
460 lines
20 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import datetime
import time
import timeit
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
import sqlalchemy
from stevedore import driver as stevedore_driver
from octavia.common import constants
from octavia.common import stats
from octavia.controller.healthmanager.health_drivers import update_base
from octavia.db import api as db_api
from octavia.db import repositories as repo
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class UpdateHealthDb(update_base.HealthUpdateBase):
def __init__(self):
super(UpdateHealthDb, self).__init__()
# first setup repo for amphora, listener,member(nodes),pool repo
self.amphora_repo = repo.AmphoraRepository()
self.amphora_health_repo = repo.AmphoraHealthRepository()
self.listener_repo = repo.ListenerRepository()
self.loadbalancer_repo = repo.LoadBalancerRepository()
self.member_repo = repo.MemberRepository()
self.pool_repo = repo.PoolRepository()
def _update_status(self, session, repo, entity_type,
entity_id, new_op_status, old_op_status):
message = {}
if old_op_status.lower() != new_op_status.lower():
LOG.debug("%s %s status has changed from %s to "
"%s, updating db.",
entity_type, entity_id, old_op_status,
repo.update(session, entity_id, operating_status=new_op_status)
# Map the status for neutron-lbaas compatibility
if new_op_status == constants.DRAINING:
new_op_status = constants.ONLINE
message.update({constants.OPERATING_STATUS: new_op_status})
def update_health(self, health, srcaddr):
# The executor will eat any exceptions from the update_health code
# so we need to wrap it and log the unhandled exception
start_time = timeit.default_timer()
self._update_health(health, srcaddr)
except Exception as e:
LOG.exception('Health update for amphora %(amp)s encountered '
'error %(err)s. Skipping health update.',
{'amp': health['id'], 'err': e})
# TODO(johnsom) We need to set a warning threshold here
LOG.debug('Health Update finished in: %s seconds',
timeit.default_timer() - start_time)
# Health heartbeat messsage pre-versioning with UDP listeners
# need to adjust the expected listener count
# This is for backward compatibility with Rocky pre-versioning
# heartbeat amphora.
def _update_listener_count_for_UDP(self, session, db_lb,
# For udp listener, the udp health won't send out by amp agent.
# Once the default_pool of udp listener have the first enabled
# member, then the health will be sent out. So during this
# period, need to figure out the udp listener and ignore them
# by changing expected_listener_count.
for list_id, list_db in db_lb.get('listeners', {}).items():
need_remove = False
if list_db['protocol'] == constants.PROTOCOL_UDP:
listener = self.listener_repo.get(session, id=list_id)
enabled_members = ([member
for member in
if member.enabled]
if listener.default_pool else [])
if listener.default_pool:
if not listener.default_pool.members:
need_remove = True
elif not enabled_members:
need_remove = True
need_remove = True
if need_remove:
expected_listener_count = expected_listener_count - 1
return expected_listener_count
def _update_health(self, health, srcaddr):
"""This function is to update db info based on amphora status
:param health: map object that contains amphora, listener, member info
:type map: string
:returns: null
The input health data structure is shown as below::
health = {
"id": self.FAKE_UUID_1,
"listeners": {
"listener-id-1": {"status": constants.OPEN, "pools": {
"pool-id-1": {"status": constants.UP,
"members": {
"member-id-1": constants.ONLINE}
session = db_api.get_session()
# We need to see if all of the listeners are reporting in
db_lb = self.amphora_repo.get_lb_for_health_update(session,
ignore_listener_count = False
if db_lb:
expected_listener_count = len(db_lb.get('listeners', {}))
if 'PENDING' in db_lb['provisioning_status']:
ignore_listener_count = True
# If this is a heartbeat older than versioning, handle
# UDP special for backward compatibility.
if 'ver' not in health:
udp_listeners = [
l for k, l in db_lb.get('listeners', {}).items()
if l['protocol'] == constants.PROTOCOL_UDP]
if udp_listeners:
expected_listener_count = (
session, db_lb, expected_listener_count))
# If this is not a spare amp, log and skip it.
amp = self.amphora_repo.get(session, id=health['id'])
if not amp or amp.load_balancer_id:
