/* * Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ digraph G { subgraph cluster0 { style=filled; color=gray75; label = "Controller"; queue [label="Queue\nConsumer", fontcolor=white, color=forestgreen, style=filled]; health [label="Health\nManager", fontcolor=white, color=forestgreen, style=filled]; house [label="Housekeeping\n(Spares/Cleanup)\nManager", fontcolor=white, color=forestgreen, style=filled]; ctrl [label="Controller\nWorker", fontcolor=white, color=forestgreen, style=filled, shape=hexagon]; proxy [label="Services\nProxy", fontcolor=white, color=forestgreen, style=filled]; subgraph cluster1 { style=filled; color=gray90; fontcolor=black; label = "Amphora Driver"; msg [label="Message\nHandler", fontcolor=white, color=forestgreen, style=filled]; config [label="Config\nHandler", fontcolor=white, color=forestgreen, style=filled]; stats [label="Stats\nHandler", fontcolor=white, color=forestgreen, style=filled]; log [label="Log\nHandler", fontcolor=black, color=forestgreen, style=dashed]; } health -> msg; } db [label="Database", fontcolor=white, color=dodgerblue, style=filled]; api [label="APIs", fontcolor=white, color=forestgreen, style=filled]; oslo [label="Oslo\nMessaging", fontcolor=white, color=dodgerblue, style=filled]; nova [label="Nova", fontcolor=white, color=dodgerblue, style=filled]; neutron [label="Neutron", fontcolor=white, color=dodgerblue, style=filled]; cert [label="Certificate\nLibrary", fontcolor=white, color=dodgerblue, style=filled]; bbq [label="Barbican", fontcolor=white, color=dodgerblue, style=filled]; swift [label="SWIFT", fontcolor=white, color=dodgerblue, style=filled]; ceilo [label="Ceilometer", fontcolor=white, color=dodgerblue, style=filled]; amp [label="Amphorae", fontcolor=black, color=coral2, style=filled]; ctrl -> queue [dir="both"]; db -> api -> oslo -> queue [dir="both"]; db -> ctrl [dir="both"]; db -> queue [dir="both"]; db -> health [dir="both"]; db -> house [dir="both"]; db -> msg [dir="both"]; nova -> ctrl [dir="both"]; nova -> house [dir="both"]; neutron -> ctrl [dir="both"]; neutron -> house [dir="both"]; proxy -> swift [dir="both"]; proxy -> amp [dir="both"]; cert -> ctrl [dir="both"]; cert -> bbq [dir="both"]; stats -> ceilo [dir="both"]; msg -> amp [ltail=cluster1]; msg -> amp [ltail=cluster1]; }