Change I612ea1c583090897bd44453b867d75929a01b7fc [1] removed diskimage-builder from the root requirements.txt file. Devstack deployments not setting LIBS_FROM_GIT+=diskimage-builder will not install diskimage-builder. This means our diskimage-create.sh tool will fail to build amphora images and abort the deployment. [1] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/741960/ Change-Id: Id535d2d5ea6c23c9646c568a17d7695f82c0c1a9
This directory contains the octavia devstack plugin. To configure octavia, in the local section you will need to enable the octavia devstack plugin and enable the octavia service by editing the local section of your local.conf file.
- Enable the plugin
To enable the octavia plugin, add a line of the form:
enable_plugin octavia <GITURL> [GITREF]
<GITURL> is the URL of an octavia repository
[GITREF] is an optional git ref (branch/ref/tag). The default is
For example
enable_plugin octavia https://opendev.org/openstack/octavia master
- Enable the Octavia services
For example
For more information, see the "Externally Hosted Plugins" section of https://docs.openstack.org/devstack/latest/plugins.html