# This is debug and not warning because this can happen under
# normal deleting operations.
LOG.debug('Received a health heartbeat from amphora %s with '
'IP %s that should not exist. This amphora may be '
'in the process of being deleted, in which case you '
'will only see this message a few '
'times', health['id'], srcaddr)
if not amp:
LOG.warning('The amphora %s with IP %s is missing from '
'the DB, so it cannot be automatically '
'deleted (the compute_id is unknown). An '
'operator must manually delete it from the '
'compute service.', health['id'], srcaddr)
# delete the amp right there
compute = stevedore_driver.DriverManager(
except Exception as e:
LOG.info("Error deleting amp %s with IP %s Error: %s",
health['id'], srcaddr, e)
expected_listener_count = 0
listeners = health['listeners']
# Do not update amphora health if the reporting listener count
# does not match the expected listener count
if len(listeners) == expected_listener_count or ignore_listener_count:
lock_session = db_api.get_session(autocommit=False)
# if we're running too far behind, warn and bail
proc_delay = time.time() - health['recv_time']
hb_interval = CONF.health_manager.heartbeat_interval
# TODO(johnsom) We need to set a warning threshold here, and
# escalate to critical when it reaches the
# heartbeat_interval
if proc_delay >= hb_interval:
LOG.warning('Amphora %(id)s health message was processed too '
'slowly: %(delay)ss! The system may be overloaded '
'or otherwise malfunctioning. This heartbeat has '
'been ignored and no update was made to the '
'amphora health entry. THIS IS NOT GOOD.',
{'id': health['id'], 'delay': proc_delay})
# if the input amphora is healthy, we update its db info
lock_session, health['id'],
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.warning('Amphora %(id)s health message reports %(found)i '
'listeners when %(expected)i expected',
{'id': health['id'], 'found': len(listeners),
'expected': expected_listener_count})
# Don't try to update status for spares pool amphora
if not db_lb:
processed_pools = []
potential_offline_pools = {}
# We got a heartbeat so lb is healthy until proven otherwise
if db_lb['enabled'] is False:
lb_status = constants.OFFLINE
lb_status = constants.ONLINE
for listener_id in db_lb.get('listeners', {}):
db_op_status = db_lb['listeners'][listener_id]['operating_status']
listener_status = None
listener = None
if listener_id not in listeners:
listener_status = constants.OFFLINE
listener = listeners[listener_id]
# OPEN = HAProxy listener status nbconn < maxconn
if listener.get('status') == constants.OPEN:
listener_status = constants.ONLINE
# FULL = HAProxy listener status not nbconn < maxconn
elif listener.get('status') == constants.FULL:
listener_status = constants.DEGRADED
if lb_status == constants.ONLINE:
lb_status = constants.DEGRADED
LOG.warning(('Listener %(list)s reported status of '
{'list': listener_id,
'status': listener.get('status')})
if (listener_status is not None and
listener_status != db_op_status):
session, self.listener_repo, constants.LISTENER,
listener_id, listener_status, db_op_status)
except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
LOG.error("Listener %s is not in DB", listener_id)
if not listener:
pools = listener['pools']
for db_pool_id in db_lb.get('pools', {}):
# If we saw this pool already on another listener
# skip it.
if db_pool_id in processed_pools:
db_pool_dict = db_lb['pools'][db_pool_id]
lb_status = self._process_pool_status(
session, db_pool_id, db_pool_dict, pools,
lb_status, processed_pools, potential_offline_pools)
for pool_id in potential_offline_pools:
# Skip if we eventually found a status for this pool
if pool_id in processed_pools:
# If the database doesn't already show the pool offline, update
if potential_offline_pools[pool_id] != constants.OFFLINE:
session, self.pool_repo, constants.POOL,
pool_id, constants.OFFLINE,
except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
LOG.error("Pool %s is not in DB", pool_id)
# Update the load balancer status last
if lb_status != db_lb['operating_status']:
session, self.loadbalancer_repo,
constants.LOADBALANCER, db_lb['id'], lb_status,
except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
LOG.error("Load balancer %s is not in DB", db_lb.id)
def _process_pool_status(
self, session, pool_id, db_pool_dict, pools, lb_status,
processed_pools, potential_offline_pools):
pool_status = None
if pool_id not in pools:
