
232 lines
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# Copyright 2014 Rackspace
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from oslo_db import exception as odb_exceptions
from oslo_utils import excutils
import pecan
from wsme import types as wtypes
from wsmeext import pecan as wsme_pecan
from octavia.api.v1.controllers import base
from octavia.api.v1.controllers import pool
from octavia.api.v1.types import listener as listener_types
from octavia.common import constants
from octavia.common import data_models
from octavia.common import exceptions
from octavia.db import api as db_api
from octavia.db import prepare as db_prepare
from octavia.i18n import _LI
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ListenersController(base.BaseController):
def __init__(self, load_balancer_id):
super(ListenersController, self).__init__()
self.load_balancer_id = load_balancer_id
self.handler = self.handler.listener
def _secure_data(listener):
# TODO(blogan): Handle this data when certificate management code is
# available
listener.tls_termination = wtypes.Unset
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(listener_types.ListenerResponse, wtypes.text)
def get_one(self, id):
"""Gets a single listener's details."""
context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context')
db_listener = self.repositories.listener.get(
context.session, load_balancer_id=self.load_balancer_id, id=id)
if not db_listener:
LOG.info(_LI("Listener %s not found."), id)
raise exceptions.NotFound(
resource=data_models.Listener._name(), id=id)
return self._convert_db_to_type(db_listener,
def get_all(self):
"""Lists all listeners on a load balancer."""
context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context')
db_listeners = self.repositories.listener.get_all(
context.session, load_balancer_id=self.load_balancer_id)
return self._convert_db_to_type(db_listeners,
def _test_lb_status_post(self, context, lb_repo):
"""Verify load balancer is in a mutable status for post method."""
if not lb_repo.test_and_set_provisioning_status(
context.session, self.load_balancer_id,
db_lb = lb_repo.get(context.session, id=self.load_balancer_id)
LOG.info(_LI("Load Balancer %s is immutable."), db_lb.id)
raise exceptions.ImmutableObject(resource=db_lb._name(),
def _validate_listeners(self, context, lb_repo, listener_dict):
"""Validate listeners for wrong protocol or duplicate listeners
Update the load balancer db when provisioning status changes.
sni_containers = listener_dict.pop('sni_containers', [])
db_listener = self.repositories.listener.create(
context.session, **listener_dict)
if sni_containers:
for sni_container in sni_containers:
context.session, **sni_container)
db_listener = self.repositories.listener.get(
context.session, id=db_listener.id)
except odb_exceptions.DBDuplicateEntry as de:
# Setting LB back to active because this is just a validation
# failure
lb_repo.update(context.session, self.load_balancer_id,
if ['id'] == de.columns:
raise exceptions.IDAlreadyExists()
elif set(['load_balancer_id', 'protocol_port']) == set(de.columns):
raise exceptions.DuplicateListenerEntry(
except odb_exceptions.DBError:
# Setting LB back to active because this is just a validation
# failure
lb_repo.update(context.session, self.load_balancer_id,
raise exceptions.InvalidOption(value=listener_dict.get('protocol'),
LOG.info(_LI("Sending Creation of Listener %s to handler"),
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False):
context.session, db_listener.id,
db_listener = self.repositories.listener.get(
context.session, id=db_listener.id)
return self._convert_db_to_type(db_listener,
body=listener_types.ListenerPOST, status_code=202)
def post(self, listener):
"""Creates a listener on a load balancer."""
context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context')
lb_repo = self.repositories.load_balancer
self._test_lb_status_post(context, lb_repo)
listener_dict = db_prepare.create_listener(
listener.to_dict(), self.load_balancer_id)
# This is the extra validation layer for wrong protocol or duplicate
# listeners on the same load balancer.
return self._validate_listeners(context, lb_repo, listener_dict)
def _test_lb_status_put(self, context, id):
"""Test load balancer status for put method."""
if not self.repositories.test_and_set_lb_and_listener_prov_status(
context.session, self.load_balancer_id, id,
constants.PENDING_UPDATE, constants.PENDING_UPDATE):
LOG.info(_LI("Load Balancer %s is immutable."),
lb_repo = self.repositories.load_balancer
db_lb = lb_repo.get(context.session, id=self.load_balancer_id)
raise exceptions.ImmutableObject(resource=db_lb._name(),
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(listener_types.ListenerResponse, wtypes.text,
body=listener_types.ListenerPUT, status_code=202)
def put(self, id, listener):
"""Updates a listener on a load balancer."""
context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context')
db_listener = self.repositories.listener.get(context.session, id=id)
if not db_listener:
LOG.info(_LI("Listener %s not found."), id)
raise exceptions.NotFound(
resource=data_models.Listener._name(), id=id)
# Verify load balancer is in a mutable status. If so it can be assumed
# that the listener is also in a mutable status because a load balancer
# will only be ACTIVE when all it's listeners as ACTIVE.
self._test_lb_status_put(context, id)
LOG.info(_LI("Sending Update of Listener %s to handler"), id)
self.handler.update(db_listener, listener)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False):
context.session, id, provisioning_status=constants.ERROR)
db_listener = self.repositories.listener.get(context.session, id=id)
return self._convert_db_to_type(db_listener,
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(None, wtypes.text, status_code=202)
def delete(self, id):
"""Deletes a listener from a load balancer."""
context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context')
db_listener = self.repositories.listener.get(context.session, id=id)
if not db_listener:
LOG.info(_LI("Listener %s not found."), id)
raise exceptions.NotFound(
resource=data_models.Listener._name(), id=id)
# Verify load balancer is in a mutable status. If so it can be assumed
# that the listener is also in a mutable status because a load balancer
# will only be ACTIVE when all it's listeners as ACTIVE.
if not self.repositories.test_and_set_lb_and_listener_prov_status(
context.session, self.load_balancer_id, id,
constants.PENDING_UPDATE, constants.PENDING_DELETE):
lb_repo = self.repositories.load_balancer
db_lb = lb_repo.get(context.session, id=self.load_balancer_id)
raise exceptions.ImmutableObject(resource=db_lb._name(),
db_listener = self.repositories.listener.get(context.session, id=id)
LOG.info(_LI("Sending Deletion of Listener %s to handler"),
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False):
context.session, db_listener.id,
db_listener = self.repositories.listener.get(
context.session, id=db_listener.id)
return self._convert_db_to_type(db_listener,
def _lookup(self, listener_id, *remainder):
"""Overriden pecan _lookup method for custom routing.
Verifies that the listener passed in the url exists, and if so decides
which controller, if any, should control be passed.
session = db_api.get_session()
if listener_id and len(remainder) and remainder[0] == 'pools':
remainder = remainder[1:]
db_listener = self.repositories.listener.get(
session, id=listener_id)
if not db_listener:
LOG.info(_LI("Listener %s not found."), listener_id)
raise exceptions.NotFound(
resource=data_models.Listener._name(), id=listener_id)
return pool.PoolsController(load_balancer_id=self.load_balancer_id,
listener_id=db_listener.id), remainder