#!/usr/bin/env bash # devstack plugin for octavia GET_PIP_CACHE_LOCATION=/opt/stack/cache/files/get-pip.py function octavia_install { setup_develop $OCTAVIA_DIR if [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'main' ] || [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'standalone' ] ; then if ! [ "$DISABLE_AMP_IMAGE_BUILD" == 'True' ]; then if [[ ${DISTRO} =~ "rhel7" ]]; then # Installing qemu would bring in the default OS qemu package, # which is too old for Pike and later releases # See https://review.openstack.org/#/c/438325 for details install_package qemu-kvm else install_package qemu fi fi fi } function octaviaclient_install { if use_library_from_git "python-octaviaclient"; then git_clone_by_name "python-octaviaclient" setup_dev_lib "python-octaviaclient" fi } function install_diskimage_builder { if use_library_from_git "diskimage-builder"; then GITREPO["diskimage-builder"]=$DISKIMAGE_BUILDER_REPO_URL GITDIR["diskimage-builder"]=$DISKIMAGE_BUILDER_DIR GITBRANCH["diskimage-builder"]=$DISKIMAGE_BUILDER_REPO_REF git_clone_by_name "diskimage-builder" setup_dev_lib "diskimage-builder" fi } function set_octavia_worker_image_owner_id { image_id=$(openstack image list --property name=${OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_NAME} -f value -c ID) owner_id=$(openstack image show ${image_id} -c owner -f value) iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker amp_image_owner_id ${owner_id} } function build_octavia_worker_image { # set up diskimage-builder if we need to install_diskimage_builder # pull the agent code from the current code zuul has a reference to if [ -n "$DIB_REPOLOCATION_pip_and_virtualenv" ]; then export DIB_REPOLOCATION_pip_and_virtualenv=$DIB_REPOLOCATION_pip_and_virtualenv elif [ -f $GET_PIP_CACHE_LOCATION ] ; then export DIB_REPOLOCATION_pip_and_virtualenv=file://$GET_PIP_CACHE_LOCATION fi export DIB_REPOLOCATION_amphora_agent=$OCTAVIA_DIR export DIB_REPOREF_amphora_agent=$(git -C "$OCTAVIA_DIR" log -1 --pretty="format:%H") TOKEN=$(openstack token issue | grep ' id ' | get_field 2) die_if_not_set $LINENO TOKEN "Keystone failed to get token." octavia_dib_tracing_arg= if [ "$OCTAVIA_DIB_TRACING" != "0" ]; then octavia_dib_tracing_arg="-x" fi if [[ ${OCTAVIA_AMP_BASE_OS:+1} ]] ; then export PARAM_OCTAVIA_AMP_BASE_OS='-i '$OCTAVIA_AMP_BASE_OS fi if [[ ${OCTAVIA_AMP_DISTRIBUTION_RELEASE_ID:+1} ]] ; then export PARAM_OCTAVIA_AMP_DISTRIBUTION_RELEASE_ID='-d '$OCTAVIA_AMP_DISTRIBUTION_RELEASE_ID fi if [[ ${OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_SIZE:+1} ]] ; then export PARAM_OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_SIZE='-s '$OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_SIZE fi if ! [ -f $OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_FILE ]; then $OCTAVIA_DIR/diskimage-create/diskimage-create.sh $octavia_dib_tracing_arg -o $OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_FILE ${PARAM_OCTAVIA_AMP_BASE_OS:-''} ${PARAM_OCTAVIA_AMP_DISTRIBUTION_RELEASE_ID:-''} ${PARAM_OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_SIZE:-''} fi upload_image file://${OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_FILE} $TOKEN } function _configure_octavia_apache_wsgi { # Make sure mod_wsgi is enabled in apache # This is important for multinode where other services have not yet # enabled it. install_apache_wsgi local octavia_apache_conf octavia_apache_conf=$(apache_site_config_for octavia) # Use the alternate port if we are running multinode behind haproxy if [ $OCTAVIA_NODE != 'standalone' ] && [ $OCTAVIA_NODE != 'api' ]; then local octavia_api_port=$OCTAVIA_HA_PORT else local octavia_api_port=$OCTAVIA_PORT fi local octavia_ssl="" local octavia_certfile="" local octavia_keyfile="" local venv_path="" if is_ssl_enabled_service octavia; then octavia_ssl="SSLEngine On" octavia_certfile="SSLCertificateFile $OCTAVIA_SSL_CERT" octavia_keyfile="SSLCertificateKeyFile $OCTAVIA_SSL_KEY" fi if [[ ${USE_VENV} = True ]]; then venv_path="python-path=${PROJECT_VENV["octavia"]}/lib/$(python_version)/site-packages" fi sudo cp ${OCTAVIA_DIR}/devstack/files/wsgi/octavia-api.template $octavia_apache_conf sudo sed -e " s|%OCTAVIA_SERVICE_PORT%|$octavia_api_port|g; s|%USER%|$APACHE_USER|g; s|%APACHE_NAME%|$APACHE_NAME|g; s|%SSLENGINE%|$octavia_ssl|g; s|%SSLCERTFILE%|$octavia_certfile|g; s|%SSLKEYFILE%|$octavia_keyfile|g; s|%VIRTUALENV%|$venv_path|g s|%APIWORKERS%|$API_WORKERS|g; " -i $octavia_apache_conf } function _cleanup_octavia_apache_wsgi { sudo rm -f $(apache_site_config_for octavia) restart_apache_server } function _start_octavia_apache_wsgi { enable_apache_site octavia restart_apache_server } function _stop_octavia_apache_wsgi { disable_apache_site octavia restart_apache_server } function create_octavia_accounts { create_service_user $OCTAVIA local octavia_service=$(get_or_create_service "octavia" \ "load-balancer" "Octavia Load Balancing Service") get_or_create_endpoint $octavia_service \ "$REGION_NAME" \ "$OCTAVIA_PROTOCOL://$SERVICE_HOST:$OCTAVIA_PORT/" \ "$OCTAVIA_PROTOCOL://$SERVICE_HOST:$OCTAVIA_PORT/" \ "$OCTAVIA_PROTOCOL://$SERVICE_HOST:$OCTAVIA_PORT/" } function octavia_configure { sudo mkdir -m 755 -p $OCTAVIA_CONF_DIR safe_chown $STACK_USER $OCTAVIA_CONF_DIR if ! [ -e $OCTAVIA_CONF ] ; then cp $OCTAVIA_DIR/etc/octavia.conf $OCTAVIA_CONF fi # Change bind host iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF DEFAULT bind_host $SERVICE_HOST iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF database connection "mysql+pymysql://${DATABASE_USER}:${DATABASE_PASSWORD}@${DATABASE_HOST}:3306/octavia" # Configure keystone auth_token for all users configure_auth_token_middleware $OCTAVIA_CONF octavia # Ensure config is set up properly for authentication as admin iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF service_auth auth_url $OS_AUTH_URL iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF service_auth auth_type password iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF service_auth username $OCTAVIA_USERNAME iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF service_auth password $OCTAVIA_PASSWORD iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF service_auth user_domain_name $OCTAVIA_USER_DOMAIN_NAME iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF service_auth project_name $OCTAVIA_PROJECT_NAME iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF service_auth project_domain_name $OCTAVIA_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF service_auth cafile $SSL_BUNDLE_FILE iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF service_auth memcached_servers $SERVICE_HOST:11211 # Setting other required default options iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker amphora_driver ${OCTAVIA_AMPHORA_DRIVER} iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker compute_driver ${OCTAVIA_COMPUTE_DRIVER} iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker network_driver ${OCTAVIA_NETWORK_DRIVER} iniuncomment $OCTAVIA_CONF health_manager heartbeat_key iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF health_manager heartbeat_key ${OCTAVIA_HEALTH_KEY} iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF house_keeping amphora_expiry_age ${OCTAVIA_AMP_EXPIRY_AGE} iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF house_keeping load_balancer_expiry_age ${OCTAVIA_LB_EXPIRY_AGE} iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF DEFAULT api_handler queue_producer iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF DEFAULT transport_url $(get_transport_url) iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF oslo_messaging rpc_thread_pool_size 2 iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF oslo_messaging topic octavia_prov # Setting neutron request_poll_timeout iniset $NEUTRON_CONF octavia request_poll_timeout 3000 iniset $NEUTRON_CONF octavia base_url http://$SERVICE_HOST:9876 # Uncomment other default options iniuncomment $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora base_path iniuncomment $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora base_cert_dir iniuncomment $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora connection_max_retries iniuncomment $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora connection_retry_interval iniuncomment $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora rest_request_conn_timeout iniuncomment $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora rest_request_read_timeout iniuncomment $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker amp_active_retries iniuncomment $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker amp_active_wait_sec iniuncomment $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker workers # devstack optimizations for tempest runs iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora connection_max_retries 1500 iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora connection_retry_interval 1 iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora rest_request_conn_timeout ${OCTAVIA_AMP_CONN_TIMEOUT} iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora rest_request_read_timeout ${OCTAVIA_AMP_READ_TIMEOUT} iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker amp_active_retries 100 iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker amp_active_wait_sec 2 iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker workers 2 if [[ -a $OCTAVIA_SSH_DIR ]] ; then rm -rf $OCTAVIA_SSH_DIR fi mkdir -m755 $OCTAVIA_SSH_DIR if [[ "$(trueorfalse False OCTAVIA_USE_PREGENERATED_SSH_KEY)" == "True" ]]; then cp -fp ${OCTAVIA_PREGENERATED_SSH_KEY_PATH} ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_PATH} cp -fp ${OCTAVIA_PREGENERATED_SSH_KEY_PATH}.pub ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_PATH}.pub chmod 0600 ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_PATH} else ssh-keygen -b $OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_BITS -t $OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_TYPE -N "" -f ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_PATH} fi iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker amp_ssh_key_name ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_NAME} # Used to communicate with the amphora over the mgmt network, may differ from amp_ssh_key in a real deployment. iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora key_path ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_PATH} if [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'main' ] || [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'standalone' ] || [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'api' ]; then recreate_database_mysql octavia octavia-db-manage upgrade head fi if [[ -a $OCTAVIA_CERTS_DIR ]] ; then rm -rf $OCTAVIA_CERTS_DIR fi if [[ "$(trueorfalse False OCTAVIA_USE_PREGENERATED_CERTS)" == "True" ]]; then cp -rfp ${OCTAVIA_PREGENERATED_CERTS_DIR} ${OCTAVIA_CERTS_DIR} else source $OCTAVIA_DIR/bin/create_certificates.sh $OCTAVIA_CERTS_DIR $OCTAVIA_DIR/etc/certificates/openssl.cnf fi iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora client_cert ${OCTAVIA_CERTS_DIR}/client.pem iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF haproxy_amphora server_ca ${OCTAVIA_CERTS_DIR}/ca_01.pem iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF certificates ca_certificate ${OCTAVIA_CERTS_DIR}/ca_01.pem iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF certificates ca_private_key ${OCTAVIA_CERTS_DIR}/private/cakey.pem iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF certificates ca_private_key_passphrase foobar # create dhclient.conf file for dhclient mkdir -m755 -p $OCTAVIA_DHCLIENT_DIR cp $OCTAVIA_DIR/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf $OCTAVIA_DHCLIENT_CONF if [[ "$OCTAVIA_USE_MOD_WSGI" == "True" ]]; then _configure_octavia_apache_wsgi fi } function create_mgmt_network_interface { if [ $OCTAVIA_MGMT_PORT_IP != 'auto' ]; then SUBNET_ID=$(neutron subnet-show lb-mgmt-subnet | awk '/ id / {print $4}') PORT_FIXED_IP="--fixed-ip subnet_id=$SUBNET_ID,ip_address=$OCTAVIA_MGMT_PORT_IP" fi # TODO(johnsom) Change this to OSC when security group is working id_and_mac=$(neutron port-create --name octavia-health-manager-$OCTAVIA_NODE-listen-port --security-group lb-health-mgr-sec-grp --device-owner Octavia:health-mgr --binding:host_id=$(hostname) lb-mgmt-net $PORT_FIXED_IP | awk '/ id | mac_address / {print $4}') id_and_mac=($id_and_mac) MGMT_PORT_ID=${id_and_mac[0]} MGMT_PORT_MAC=${id_and_mac[1]} # TODO(johnsom) This gets the IPv4 address, should be updated for IPv6 MGMT_PORT_IP=$(openstack port show -f value -c fixed_ips $MGMT_PORT_ID | awk '{FS=",| "; gsub(",",""); gsub("'\''",""); for(i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) {if ($i ~ /^ip_address/) {n=index($i, "="); if (substr($i, n+1) ~ "\\.") print substr($i, n+1)}}}') if [[ $Q_AGENT == "openvswitch" ]]; then sudo ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist add-port ${OVS_BRIDGE:-br-int} o-hm0 -- set Interface o-hm0 type=internal -- set Interface o-hm0 external-ids:iface-status=active -- set Interface o-hm0 external-ids:attached-mac=$MGMT_PORT_MAC -- set Interface o-hm0 external-ids:iface-id=$MGMT_PORT_ID -- set Interface o-hm0 external-ids:skip_cleanup=true elif [[ $Q_AGENT == "linuxbridge" ]]; then if ! ip link show o-hm0 ; then sudo ip link add o-hm0 type veth peer name o-bhm0 NETID=$(openstack network show lb-mgmt-net -c id -f value) BRNAME=brq$(echo $NETID|cut -c 1-11) sudo brctl addif $BRNAME o-bhm0 sudo ip link set o-bhm0 up fi fi sudo ip link set dev o-hm0 address $MGMT_PORT_MAC sudo dhclient -v o-hm0 -cf $OCTAVIA_DHCLIENT_CONF sudo iptables -I INPUT -i o-hm0 -p udp --dport 5555 -j ACCEPT if [ $OCTAVIA_CONTROLLER_IP_PORT_LIST == 'auto' ] ; then iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF health_manager controller_ip_port_list $MGMT_PORT_IP:$OCTAVIA_HM_LISTEN_PORT else iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF health_manager controller_ip_port_list $OCTAVIA_CONTROLLER_IP_PORT_LIST fi iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF health_manager bind_ip $MGMT_PORT_IP iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF health_manager bind_port $OCTAVIA_HM_LISTEN_PORT } function build_mgmt_network { # Create network and attach a subnet OCTAVIA_AMP_NETWORK_ID=$(openstack network create lb-mgmt-net | awk '/ id / {print $4}') OCTAVIA_AMP_SUBNET_ID=$(openstack subnet create --subnet-range $OCTAVIA_MGMT_SUBNET --allocation-pool start=$OCTAVIA_MGMT_SUBNET_START,end=$OCTAVIA_MGMT_SUBNET_END --network lb-mgmt-net lb-mgmt-subnet | awk '/ id / {print $4}') # Create security group and rules openstack security group create lb-mgmt-sec-grp openstack security group rule create --protocol icmp lb-mgmt-sec-grp openstack security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 22 lb-mgmt-sec-grp openstack security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 9443 lb-mgmt-sec-grp openstack security group rule create --protocol icmpv6 --ethertype IPv6 --remote-ip ::/0 lb-mgmt-sec-grp openstack security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 22 --ethertype IPv6 --remote-ip ::/0 lb-mgmt-sec-grp openstack security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 9443 --ethertype IPv6 --remote-ip ::/0 lb-mgmt-sec-grp # Create security group and rules openstack security group create lb-health-mgr-sec-grp openstack security group rule create --protocol udp --dst-port $OCTAVIA_HM_LISTEN_PORT lb-health-mgr-sec-grp openstack security group rule create --protocol udp --dst-port $OCTAVIA_HM_LISTEN_PORT --ethertype IPv6 --remote-ip ::/0 lb-health-mgr-sec-grp } function configure_lb_mgmt_sec_grp { OCTAVIA_MGMT_SEC_GRP_ID=$(openstack security group list | awk ' / lb-mgmt-sec-grp / {print $2}') iniset ${OCTAVIA_CONF} controller_worker amp_secgroup_list ${OCTAVIA_MGMT_SEC_GRP_ID} } function configure_octavia_tempest { # Load the amp_boot_network_list to tempest.conf and copy to tree # TODO (ptoohill): remove check when tempest structure merges if ! [ $OCTAVIA_TEMPEST == 'disabled' ] ; then iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG controller_worker amp_boot_network_list [$1] cp $TEMPEST_CONFIG $OCTAVIA_TEMPEST_DIR/etc fi } function create_amphora_flavor { # Pass even if it exists to avoid race condition on multinode