# If we don't have a status update for this pool_id
# add it to the list of potential offline pools and continue.
# We will check the potential offline pool list after we
# finish processing the status updates from all of the listeners.
potential_offline_pools[pool_id] = db_pool_dict['operating_status']
return lb_status
pool = pools[pool_id]
# UP = HAProxy backend has working or no servers
if pool.get('status') == constants.UP:
pool_status = constants.ONLINE
# DOWN = HAProxy backend has no working servers
elif pool.get('status') == constants.DOWN:
pool_status = constants.ERROR
lb_status = constants.ERROR
LOG.warning(('Pool %(pool)s reported status of '
{'pool': pool_id,
'status': pool.get('status')})
# Deal with the members that are reporting from
# the Amphora
members = pool['members']
for member_id in db_pool_dict.get('members', {}):
member_status = None
member_db_status = (
if member_id not in members:
if member_db_status != constants.NO_MONITOR:
member_status = constants.OFFLINE
status = members[member_id]
# Member status can be "UP" or "UP #/#"
# (transitional)
if status.startswith(constants.UP):
member_status = constants.ONLINE
# Member status can be "DOWN" or "DOWN #/#"
# (transitional)
elif status.startswith(constants.DOWN):
member_status = constants.ERROR
if pool_status == constants.ONLINE:
pool_status = constants.DEGRADED
if lb_status == constants.ONLINE:
lb_status = constants.DEGRADED
elif status == constants.DRAIN:
member_status = constants.DRAINING
elif status == constants.MAINT:
member_status = constants.OFFLINE
elif status == constants.NO_CHECK:
member_status = constants.NO_MONITOR
LOG.warning('Member %(mem)s reported '
'status of %(status)s',
{'mem': member_id,
'status': status})
if (member_status is not None and
member_status != member_db_status):
session, self.member_repo, constants.MEMBER,
member_id, member_status, member_db_status)
except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
LOG.error("Member %s is not able to update "
"in DB", member_id)
if (pool_status is not None and
pool_status != db_pool_dict['operating_status']):
session, self.pool_repo, constants.POOL,
pool_id, pool_status, db_pool_dict['operating_status'])
except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
LOG.error("Pool %s is not in DB", pool_id)
return lb_status
class UpdateStatsDb(update_base.StatsUpdateBase, stats.StatsMixin):
def __init__(self):
super(UpdateStatsDb, self).__init__()
self.repo_listener = repo.ListenerRepository()
def update_stats(self, health_message, srcaddr):
# The executor will eat any exceptions from the update_stats code
# so we need to wrap it and log the unhandled exception
self._update_stats(health_message, srcaddr)
except Exception:
LOG.exception('update_stats encountered an unknown error '
'processing stats for amphora %s with IP '
'%s', health_message['id'], srcaddr)
def _update_stats(self, health_message, srcaddr):
"""This function is to update the db with listener stats
:param health_message: The health message containing the listener stats
:type map: string
:returns: null
health = {
"id": self.FAKE_UUID_1,
"listeners": {
"listener-id-1": {
"status": constants.OPEN,
"stats": {
"conns": 0,
"totconns": 0,
"rx": 0,
"tx": 0,
"pools": {
"pool-id-1": {
"status": constants.UP,
"members": {"member-id-1": constants.ONLINE}
session = db_api.get_session()
amphora_id = health_message['id']
listeners = health_message['listeners']
for listener_id, listener in listeners.items():
stats = listener.get('stats')
stats = {'bytes_in': stats['rx'], 'bytes_out': stats['tx'],
'active_connections': stats['conns'],
'total_connections': stats['totconns'],
'request_errors': stats['ereq']}
LOG.debug("Updating listener stats in db and sending event.")
LOG.debug("Listener %s / Amphora %s stats: %s",
listener_id, amphora_id, stats)
session, listener_id, amphora_id, **stats)