): lb = dmh.generate_load_balancer() if 'v2' in current_tuple[0]: lb = utils.lb_dict_to_provider_dict(lb.to_dict()) delete_flow = get_flow_method(lb) else: delete_flow, store = get_flow_method(lb) current_engine = engines.load(delete_flow) elif (current_tuple[1] == 'LoadBalancerFlows' and current_tuple[2] == 'get_cascade_delete_load_balancer_flow'): listeners = [{constants.LISTENER_ID: '368dffc7-7440-4ee0-aca5-11052d001b05'}, {constants.LISTENER_ID: 'd9c45ec4-9dbe-491b-9f21-6886562348bf'}] pools = [{constants.POOL_ID: '6886a40b-1f2a-41a3-9ece-5c51845a7ac4'}, {constants.POOL_ID: '08ada7a2-3eff-42c6-bdd8-b6f2ecd73358'}] lb = dmh.generate_load_balancer() if 'v2' in current_tuple[0]: lb = utils.lb_dict_to_provider_dict(lb.to_dict()) delete_flow = get_flow_method(lb, listeners, pools) else: delete_flow, store = get_flow_method(lb) current_engine = engines.load(delete_flow) elif (current_tuple[1] == 'LoadBalancerFlows' and current_tuple[2] == 'get_failover_LB_flow'): amp1 = dmh.generate_amphora() amp2 = dmh.generate_amphora() lb = dmh.generate_load_balancer( amphorae=[amp1, amp2], topology=constants.TOPOLOGY_ACTIVE_STANDBY) if 'v2' in current_tuple[0]: lb = utils.lb_dict_to_provider_dict(lb.to_dict()) flavor = {constants.LOADBALANCER_TOPOLOGY: constants.TOPOLOGY_ACTIVE_STANDBY} lb[constants.FLAVOR] = flavor amp1 = amp1.to_dict() amp2 = amp2.to_dict() current_engine = engines.load( get_flow_method([amp1, amp2], lb)) elif (current_tuple[1] == 'MemberFlows' and current_tuple[2] == 'get_batch_update_members_flow'): current_engine = engines.load( get_flow_method([], [], [])) else: current_engine = engines.load(get_flow_method()) current_engine.compile() # We need to render svg and not dot here so we can scale # the image in the restructured text page src = graphviz.Source(current_engine.compilation. execution_graph.export_to_dot()) src.format = 'svg' src.render(filename=current_tuple[1] + '-' + current_tuple[2], directory=os.path.join(base_path, output_directory), cleanup=True) diagram_list.append((current_tuple[1], current_tuple[2])) # Create the class docs diagram_list = sorted(diagram_list, key=getDiagKey) class_tracker = None current_doc_file = None for doc_tuple in diagram_list: # If we are still working on the same class, append if doc_tuple[0] == class_tracker: current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write(doc_tuple[1] + '\n') current_doc_file.write('-' * len(doc_tuple[1]) + '\n') current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write('.. only:: html\n') current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write(' .. image:: ' + doc_tuple[0] + '-' + doc_tuple[1] + '.svg\n') current_doc_file.write(' :width: 660px\n') current_doc_file.write(' :target: ../../../_images/' + doc_tuple[0] + '-' + doc_tuple[1] + '.svg\n') current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write('.. only:: latex\n') current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write(' .. image:: ' + doc_tuple[0] + '-' + doc_tuple[1] + '.svg\n') current_doc_file.write(' :width: 660px\n') # First or new class, create the file else: if current_doc_file is not None: current_doc_file.close() current_doc_file = open(os.path.join( base_path, output_directory, doc_tuple[0] + '.rst'), 'w+') class_tracker = doc_tuple[0] file_title = constants.FLOW_DOC_TITLES.get(doc_tuple[0], 'Unknown Flows') current_doc_file.write('=' * len(file_title) + '\n') current_doc_file.write(file_title + '\n') current_doc_file.write('=' * len(file_title) + '\n') current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write('.. contents::\n') current_doc_file.write(' :depth: 2\n') current_doc_file.write(' :backlinks: top\n') current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write('.. only:: html\n') current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write(' Click on any flow to view full size.\n') current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write(doc_tuple[1] + '\n') current_doc_file.write('-' * len(doc_tuple[1]) + '\n') current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write('.. only:: html\n') current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write(' .. image:: ' + doc_tuple[0] + '-' + doc_tuple[1] + '.svg\n') current_doc_file.write(' :width: 660px\n') current_doc_file.write(' :target: ../../../_images/' + doc_tuple[0] + '-' + doc_tuple[1] + '.svg\n') current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write('.. only:: latex\n') current_doc_file.write('\n') current_doc_file.write(' .. image:: ' + doc_tuple[0] + '-' + doc_tuple[1] + '.svg\n') current_doc_file.write(' :width: 660px\n') current_doc_file.close() def getDiagKey(item): return item[0] + '-' + item[1] if __name__ == "__main__": main()