openstack flavor create --id auto --ram 1024 --disk 2 --vcpus 1 --private m1.amphora -f value -c id || true amp_flavor_id=$(openstack flavor list --all -c ID -c Name | awk ' / m1.amphora / {print $2}') iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker amp_flavor_id $amp_flavor_id } function configure_octavia_api_haproxy { install_package haproxy cp ${OCTAVIA_DIR}/devstack/etc/octavia/haproxy.cfg ${OCTAVIA_CONF_DIR}/haproxy.cfg sed -i.bak "s/OCTAVIA_PORT/${OCTAVIA_PORT}/" ${OCTAVIA_CONF_DIR}/haproxy.cfg NODES=(${OCTAVIA_NODES//,/ }) for NODE in ${NODES[@]}; do DATA=(${NODE//:/ }) NAME=$(echo -e "${DATA[0]}" | tr -d '[[:space:]]') IP=$(echo -e "${DATA[1]}" | tr -d '[[:space:]]') echo " server octavia-${NAME} ${IP}:${OCTAVIA_HA_PORT} weight 1" >> ${OCTAVIA_CONF_DIR}/haproxy.cfg done } function octavia_start { # Several steps in this function would more logically be in the configure function, but # we need nova, glance, and neutron to be running. if [ $OCTAVIA_NODE != 'main' ] && [ $OCTAVIA_NODE != 'standalone' ] && [ $OCTAVIA_NODE != 'api' ]; then # without the other services enabled apparently we don't have # credentials at this point TOP_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) source ${TOP_DIR}/openrc admin admin fi if [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'main' ] || [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'standalone' ] ; then # things that should only happen on the ha main node / or once openstack keypair create --public-key ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_PATH}.pub ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_NAME} # Check if an amphora image is already loaded AMPHORA_IMAGE_NAME=$(openstack image list --property name=${OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_NAME} -f value -c Name) export AMPHORA_IMAGE_NAME if [ "$AMPHORA_IMAGE_NAME" == ${OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_NAME} ]; then echo "Found existing amphora image: $AMPHORA_IMAGE_NAME" echo "Skipping amphora image build" export DISABLE_AMP_IMAGE_BUILD=True fi if ! [ "$DISABLE_AMP_IMAGE_BUILD" == 'True' ]; then build_octavia_worker_image fi OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_ID=$(openstack image list -f value --property name=${OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_NAME} -c ID) if [ -n "$OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_ID" ]; then openstack image set --tag ${OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_TAG} ${OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_ID} fi # Create a management network. build_mgmt_network create_octavia_accounts # Adds service and endpoint if is_service_enabled tempest; then configure_octavia_tempest ${OCTAVIA_AMP_NETWORK_ID} fi fi if ! [ "$DISABLE_AMP_IMAGE_BUILD" == 'True' ]; then set_octavia_worker_image_owner_id fi if [ $OCTAVIA_NODE != 'api' ] ; then create_mgmt_network_interface create_amphora_flavor configure_lb_mgmt_sec_grp fi iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker amp_image_tag ${OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_TAG} OCTAVIA_AMP_NETWORK_ID=$(openstack network list | awk '/ lb-mgmt-net / {print $2}') iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF controller_worker amp_boot_network_list ${OCTAVIA_AMP_NETWORK_ID} if [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'main' ]; then configure_octavia_api_haproxy run_process $OCTAVIA_API_HAPROXY "/usr/sbin/haproxy -db -V -f ${OCTAVIA_CONF_DIR}/haproxy.cfg" # make sure octavia is reachable from haproxy iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF DEFAULT bind_port ${OCTAVIA_HA_PORT} iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF DEFAULT bind_host fi if [ $OCTAVIA_NODE != 'main' ] && [ $OCTAVIA_NODE != 'standalone' ] ; then # make sure octavia is reachable from haproxy from main node iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF DEFAULT bind_port ${OCTAVIA_HA_PORT} iniset $OCTAVIA_CONF DEFAULT bind_host fi if [[ "$OCTAVIA_USE_MOD_WSGI" == "True" ]]; then _start_octavia_apache_wsgi else run_process $OCTAVIA_API "$OCTAVIA_API_BINARY $OCTAVIA_API_ARGS" fi run_process $OCTAVIA_CONSUMER "$OCTAVIA_CONSUMER_BINARY $OCTAVIA_CONSUMER_ARGS" run_process $OCTAVIA_HOUSEKEEPER "$OCTAVIA_HOUSEKEEPER_BINARY $OCTAVIA_HOUSEKEEPER_ARGS" run_process $OCTAVIA_HEALTHMANAGER "$OCTAVIA_HEALTHMANAGER_BINARY $OCTAVIA_HEALTHMANAGER_ARGS" if [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'main' ] || [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'standalone' ] ; then add_load-balancer_roles fi } function octavia_stop { # octavia-specific stop actions if [[ "$OCTAVIA_USE_MOD_WSGI" == "True" ]]; then _stop_octavia_apache_wsgi else stop_process $OCTAVIA_API fi stop_process $OCTAVIA_CONSUMER stop_process $OCTAVIA_HOUSEKEEPER stop_process $OCTAVIA_HEALTHMANAGER # Kill dhclient process started for o-hm0 interface pids=$(ps aux | awk '/o-hm0/ { print $2 }') [ ! -z "$pids" ] && sudo kill $pids if [[ $Q_AGENT == "linuxbridge" ]]; then if ip link show o-hm0 ; then sudo ip link del o-hm0 fi fi } function octavia_configure_common { if is_service_enabled $OCTAVIA_SERVICE && [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'main' ] || [ $OCTAVIA_NODE = 'standalone' ] ; then inicomment $NEUTRON_LBAAS_CONF service_providers service_provider iniadd $NEUTRON_LBAAS_CONF service_providers service_provider $OCTAVIA_SERVICE_PROVIDER fi } function octavia_cleanup { if [ ${OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_NAME}x != x ] ; then rm -rf ${OCTAVIA_AMP_IMAGE_NAME}* fi if [ ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_NAME}x != x ] ; then rm -f ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_NAME}* fi if [ ${OCTAVIA_SSH_DIR}x != x ] ; then rm -rf ${OCTAVIA_SSH_DIR} fi if [ ${OCTAVIA_CONF_DIR}x != x ] ; then sudo rm -rf ${OCTAVIA_CONF_DIR} fi if [ ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_PATH}x != x ] ; then rm -f ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_PATH} ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_PATH}.pub fi if [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'main' ] || [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'standalone' ] ; then if [ ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_NAME}x != x ] ; then openstack keypair delete ${OCTAVIA_AMP_SSH_KEY_NAME} fi fi if [[ "$OCTAVIA_USE_MOD_WSGI" == "True" ]]; then _cleanup_octavia_apache_wsgi fi sudo rm -rf $NOVA_STATE_PATH $NOVA_AUTH_CACHE_DIR } function add_load-balancer_roles { openstack role create load-balancer_observer openstack role create load-balancer_global_observer openstack role create load-balancer_member openstack role create load-balancer_admin openstack role add --user demo --project demo load-balancer_member } # check for service enabled if is_service_enabled $OCTAVIA; then if [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'main' ] || [ $OCTAVIA_NODE == 'standalone' ] ; then # main-ha node stuff only if ! is_service_enabled $Q_SVC; then die "The neutron $Q_SVC service must be enabled to use $OCTAVIA" fi if [ "$DISABLE_AMP_IMAGE_BUILD" == 'True' ]; then echo "Found DISABLE_AMP_IMAGE_BUILD == True" echo "Skipping amphora image build" fi fi if [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "install" ]]; then # Perform installation of service source echo_summary "Installing octavia" octavia_install octaviaclient_install elif [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "post-config" ]]; then # Configure after the other layer 1 and 2 services have been configured # TODO: need to make sure this runs after LBaaS V2 configuration echo_summary "Configuring octavia" # octavia_configure_common octavia_configure elif [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "extra" ]]; then # Initialize and start the octavia service echo_summary "Initializing octavia" octavia_start fi fi if [[ "$1" == "unstack" ]]; then # Shut down Octavia services if is_service_enabled $OCTAVIA; then echo_summary "Stopping octavia" octavia_stop fi fi if [[ "$1" == "clean" ]]; then # Remember clean.sh first calls unstack.sh if is_service_enabled $OCTAVIA; then echo_summary "Cleaning up octavia" octavia_cleanup fi fi