/* * Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * Requires graphviz version 2.37 or later to render correctly */ digraph G { labelloc="t"; label="Octavia component design (v0.5)"; rankdir=LR; splines=false; subgraph cluster_Neutron { label="Neutron"; color="green"; NetworkingServices [shape=rectangle label="Networking Services"]; subgraph cluster_LBaaS { label="LBaaS"; color="yellow"; UserAPIHandler [shape=none margin=0 label= <

User API Handler
>]; }; }; subgraph cluster_Octavia { label="Octavia"; color="blue"; NetworkingDriver [shape=rectangle label="Networking Driver"]; OperatorAPIHandler [shape=none margin=0 label= <

Operator API Handler
>]; subgraph cluster_Controller { label=""; color=white; Controller [shape=none margin=0 label= <
Health Monitor
Amphora LB Driver
>]; Database [shape=cylinder]; }; subgraph cluster_Amphoras2 { label=""; color="white"; id="AmphoraMVs2"; Amphora3 [shape=none margin=0 label= <
>]; Amphora4 [shape=none margin=0 label= <
>]; Amphora5 [shape=none margin=0 label= <
>]; }; subgraph cluster_Network { label="LB Network"; color="gray"; bgcolor="gray"; Stuff [style=invis shape=none margin=0 label= <
>]; LBNetwork [shape=none margin=0 label=""]; Things [style=invis shape=none margin=0 label= <

>]; }; OperatorAPIHandler -> Controller [dir=none]; Controller -> LBNetwork [style=invis]; LBNetwork -> {Amphora3 Amphora4 Amphora5} [style=invis]; Controller -> {Amphora3 Amphora4 Amphora5} [constraint=false dir=none]; Controller -> NetworkingDriver [constraint=false dir=none]; Controller -> Database [constraint=false dir=none]; }; UserAPIHandler:driver -> Controller [dir=none]; NetworkingServices -> NetworkingDriver [dir=none]; }